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THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 RevolutionsIndustrial Revolution ImperialismFamous Faces NationalismVocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 RevolutionsIndustrial Revolution ImperialismFamous Faces NationalismVocabulary."— Presentation transcript:




4 With Host... Your

5 100 200 300 400 500 RevolutionsIndustrial Revolution ImperialismFamous Faces NationalismVocabulary

6 Members of this group formed the National Assembly and agreed to the Tennis Court Oath to protest economic and political conditions in France in the late 1780s. A 100

7 Who are the Third Estate? A 100

8 Colonists in British North America protested the economic and political restraints placed on them to help recover the costs of this important war for global domination. A 200

9 What is the Seven Years’ War (or French and Indian War)? A 200

10 In an effort to free themselves from French rule, the people of Hispaniola revolted under this former slaves leadership. A 300

11 Who is Toussaint L’Ouverture? A 300

12 Seeking more individual freedoms from their harsh monarchical rulers, the people of France, Germany, Austria and other European nations rebelled in these collective revolutions. A 400

13 What are the Revolutions of 1848? A 400

14 After the defeat of Napoleon in 1815, absolute monarchs from across Europe met here to establish guidelines to end the cycle of revolution. A 500

15 What is the Congress of Vienna? A 500

16 This industry was the first to reap the benefits of the Industrial Revolution? B 100

17 What is the cotton textile industry? B 100

18 A part of the Agricultural Revolution, this movement created a large labor forces in the urban areas of England, by forcing sharecroppers off the land. B 200

19 What is the Enclosure Movement? B 200

20 Developed by Thomas Newcomen and James Watt, this invention radically improved the mechanization of manufacturing along with transportation in the 19 th century. B 300

21 What is the steam engine? B 300

22 The last of the following countries to become industrialized: France, Belgium, Russia, Germany. B 400

23 What is Russia? B 400

24 Of the following, the one that was NOT one of the 5 revolutionary innovations involved in industrialization: Increase in Iron Supply Mechanization Invention of the Time Clock Steam Engine Division of Labor B 500

25 What is the invention of the time clock? B 500

26 In an effort to control the lucrative diamond industry in Southern Africa, the British fought the Afrikaners and this indigenous tribe. C 100

27 Who are the Zulu? C 100

28 The product Britain introduced to China to gain a favorable balance of trade– eventually leading to a war. C 200

29 What is Opium? C 200

30 This mutiny resulted from the increasing presence of Britain in India and their perceived cultural superiority and indifference to native culture. C 300

31 What is the Sepoy Rebellion? C 300


33 This was the only Southeast Asian country to not get colonized by the British, Dutch, or French. C 400

34 What is Siam C 400

35 Poem written by Rudyard Kipling that outlines popular Western notions about benefits and challenges of Imperialism. C 500

36 What is The White Man’s Burden? C 500

37 French rulers seen here who lost their heads during the French Revolution. D 100

38 Who are Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette? D 100

39 Indian reformer and administrator that attempted to blend Western values with eastern customs and called for an end to child marriage, sati, female infanticide, and even a reform of the caste system. D 200

40 Who is Rammohun Roy? D 200

41 His The Wealth of Nations popularized the capitalist notion of laissez-faire economics. D 300

42 Who is Adam Smith? D 300

43 Seen here, this industrialist became politically influential after his company discovered Diamonds in South Africa. D 400

44 Who is Cecil Rhodes? D 400

45 The most important figure in the unification of Germany, this Chancellor also called for the Berlin Conference on Africa in 1885. D 500

46 Who is Otto von Bismarck? D 500

47 E 100 Assisted by France, England, and Russia, this country gained it’s independence from the Ottoman Empire, after being inspired by Serbia’s earlier attempts at revolution.

48 What is Greece? E 100

49 This ambitious program of nationalist reform in the Ottoman Empire was designed to help modernize the waning empire. E 200

50 What are the Tanzimat Reforms? E 200

51 This southern European country unified on the grounds of nationalism under the leadership of Giuseppe Garibaldi. E 300

52 What is Italy? E 300

53 This Turkish leader led a nationalist revolution in Egypt and quickly industrialized the country. E 400

54 Who is Muhammad Ali? E 400

55 Movement among Russian intellectuals to identify culturally and politically with the peoples of Eastern Europe. E 500

56 What is Pan-Slavism? E 500

57 When foreigners are subject to their own laws and exempt from another nation’s jurisdiction-- despite the fact they live in that other nation. F 100

58 What is extraterritoriality? F 100

59 The free mixed-race population of Haiti that led the revolution against France. F 200

60 Who are the gens de couleur? F 200

61 Revolutionary republican party in France that led the Reign of Terror under Maximilien Robespierre. F 300

62 Who are the Jacobins? F 300

63 The division of Africa among European powers. F 400

64 What is the Scramble for Africa? F 400

65 Ideology developed by radical thinkers who questioned the sanctity of private property and argued in support of industrial workers and against their employers. F 500

66 What is socialism? F 500

67 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Gender Issues in the 19 th Century Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

68 This term refers to the justification of removing middle- class women from contact with the business world and placing them back into the home. Click on screen to continue

69 What is the “Cult of Domesticity” Click on screen to continue

70 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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