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The Elizabethan Era 1558-1603. Time associated with Queen Elizabeth I reign (1558–1603) Often considered to be the Golden Age in English history It was.

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Presentation on theme: "The Elizabethan Era 1558-1603. Time associated with Queen Elizabeth I reign (1558–1603) Often considered to be the Golden Age in English history It was."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Elizabethan Era 1558-1603

2 Time associated with Queen Elizabeth I reign (1558–1603) Often considered to be the Golden Age in English history It was the height of the English Renaissance –poetry, music, literature, theater It was an age of exploration and expansion abroad the Protestant Reformation became more acceptable to the people


4 Living Conditions Most people were very poor Raw sewage in the Thames River Many diseases (Typhoid, Bubonic plague, smallpox, syphilis, scurvy, malaria) People only bathed two or three times a year Thought diseases spread through odor, not germs.

5 Person infected with smallpox

6 Fashion Statutes of Apparel Clothes for the wealthy –Satin, lace, silk, felt, cotton, furs, taffeta –Crimson, silver, gold, purple, dark blue, black and white –Big collars –Very pale skin, high foreheads Clothes for the poor –Cotton, flax, wool, linen –Brown, yellow, orange, green, gray, russet, pale blue, pink –

7 Education Only boys went to school – Grammar School Girls from wealthy families were allowed to be taught at home

8 Entertainment Feasts - A large, elaborately prepared meal, usually for many persons and often accompanied by court entertainment. Often celebrated religious festivals Banquets - A ceremonial dinner honoring a particular guest Fairs - The Annual Summer Fair was often a bawdy affair Plays - Starting as plays enacted in town squares followed by the actors using the courtyards of taverns or inns ( referred to as Inn-yards ) followed by the first theatres ( great open air amphitheatres built in the same style as the Roman Coliseum ) and then the introduction of indoor theatres called Playhouses

9 Mystery Plays - Re-enacting stories from the Bible Festivals - Celebrating Church festivals Dancing - Elizabethan dances enjoyed by the Upper Classes, Royalty and Nobility Jousts / Tournaments - A series of tilting matches between knights Games and Sports - archery, bowling, cards, dice, hammer-throwing, and wrestling Animal Sports - Including Bear and Bull baiting. Dog and Cock fighting Hunting - Sport followed by the nobility often using dogs Hawking - Sport followed by the nobility with hawks

10 Romance Courtly Love!!!

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