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11 December 2000 Paolo Capiluppi - DataGrid Testbed Workshop CMS Applications Requirements DataGrid Testbed Workshop Milano, 11 December 2000 Paolo Capiluppi,

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Presentation on theme: "11 December 2000 Paolo Capiluppi - DataGrid Testbed Workshop CMS Applications Requirements DataGrid Testbed Workshop Milano, 11 December 2000 Paolo Capiluppi,"— Presentation transcript:

1 11 December 2000 Paolo Capiluppi - DataGrid Testbed Workshop CMS Applications Requirements DataGrid Testbed Workshop Milano, 11 December 2000 Paolo Capiluppi, Dept. of Physics and INFN, Bologna

2 2 Paolo Capiluppi - DataGrid Testbed Workshop 11 December 2000 CMS and the GRID u People from CMS is mainly concerned of the GRID development that can be directly used in our Computing challenge  Definition of Application requirement and deliverables  Data Management and Replication  Job scheduling and submission  Testbed prototyping of “real CMS” Applications u We will adopt GRID developed Middleware as it becomes stable and of use for our Applications (e.g. Authentication and Authorization)

3 3 Paolo Capiluppi - DataGrid Testbed Workshop 11 December 2000 CMS Milestones and DataGrid “Runs” u Dec 2001: Run #0 ends u Dec 2001: CMS DAQ TDR (with l3 triggers)  CMSIM as application? Prototype of distributed reconstruction? It might be too late for DAQ TDR. u Dec 2002: Run #1 ends u Dec 2002: CMS Computing and Software TDR  Try to have Reconstruction GRIDified? Too late for strategic architecture planning? u Dec 2003: Run #2 ends u Dec 2003: CMS Physics TDR  Goal should be the distributed Analysis. Too ambitious? u u We need to come to a more “synchronized” schedule that matches CMS deliverables.   Distributed analysis is the “real” challenge, and this should be tested before we go for Computing TDR

4 4 Paolo Capiluppi - DataGrid Testbed Workshop 11 December 2000 Milestones and Testbed releases (1) u Testbed realease0 (1Q 2001) to be considered as a proof of concept:  we will try to provide a “distributed CMSIM application” as “use case” è Need for authentication, authorization, Globus tools, GDMP, monitor of simulation job’s status, local scheduler interfaced with GRAM, and of course CMS software. (on Linux RH6.1) è Tests should last for days, on a largely distributed sites, and do not need for large computing resources, but for a “main” site to receive the Output (dimension depends on the amount of events simulated) u Testbed release1 (3Q 2001) is first real test:  We should go for a complete process of simulation (including ORCA) è Need for Objectivity installed (AMS servers, etc : see the “CMS italian Floppy”), coordination in database ID, architecture of data servers for “pile-up” events, etc. è We do not think that such a test can be done on a large number of testbed sites, being the coordination and the local site effort hard to commit

5 5 Paolo Capiluppi - DataGrid Testbed Workshop 11 December 2000 u Testbed release2 (3Q 2002) is too late!  What can we learn at that time for CMS Computing architecture? è CMS Computing TDR is due for end 2002 (should we delay it?!) è Analysis is the major challenge for LHC Experiments è If Grid projects want to give a contribution to LHC Computing architectures the project’s deliverables have to be revised u Testbed release3 (3Q 2003) is the final chance for delivering results  Indeed for what? Milestones and Testbed releases (2)

6 6 Paolo Capiluppi - DataGrid Testbed Workshop 11 December 2000 Toolkit for installation and configuration of CMS farms u OS Installation and configurations u CMS SW installation and configuration in the CERN environment u Automatic updates and monitoring for OS and CMS production u Automatic installation of Globus toolkit u Automatic installation of GDMP u Support for public and hidden farms u Adopted by INFN-GRID computer fabric team to make it of general use

7 7 Paolo Capiluppi - DataGrid Testbed Workshop 11 December 2000 CMS (Data)GRID Test bed Sites willing to contribute u CERN: CMS u Finland: CSC u France: Ecole Polytechnique, Saclay, Lyon CCIN2P3 u Germany: ZIB (Berlin) u Portugal: LIP (Lisboa) u Spain: IFCA (Santander), CIEMAT(Madrid), UAM(Madrid) u Italy (INFN): Bari, Bologna, CNAF (Bologna), Catania, Legnaro, Padova, Pisa, Roma u Russia: SINP (Moscow), ITEP (Moscow), ITEP (Protvino), JINR (Dubna) u UK: RAL, Bristol, Imperial College u US: Fermilab, Caltech, San Diego, Florida, MIT

8 8 Paolo Capiluppi - DataGrid Testbed Workshop 11 December 2000 More by CMS availability for Tests u Tests with CMS Application during CMS distributed Production for HLT studies in Italy in 2000  See presentation by M. Sgaravatto, this Workshop u It’s a work done in the WP1, with the collaboration of CMS people  Synchronization is important!

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