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Our Field Study to the….. Chelsey Cole Kim Henderson Hope Putnam Angie Taub

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1 Our Field Study to the….. Chelsey Cole Kim Henderson Hope Putnam Angie Taub

2 Third Grade Standards Used Language Arts: 4.02 Use oral and written language to: present information in a sequenced, logical manner. discuss. sustain conversation on a topic. share information and ideas. recount or narrate. answer open-ended questions. report information on a topic. explain own learning. 4.03 Share written and oral products in a variety of ways (e.g., author's chair, book making, publications, discussions, presentations).

3 Math 1.02 Develop fluency with multi-digit addition and subtraction through 9,999 using: 1.Strategies for adding and subtracting numbers. 2.Estimation of sums and differences in appropriate situations. 3.Relationships between operations. Science 1.02 Observe and describe how environmental conditions determine how well plants survive and grow in a particular environment. Social Studies 2.02 Analyze similarities and differences among families in different times and in different places. 3.02 Describe how individuals, events, and ideas change over time.

4 After participating in a field study to the Bostic Lincoln Center, the students will be heterogeneously divided into groups of 4. Each group will be responsible for creating a bio-cube. Using Power Point, each student will select, research, and design a face on the bio-cube. Specific guidelines will be provided. The group as a whole will be responsible for creating a title “bio- face” (top) and works cited “bio-face” (bottom). Each group will give an oral presentation of their bio-cube. (The individual members will present their “face”.) A project rubric will be used for assessment.

5 o Think about our hike to see Abraham Lincoln’s birth place. What types of plants did you notice? Were there any insects or animals? How about water or sunlight? o On this face of the Bio-Cube create a graphic organizer in, listing what conditions in the environment help the plants thrive and survive here. o On an index card create 2 questions about the Science information you discovered. Place these inside of your group Bio-Cube.


7 Topics to choose from 1-Bostic Community 2-Abraham Lincoln life before becoming President 3-Abraham Lincoln life as President Use the internet to research your chosen topic. Record the data in a word document. Use the link provided to put it in a horizontal or vertical timeline format. * Include two math questions from the information you found through your research to add to the inside of the bio-cube.


9 Create a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the Bostic Community in the 1800’s and today. Copy and Paste your Venn Diagram in power point. Print and cut your power point page and glue to one face on your group’s bio-cube. Write two questions on index cards that can be answered using your Venn Diagram. You can use the following to create a Venn Diagram – – Microsoft Word


11 Research the life and times of Abraham Lincoln. Using Power Point create the Language Arts face to the bio-cube. On your bio-cube face include at least 7 interesting facts that you learned about Lincoln. Write two questions on index cards about your Language Arts bio-face.

12 Fun and Interesting Facts  Abraham Lincoln never went to college!  He was a lawyer  He was inaugurated at the age of 52!  He made $25,000 a year being president.  He is the tallest U.S. president standing at 6 feet four inches.  He was the first president to have a beard!  His favorite sport was wrestling.


14 Works Cited Penny Picture

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