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Man on the Move Chapter 13 Romans 15:8 – 16:27. Key word: ministry –Three different words for ministry Servant or service in Rom. 18:8,25,31, & 16:1 –Deacon.

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Presentation on theme: "Man on the Move Chapter 13 Romans 15:8 – 16:27. Key word: ministry –Three different words for ministry Servant or service in Rom. 18:8,25,31, & 16:1 –Deacon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Man on the Move Chapter 13 Romans 15:8 – 16:27

2 Key word: ministry –Three different words for ministry Servant or service in Rom. 18:8,25,31, & 16:1 –Deacon from this word diakonon Service in public office in the temple In Rom 15:16 only “to perform sacred rites, to minister in a priestly service” The Ministry of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles (15:8-13) –To the Jews first Apostles (Matt 10:5-6) Ministered to some Gentiles (Matt 8:5-13, 15:21-28)

3 Acts 1-7 to the Jews Acts 8 to the Samaritans Acts 10 to the Gentiles Paul in Roman Empire –God chose Israel to minister to the Gentiles –The Jews glorify God among the Gentiles Rom 15:9, Ps 18:49) –The Gentiles rejoice with the Gentiles (:10, Deut. 32:34) –All the Jews and Gentiles praise God (:11, Ps 117:1)

4 –Christ shall reign over the Jews and Gentiles (:12, Isa 11:10) –Rom 15:8 covers the period of the gospel & Acts 1-7 –Rom 15:9 describes Paul’s ministry –Rom 15:10 applies to the church council in Acts 15 revealing equal status of the Jews & Gentiles Paul’s Ministry to the Gentiles (15:14- 24) –It was received by grace (14-15) Paul’s life in Acts 9

5 God’s grace that saved him & called him to be an apostle (I Cor 15:8-11) –It was centered in the gospel (16) Minister: emphasis on priestly service Paul as a priest offering Gentiles to God Trinity: minister of Jesus Christ; preached the gospel of God; served in the power of the Holy Ghost who sanctified his ministry for the preachin –It was done for God’s glory )17) Glory: boast; about what God has done, not about his ministry –It was done by God’s power (18-19) Signs & wonders: purpose to open the way

6 For preaching of the gospel (Acts 14: man in Lystra) Purpose of sharing God’s Word “to make the Gentiles obedient” –Change in conduct & character are miracles –It was according to God’s plan (20-24) Preach where no other apostle had ministered Trailblazer or pioneer In another person’s la to the Jewsbor (John 4:38) Isa 52:15 Paul’s desire to visit Rome & Spain The Gentiles’ Ministry to the Jews (25- 33)

7 –Special offering for the suffering saints in Jerusalem (II Cor 8-9) Spiritual wealth & physical wealth Purpose for the special offering –Expression of love from the Gentiles toward the Jews –Practical relief for the poor Jewish believers –Help to unite the Jews & Gentiles in the church Offering –Gentiles as debtors to the Jews »Praying fpr Israel, sharing the gospel, & helping in a material way –Fruits (28) Strive together (30) –Wrestling or aim together

8 The Believers’ Ministry to Paul (16:1-27) –Some friends to greet Phebe –Servants deaconess) »Visiting the sick, assisting the young women, & helping the poor (succorer) Priscilla & Aquila (Acts 18:1-3, 18-19, 26) Beloved –Epaenetus (5) –Amplias (8) –Stachys (9) –Persis (12) Andronicus & Junias –Kinsmen Rufus (13)

9 –Some foes to avoid (17-20) Those dividing the churches by teaching false doctrines Mark (identify) & maintain a consistent testimony –Some faithful servants to honor (21-27) Timothy, Paul’s son in the faith Lucius, Jason, Sosipater (Jews) Tertius who wrote Paul’s letter & spoke this verse (22) Gaius in Corinth Erastus, treasurer of the city –Romans 16:24 written by Paul’s own hands as an official seal

10 The study of Romans should make us more stable in the faith & more excited to share Christ with others Result: “To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ for ever” (27)

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