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“Like the Sun” Literary and Vocab terms. Conflict An open clash between two opposing groups Internal External Example: Internal conflict – your friends.

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Presentation on theme: "“Like the Sun” Literary and Vocab terms. Conflict An open clash between two opposing groups Internal External Example: Internal conflict – your friends."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Like the Sun” Literary and Vocab terms

2 Conflict An open clash between two opposing groups Internal External Example: Internal conflict – your friends invite you to a movie, but you need to study for a big exam. External conflict – Batman has an external conflict with the Joker

3 Allusion an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference. Example John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men book title alludes to Robert Burns’ poem “To a Mouse” Line from Burns’ poem. The best laid schemes of mice and men often go awry The allusion to the poem references the fact that George and Lenny’s plan for a farm with rabbits will not work out.

4 Denotation The most direct or specific meaning of a word or expression; the dictionary meaning of a word Example The denotation of scrawl is to write carelessly

5 Connotation An idea that is implied or suggested; the feeling you get from a word Example The connotation of scrawl implies a person writing this way is lazy, sloppy, and unorganized.

6 Inference Drawing a conclusion on the basis of circumstantial evidence Example If you see a couple fighting in the hallway and then storming away from each other, you can infer that they broke up.

7 Characterization The act of describing or inferring essential features of a character Example

8 Foreshadowing The act of providing vague advance indications Example The famous Jaws music foreshadows a shark attack.

9 Tone A quality that reveals the attitudes of the author Example

10 Moral dilemma A state of uncertainty in a choice between unfavorable options based on ones principles of right and wrong Example You see a masked man robs a bank, but he gives the money to an orphanage. Should you call the police? Is honesty the best policy when it hurts a family member’s/friend’s feelings?

11 Symbol Something visible that represents something invisible Example Bald eagle may symbolize American courage and freedom. White doves may symbolize peace.

12 ingratiating Calculated to please or gain favor Example After getting caught breaking curfew, Cameron gave his mom an ingratiating smile in an attempt to get out of trouble.

13 shirk To avoid one’s assigned duties Example The athletes who shirked their homework assignments were unable to play in the district championship.

14 scrawl To write carelessly Example The students scrawled illegible notes on their papers as the teacher quickly went through his lecture.

15 tentatively In a hesitant manner Example Aside from a few tentatively raised hands, the room was otherwise silent.

16 scrutinize To examine carefully for accuracy Example Teachers must thoroughly scrutinize student essays effective persuasive writing.

17 Culinary Of or relating to or used in cooking Example Organizers called the World Gravy Wrestling Championships "one of the world's craziest culinary competitions."

18 increment The amount by which something increases Example The raises will happen over three years in $1,000, $1,500 and $2,000 increments.

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