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Objective: Seeing that God still blesses people even when they fail in living moral lives, and realizing that not all families are perfect.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: Seeing that God still blesses people even when they fail in living moral lives, and realizing that not all families are perfect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: Seeing that God still blesses people even when they fail in living moral lives, and realizing that not all families are perfect.

2 Opening Prayer Anytime we read scripture, it’s great to take time to ask the Holy Spirit, who inspired the scriptures, to open our eyes, ears, minds and hearts to hear what he wants to teach us.  Heavenly Father, through these words help me understand the things you wish to teach me.  Dear Jesus, through these words let me feel the love you have for me as you feel your Father’s love for you.  Holy Spirit, through these words inspire me to live as a follower of Jesus and bring your love to everyone I meet today.  Amen

3 Isaac’s Boys

4 Rebecca was barren; Isaac prayed for her to have children The pregnancy was difficult; the twins struggled in the womb Rebecca prayed and received a prophecy from God about Jacob before his birth “Two nations are within you; You will give birth to two rival peoples, One will be stronger than the other; The older will serve the younger.” (Gen 25:23)

5 Grandson of Abraham & Sarah Son of Isaac & Rebecca Older twin brother Esau – means “hairy” or “red” Jacob – means “supplanter” or “cheater” Favored by his mother, Rebecca Faithful to God and Abraham, unlike his brother The first one was reddish, and his skin was like a hairy robe, so he was named Esau. The second one was born holding on tightly to the heel of Esau, so he was named Jacob. (Gen 25:25-26)

6 Esau was a skilled hunter; Jacob was quiet and stayed home Jacob tricked his brother into trading his birthright for a bowl of soup Jacob, with his mother’s help, later tricked his father into giving him the final blessing that was intended for Esau Jacob becomes the spiritual leader of the family after Isaac's death and the heir of the promises of Abraham One day while Jacob was cooking some bean soup, Esau came in from hunting. He was hungry and said to Jacob, “I’m starving; give me some of that red stuff.” (Gen 25:29-30)

7 Fearing that Esau would kill his brother. Rebecca tells Jacob to go to Haran Adding to the deception, Rebecca convinces Isaac to send Jacob to Haran to find a suitable wife Rebecca said to Isaac, “I am sick and tired of Esau’s foreign wives. If Jacob also marries one of these Hittites, I might as well die.” (Gen 27:46)

8 Esau married two Canaanite women in violation of Abraham’s (and God’s) command not to take Canaanite wives Having foreign wives meant Esau’s children were not in the Abrahamic line, making Jacob the legitimate heir Esau later married one of the daughters of Ishmael to appease his father Esau then understood that his father Isaac did not approve of Canaanite women. (Gen 28:8) The Canaanites worshipped many gods and idols. Their practices were immoral and sometimes included sorcery and human sacrifice.

9 On his way to Haran, God speaks to Jacob in a dream God confirms the third part of the Covenant that Jacob’s descendants will be a great nation and through them all nations will be blessed (Gen 28:13-14) He dreamed that he saw a stairway reaching from earth to heaven, with angels going up and coming down on it. And there was the Lord standing beside him. (Gen 28:12- 13)

10 Difficulty having children Messages from God in a vision or dream Birthright not given to firstborn son Travelling back to ancestral country for a wife Shepherding the flock Sibling Rivalry

11 Jacob flees for his life Jacob is on the receiving end of deception Jacob takes a wife—or two To be continued… The plot thickens when Jacob arrives in Haran and set’s his eyes on Laban’s daughter, Rachel.

12 Go to your rooms for Small Group Return to this room for the final 15 minutes for our closing reflection

13 Friday, Oct 25……………Cagle Corn Maze Oct 27……………………..Faith Exploration Day (FED) Oct 27 & 30………………No PSR Nov 3 & 6.......................Rachel & Leah Nov 10............................Catechist Certification Day Nov 10 & 13....................No PSR

14 Why don’t these people in scripture listen to God?

15 Stories about families who don’t always get along People who don’t make good decisions Sometimes the people in scripture don’t listen to God They don’t do exactly what God wants Why???

16 The Bible teaches by example…both good and bad God keeps trying to bring them…and us…into a Covenant with Him A Covenant is a sacred family bond God wants what is BEST for us

17 God, let me see your hand active in each stage of my life. We pray to the Lord. R: Lord, hear our prayer. God, you break through into our world in many different ways. Help me recognize your presence. We pray to the Lord. R: Lord, hear our prayer. God, give me the confidence I need to always be myself so my family can embrace the true me. We pray to the Lord. R: Lord, hear our prayer. God, help me to deal honestly with others and to rely on truth rather than trickery. We pray to the Lord. R: Lord, hear our prayer.

18 Closing Prayer  Dear God,  I don’t often say thanks for my siblings. Usually, I complain to you about them. We argue, we fight, and we get in one another’s way. We also laugh a lot and have fun together. Deep down, I love them, and I know they love me. So thank you, God, for sisters and brothers. Please keep them safe and happy.  Amen

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