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Plant tissues Made by: Kotánné Baló Krisztina. Plant tissues Tissues are groups of cells of »s»similar shape, »s»similar structure, »a»and similar origin.

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Presentation on theme: "Plant tissues Made by: Kotánné Baló Krisztina. Plant tissues Tissues are groups of cells of »s»similar shape, »s»similar structure, »a»and similar origin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant tissues Made by: Kotánné Baló Krisztina

2 Plant tissues Tissues are groups of cells of »s»similar shape, »s»similar structure, »a»and similar origin - specialized for a particular function »I»In plants tissues are grouped into two major categories: »m»meristematic and »p»permanent (consolidated) tissues

3 Meristems Where? -at the tip of the stem -at the tip of the root -BETWEEN VASCULAR BUNDLES RESULT: GROWTH IN LENGTH RESULT : GROWTH IN THICKNESS

4 MERISTEMS What are the characteristics of meristems? Small cells with large nucleus and thin cell walls. The cells are tightly packed Because of their proliferative capacity parenchyma cells also serve as stem cells for wound healing and regeneration!

5 Permanent tissues Dermal tissues Ground tissues Vascular tissues

6 Dermal tissue Covers the outer surface of herbaceous plants Features: -Its cells are closely packed -Its cells are transparent because they don’t contain chloroplasts (With one exception: guard cells)

7 Epidermis -Covered by waxy cuticle layer against water loss, infections or damages ‘waxy bloom’

8 Epidermis for dispersion by wind for protection against being eaten for reducing water loss for protection against intense sunlight - can have hairs for protecion against cold Edelweiss Easter flower Dandelion Cotton Stinging nettle Mulleins Saintpaulia Pelargonium Silver Lime/Linden glandular hairs secrete perfume

9 Rhizodermis No stomata Hairs for absorption No cuticle, no wax Characteristics:

10 Functions of the dermal tissues Protection Evaporation Gas exchange Absorption

11 Ground tissues 1.Chlorenchyma: with many chloroplasts

12 Ground tissues 2. Storage parenchyma: with starch grains „Hot potato”

13 Ground tissues 3.Aerenchyma: air filled cavities and channels

14 Ground tissues 4.Water-storage parenchyma: mucilage bearing cells

15 Ground tissues 5.Storing and secreting parenchyma: latex, inclusions, anthocyanin, volatile oils Onion scale (skin) Tomato Red cabbage Colours scale (depending on the pH)

16 Ground tissues 6.Collenchyma (alive) and sclerenchyma(dead): for supporting FibersStone cells ‘Gritty texture’

17 Vascular tissues Complex, because contain a lot of cell types are arranged in long, discrete strands called vascular bundles. -A bundle can be simple if it contains only xylem or only phloem. (Usually in roots) -A bundle can be complex if it contains both xylem and phloem with cambium between them

18 Vascular tissues 1.Xylem: dead cells and vessels conducts water from the root upward to the leaves Its fibers are used in paper and furniture industry Two parts:

19 Vascular tissues 2.Phloem: -living tissue, -carries organic nutrients(known as photosynthate), in particular, sucrose, -to all parts of the plant where needed Its fibers are used in textile industry

20 Vascular tissues Mixed vascular bundles in a dicot stem form a ring Mixed vascular bundles in a monocot stem have a typically scattered arrengement

21 Summary Plant tissues meristematic Apical meristems cambium permanent Dermal tissues rhizodermisepidermis ground chlorenchyma Parenchyma For starch storage Parenchyma For water storage aerenchyma Storing and secreting parenchyma Collenchyma and sclerenchyma vascular xylemphloem

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