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WorldSkills Leaders Forum 2003Slide 1 “definitely not a conference”

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1 WorldSkills Leaders Forum 2003Slide 1 “definitely not a conference”

2 WorldSkills Leaders Forum 2003Slide 2 WorldSkills Vision Promoting skills worldwide WorldSkills Mission To promote, through the cooperative action of Members, a worldwide awareness of the essential contribution that skills and high standards of competence make to the achievement of economic success and personal fulfilment

3 WorldSkills Leaders Forum 2003Slide 3 The goal of our competition To challenge young people, their teachers, trainers and employers to achieve world class standards of competence in commerce, services and industry, and to promote the status of vocational training

4 WorldSkills Leaders Forum 2003Slide 4 Our growth 2003 WorldSkills (IVTO) - 37th Competition in St Gallen – 37 members from every Continent 1952 IVTO founded by Spain - first international skills competition in Madrid 6 members from Europe

5 WorldSkills Leaders Forum 2003Slide 5 The WorldSkills success factors  motivated skilled young people are at the center of the learning process  professional teachers and trainers act as mentors and coaches  supportive employers provide incentives and reward learning excellence  developing both technical and social competencies  performance is benchmarked against measurable standards

6 WorldSkills Leaders Forum 2003Slide 6 By 2010 we will  have 50 member countries (now 37)  be the leading global brand for skills excellence and innovation in trades and technologies  be an effective worldwide promotion and exchange network of skilled people and organizations (competition events, forums, projects, www)  have a select number of global sponsor partners  have adapted the competition to accommodate more members without losing quality

7 WorldSkills Leaders Forum 2003Slide 7 50 th Anniversary General Assembly Meeting in Lisbon

8 WorldSkills Leaders Forum 2003Slide 8 WorldSkills Leaders Forum  a unique and exclusive event offering inspiration and networking to all those with a leading stake in promoting world class skills  held in conjunction with the Competition, and in the non-competition year, held in conjunction with our General Assembly meeting  “Definitely not a conference”

9 WorldSkills Leaders Forum 2003Slide 9 Closing the skills gap Advertisement on the www: “Don’t waste your days at a dead end trade; call this number 0711 636389 to see how our degree can help launch your career. Don’t let minimum qualifications hold you back!"

10 WorldSkills Leaders Forum 2003Slide 10 Some youth perspectives to help stimulate the debate “When I told my teachers I wanted to leave school to pursue a trade they were shocked. In fact the principal sat me down and asked me to reconsider.” “I didn’t actually nominate myself for the local competition, one of my college teachers suggested I enter. In hindsight I’m shocked I nearly missed out on this incredible phase of my life.”

11 WorldSkills Leaders Forum 2003Slide 11 “Peer learning is so incredibly valuable. Essentially a trade is about learning from the experiences of others so I’m soaking up as much information as I can. I’m like a human sponge.” “I think its vital for an industry to invest in its own future and I certainly intend to do my part by encouraging other young people to develop top class skills.”

12 WorldSkills Leaders Forum 2003Slide 12 “I want to win. I want to bring home a gold medal. It’s like I say to other young apprentices, you should never be afraid to pursue your dreams. As long as your motivation comes from the heart you can’t go wrong.”

13 WorldSkills Leaders Forum 2003Slide 13 Future WorldSkills events 2004 Hong Kong/China WorldSkills Leaders Forum 2005 Helsinki, Finland Competition & Leaders Forum 2006 TBA Leaders Forum 2007 Shizuoka, Japan Competition & Leaders Forum 2008 TBA Leaders Forum 2009 TBA Competition & Leaders Forum For more details see:

14 WorldSkills Leaders Forum 2003Slide 14 “definitely not a conference”

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