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W w w. h e n g e l e r. c o m What Law Firms Can Do to Help Clients Through Difficult Times Dr. Cord-Georg Hasselmann Kiev, 25 June 2009 Fourth CIS Local.

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Presentation on theme: "W w w. h e n g e l e r. c o m What Law Firms Can Do to Help Clients Through Difficult Times Dr. Cord-Georg Hasselmann Kiev, 25 June 2009 Fourth CIS Local."— Presentation transcript:

1 w w w. h e n g e l e r. c o m What Law Firms Can Do to Help Clients Through Difficult Times Dr. Cord-Georg Hasselmann Kiev, 25 June 2009 Fourth CIS Local Counsel Forum

2 w w w. h e n g e l e r. c o m 2 Overview I.Changing Role of the Lawyers4 - 5 1.General Trends4 2.Results5 II.What Should We Be?6 III.What Should We Do?7 - 12 1.Quality of Legal Advice8 2.Quality of Services9 3.Quality of Fees10 4.The Art of Billing11 - 12

3 w w w. h e n g e l e r. c o m 3 Overview IV.Recommendations13 - 14 Firm Profile15 - 16 Partner Profile17

4 w w w. h e n g e l e r. c o m 4 I. Changing Role of Lawyers 1.General Trends From legal advisor (so-called “organs of the administration of justice”) to service provider, from consultant to business man Growing similarity to management consultants, investment bankers, accountants and IT consultants Lawyers as highly qualified technocrats / legal services as commodity / provision of know-how rather than just knowledge of the law From value-based fee schedules to freely negotiated, outcome- oriented remuneration

5 w w w. h e n g e l e r. c o m 5 I. Changing Role of Lawyers 2.Results Weaker relationships Lower level of loyalty / fiercer competition Higher pressure on fees Increased dependency on clients Increasing liability cases In short: We act as business men and are therefore treated as such

6 w w w. h e n g e l e r. c o m 6 II. What Should We Be? Expert in the fields of law Partner of our client Independent adviser Problem solver rather than problem highlighter Professionals rather than merchants

7 w w w. h e n g e l e r. c o m 7 III. What Should We Do? It is not just about fees, it is quality, quality, quality!

8 w w w. h e n g e l e r. c o m 8 III. What Should We Do? 1.Quality of Legal Advice – Try to be the Best Knowledge of the law -Experience -Specialization Understanding of the client’s needs Apply the law to the client’s needs

9 w w w. h e n g e l e r. c o m 9 III. What Should We Do? 2.Quality of Services Responsiveness Pro-activeness Service and result orientation Taylor-made advice Independence

10 w w w. h e n g e l e r. c o m 10 III. What Should We Do? 3.Quality of Fees Adequate Reasonable Competitive Flexible Creative Acceptable

11 w w w. h e n g e l e r. c o m 11 III. What Should We Do? 4.The Art of Billing Hourly rates inadequate and more and more unacceptable Rather, each mandate requires its own formula based on a variety of factors:  Value billing -value of the matter -time spent -complexity of the issues -importance to the client -value added by the lawyer -special characteristics of the mandate

12 w w w. h e n g e l e r. c o m 12 III. What Should We Do? 4.The Art of Billing (cont’d) Alignment of both-sides interests and appropriate risk sharing Ultimate test: The fees must be acceptable for the client in light of what he gets from the law firm

13 w w w. h e n g e l e r. c o m 13 IV. Recommendations 1.Do not underestimate your client 2.Let your client see that you understand his situation 3.Do not impose your views upon those of your client 4.Do not try to solve your (economic) problems on the back of your clients 5.Develop a long-term client relationship 6.Increase your efficiency 7.Do not treat clients you hope for better than existing clients

14 w w w. h e n g e l e r. c o m 14 IV. Recommendations In Short: Make your Client Happy!

15 w w w. h e n g e l e r. c o m 15 Hengeler Mueller: Overview Germany Berlin43 / 11 (lawyers/partners) Düsseldorf82 / 26 Frankfurt92 / 37 Munich17 / 7 United Kingdom London8 / 2 Belgium Brussels6 / 3

16 w w w. h e n g e l e r. c o m 16 Banking and Finance Law Firm of the Year 2008 Law Firm of the Year 2007 Insurance Law Firm of the Year 2006 Competition Law Firm of the Year 2005 M&A Law Firm of the Year 2004 Law Firm of the Year (Germany) 2005/2006/2007/2008 Hengeler Mueller: Awards Law Firm of the Year (Germany) 2003/2004/2005/2007 Chambers Global Law Firm of the Year (Germany) 2005/2006 Chambers Europe Law Firm of the Year (Germany) 2008

17 w w w. h e n g e l e r. c o m 17 Dr. Cord-Georg Hasselmann Born 1956 in Hamburg Admitted to bar 1987 Notary Hengeler Mueller since 1987 Partner since 1991 Office:Berlin Telephone:+49 30 20374-155 Education:Universities of Munich and Hamburg (Dr. jur.) Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. (LL.M.) Practice Areas:Public Procurement Law / PPP Mergers & Acquisitions / Joint Ventures Central and Eastern Europe Hengeler Mueller: Partner Profile

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