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Chapter Four Characters  Ezeani – (e-ZEE-nee) priest of Ani, the earth goddess, who decided Okonkwo’s punishment  Ojiugo – (o-JOO-go) youngest wife of.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter Four Characters  Ezeani – (e-ZEE-nee) priest of Ani, the earth goddess, who decided Okonkwo’s punishment  Ojiugo – (o-JOO-go) youngest wife of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter Four Characters  Ezeani – (e-ZEE-nee) priest of Ani, the earth goddess, who decided Okonkwo’s punishment  Ojiugo – (o-JOO-go) youngest wife of Okonkwo  Ezeudu – (e-ZOO-doo) oldest man in Umuofia  Amadiora – (ah-ma-dee-OR-a) god of farming weather

2 Chapter Five Characters  Ekwefi – (ek-WEE-fee) second wife of Okonkwo, former village beauty who left first husband to be with Okonkwo  Ezinma – (e-ZEEN-ma) only daughter of Okonkwo and Ekwefi  Obiageli – (oh-bya-JEL-ee) sister of Nwoye  Nkechi – (en-KEE-chee) daughter of Okonkwo and Ojiugo

3 Chapter Six Characters  Maduka – (ma-DOO-ka) teenage boy who showed skills at wrestling, son of Obierika  Chielo – (CHEE-lo) priestess of Agbala, Oracle of the Hills and Caves, friend to Ekwefi

4 Analyze the following quotes:  Those whose palm-kernels were cracked for them by a benevolent spirit should not forget to be humble. (p. 26)  “I will not have a son who cannot hold up his head in the gathering of the clan. I would sooner strangle him. (p. 33)  Nwoye’s younger brothers were about to tell their mother the story of the accident when Ikemefuna looked at them sternly and they held their peace. (p.43)  Okonkwo sprang to his feet and quickly sat down again. (p. 47)

5 Homework due Wednesday  Read Chapter 7 of Things Fall Apart.  Write in your notebook two open-ended discussion questions for each chapter.

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