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Data for impact modelling in Sweden: Experiences with empirical downscaling and use of weather generator Deliang Chen Regional Climate Group Earth Sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "Data for impact modelling in Sweden: Experiences with empirical downscaling and use of weather generator Deliang Chen Regional Climate Group Earth Sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data for impact modelling in Sweden: Experiences with empirical downscaling and use of weather generator Deliang Chen Regional Climate Group Earth Sciences Centre Gothenburg University Sweden Acknowledgement: Christine Achberger, Cecilia Hellström Yaoming Liao, Aristita Busuoic, Youmin Chen, Xiaodong Li Tinghai Ou, Klaus Wyser, Lin Tang and SWECLIM colleagues

2 Outline Statistical versus dynamic downscaling What we did and learnt?
Requirements from the impact community Our answers to the requirements

3 Main downscaling approaches: Dynamical (higher resolution models)
V L U E Main downscaling approaches: Dynamical (higher resolution models) empirical/statistical downscaling processes statistical/dynamical downscaling processes Figure courtesy of David Viner, of the UK Climate Impacts LINK Project. Figure illustrates the complexity of the downscaling process. For some studies, the simple methods of constructing finer resolution scenarios may not be sufficient and it may be better to user empirical/statistical or statistical/dynamical downscaling techniques to obtain data at the necessary resolution. An alternative is to use information from higher resolution experiments.

4 Dynamic versus statistical downscaling
Dynamic downscaling builds on physically based models for both global and regional scales Statistical downscaling relies on GCM for large scale and statistical models for regional and/or local scales. Dynamic downscaling still has problems with today’s climate! Can deal with nonstandard or difficult (e.g. Sea ice) variables. Can handle a variety of different scales. Less problematic with bias (because of data-based). Fast ->large number of non-time slice scenarios However, more risky with extrapolations! Needs extensive data!

5 What did we during last 5 years (SWECLIM time)?
On the dynamic side, a regional climate model (Rossby Center Model), together with two GCMs (HadCM3 and ECHAM4), has been used to get a number of regional (44*44 km) scenarios for Nordic countries; Successful statistical models have been developed for monthly temperature and precipitation for Swedish stations. These model have been used to create MONTHLY scenarios for a number of GCM and emission scenarios.

6 Circulation is the dominating forcing of interannual and longer scale varabilitities

7 Improved seasonal cycles by downscalings (SD,DD)
Vänersborg, One station in southern Sweden

8 The maximum sea ice over the Baltic can be realistically predicted by a statistical model (Omstedt & Chen, 2002)

9 Future changes based on the statistical downscaling model driven by 17 GCMs from CMIP2 (Chen et al., 2003)

10 Meeting needs of impact community
Usually high spatial resolution (LRA,WG) Usually high temporal resolution (WG) Tailoring of information (WG) Capability for risk analysis and decisionmaking under uncertainty (WG) Transparency of scenarios Practical and useful tools (WG)

11 Our answer to the requirements of Impact community: LRA & WG
LRA=Lapse Rate Approach WG=Weather Generator

12 LRA (local correction based on topography): observation or modelling based
Observation based method uses observations at different sites in the area to determine the topography dependence Modelling based method uses a high resolution numerical model to simulate meteorological variables at different sites and the results are then used in determining the topography dependence

13 An Example: The temperature stations in Abisko area
Name St. no. Latitude (oN) Longitude (oE) Height(m) Nat_no RITSEM 1 67.73 17.47 521 17792 AKTSE 2 67.15 18.30 530 17874 ALUOKTA 3 67.32 18.88 385 17879 TARFALA 4 67.90 18.62 1140 17897 ÅLLOLUOKTA 5 67.13 19.50 370 17974 NIKKALUOKTA 6 67.85 19.03 470 17995 GÄLLIVARE 7 20.67 365 18073 GÄLLIVARE FLYG. 8 20.83 312 18074 MALMBERGET 9 67.17 373 18075 KIRUNA FLYGPLATS 10 67.82 20.33 459 18094 ABISKO-AUT 11 68.35 18.82 388 18879 ABISKO 12 18880 KATTERJÄKK 13 68.42 18.17 500 18882 RIKSGRÄNSEN 14 68.43 18.13 508 18883 TORNETRÄSK 15 68.22 19.72 393 18976 KATTUVUOMA 16 68.28 19.90 355 18978

14 Lapse rate of temperature

15 The precipitation stations in the area
Name St. no. Latitude (oN) Longitude (oE) Height(m) Nat_no RITSEM 1 67.73 17.47 521 17792 AKTSE 2 67.15 18.30 530 17874 ALUOKTA 3 67.32 18.88 385 17879 ÅLLOLUOKTA 5 67.13 19.50 370 17974 PUOLTSA 6 67.80 19,87 465 17994 NIKKALUOKTA 7 67.85 19.03 470 17995 KAITUM 8 67.53 20.12 490 18001 GÄLLIVARE 20.67 365 18073 MALMBERGET 9 67.17 373 18075 LADNIVAARA 10 67.27 20.27 460 18078 KILLINGI 11 67.52 20.28 485 18086 KIRUNA FLYGPLATS 12 67.82 20.33 459 18094 BJöRKLIDEN 13 68.38 18.68 360 18868 ABISKO 14 68.35 18.82 388 18880 KATTERJÄKK 15 68.42 18.17 500 18882 RIKSGRÄNSEN 16 68.43 18.13 508 18883 BERGFORS 17 68,15 19,80 480 18974 TORNETRÄSK 18 68.22 19.72 393 18976 KATTUVUOMA 19 68.28 19.90 355 18978 KUMMAVUOPIO 20 68.90 20.87 19097

16 Precipitation and height

17 Statistical Downscaling to Enhance Understanding at Local Scales
Source: A Study at the Abisko Laboratory of Net Primary Production under Changing Climate Conditions

18 Ongoing work on WG WG=Stochastic model:basic idea
given slow set of statistics (monthly means and standard deviations, Y, from statistical or dynamical prediction), generate the high frequency variability of the weather (y) based on auto- and cross correlation: => y(t) = OT[Y, y(t-1)] where OT is the time operator.

19 Model calibration (observation)
How a WG works? Weather Generators Precipitation Process Occurrence Amount Non-precipitation variables Maximum temperature Minimum temperature Solar radiation Model calibration (observation) GCM statistics Of all the climate variables, the precipitation process is most difficult to model and so this is the main process in the model. The other variables are then conditioned on precipitation occurrence. The precipitation process is split into two - an occurrence process modeling whether precipitation occurs or not, and if it does occur an amount process. Observed weather data is used to calibrate the model. As is the case with all weather generators, WGEN assumes stationarity, so if there are any trends in the data the model will not perform very well. Calibration of the model results in the production of a parameter file which is then used to generate synthetic data with the same statistics as the observed data. Comparison of observed and synthetic data is undertaken to check the model performance. If adequate, then the parameter file will then be used as part of climate change studies. Synthetic data generation Climate scenarios

20 Other meteorological variables
Condition the statistics of the daily variables (typically maximum/ minimum temperatures and solar radiation) on occurrence of precipitation. In the classic WGEN model, multiple variables are modelled simultaneously with auto-regression: Where z(t) are normally distributed values for today’s nonprecipitation variables, z(t-1) are corresponding values for the previous day, and [A] and [B] are K  K matrices of parameters, and (t) is white-noise forcing.

21 Other meteorological variables (cont.)
The z(t) are transformed to weather variables dependent on rainfall occurrence: if day t is dry if day t is wet where each Tk is any of the nonprecipitation variables, k,0 and k,0 are its mean and standard deviation for dry days, and k,1 and k,1 are its mean and standard deviation for wet days. Seasonal dependence of the means and standard deviations is usually achieved through Fourier harmonics (i.e., sine and cosines).

22 Weather Generators Spatial Downscaling->high spatial resolution!
Calibrate weather generator using area-average weather Area Area parameter set Apply changes in parameters derived from difference between area and grid box parameter sets to individual station parameter files; generate synthetic data for scenario Calibrate weather generator for each individual station within area Station parameter set A stochastic weather generator is a statistical model of observed weather variables, with those variables generally conditioned on the occurrence of precipitation. It is possible to use stochastic weather generators to downscale large-scale climate (Wilks, 1999), by running a weather generator at both the site and area scales. Wilks, D.S. (1999): Multisite downscaling of daily precipitation with a stochastic weather generator. Climate Research 11, Calculate changes in parameters from grid box data Grid Box

23 Generate daily weather data corresponding to the monthly scenario
Temporal Downscaling->high temporal resolution! – Use of monthly scenarios Weather Generators Observed station data WG Parameter file containing statistical characteristics of observed station data This flow chart from Wilks and Wilby (1999) demonstrates the generation process nicely. The first step is to generate a uniform random number. If this number is less than or equal to the transition probability currently in effect (this depends on the precipitation status of the previous day) then precipitation occurs. A precipitation amount is then generated based on the gamma distribution, and the transition probability reset to the appropriate value. The wet day non-precipitation parameters are then used to simulate the non-precipitation variables. The process then starts over. If the random number generated is greater than the transition probability, then a dry day is generated, the transition probability reset to the appropriate value and the dry day parameter set used to simulate the non-precipitation variables. The process then starts over. Monthly scenario information from GCM, RCM or SD Generate daily weather data corresponding to the monthly scenario

24 Fundamental Assumption
The statistical correlations between climatic variables derived from observed data are assumed to be valid under a changed climate. Weather Generators ADVANTAGES the ability to generate time series of unlimited length opportunity to obtain representative weather time series in regions of data sparsity, by interpolating observed parameter data ability to alter the WG’s parameters in accordance with scenarios of future climate change - changes in variability as well mean changes

25 Weather Generators Challenges
seldom able to describe all aspects of climate accurately, especially persistent events, rare events and decadal- or century-scale variations designed for use, independently, at individual locations and few account for the spatial correlation of climate

26 A weather generator following Richardson (1981)
P (W |D) = PWD P (D |D) =PDD= 1-PWD P (D |W) = PDW P (W |W) = PWW=1-PDW

27 Daily weather generation (Markov chain)
Not yet! Daily weather generation (Markov chain) Source: Wilks and Wilby (1999)


29 α β

30 A 5 year simulation for Vännesborg

31 Stochastic feature of rain simulation
Daily precipitation at a station Precipitation (mm) Date of a month

32 Simulated versus observed monthly precipitation at a Swedish site
Simulation (mm) Observation (mm)

33 Future Develop the WG further by including more variables and by testing new formulations such as higher order Markov chain, conditional probability on circulation. Continue cooperating with DNMI on development and application of the WG in Norway.

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