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With power searching, you can construct complex, precise searches by writing Common Command Language (CCL) queries. Power searching is a good way to list.

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Presentation on theme: "With power searching, you can construct complex, precise searches by writing Common Command Language (CCL) queries. Power searching is a good way to list."— Presentation transcript:


2 With power searching, you can construct complex, precise searches by writing Common Command Language (CCL) queries. Power searching is a good way to list records that share a combination of very specific characteristics.


4 This section lists the CQL (Common Query Language) commands and access points you can use to construct custom search filters for Polaris PowerPAC. Polaris Help --


6 Ti=title AU=Author AB=Assigned Branch --- Learn your 4 digit code COL=Collection Timeout=increase timeout from 30 to 60 KW=Keyword

7 Timeout=increase timeout from 30 to 60 KW=Keyword Quotes = exact – good for numbers * or ? = wildcards

8 Bibliographic Records or Item Records – Ti=Alchemist and AB=DCUE Au=Steinbeck and PD>1959 AB=DPLP and COL=*fiction not COL=Juvenile* KW=Abraham Lincoln not KW=Illinois and Timeout=60

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