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Career Awareness How Can You Get Ready for the World of Work?

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Presentation on theme: "Career Awareness How Can You Get Ready for the World of Work?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Awareness How Can You Get Ready for the World of Work?

2 Bellringer How do you greet your friends? What do you say and do? Members of your family? How would you greet someone interviewing you for a job? What would this look like?

3 What is Etiquette? According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, “the conduct or procedure required or prescribed… by authority to be observed in social or official life” Example: The woman exhibited poor etiquette when she left the party without saying goodbye to the host What does etiquette have to do with the bellringer? What does this mean in your life?

4 Etiquette in the workplace “Etiquette, manners, and cross cultural, or intercultural communication have become critical elements required for all International and Global Business executives, managers, and employees” from the School of Management at the University of Texas at Dallas website. Appearance- includes dress, clothing, body language, and gestures Behavior- includes customs, protocol, negotiation, and general behavioral guidelines. Communication- includes greetings, introductions, and conversation.

5 Appearance What is the appropriate attire for a job interview? What is the inappropriate attire for a job interview? Whether we like it or not, people will make assumptions and draw conclusions about us, based on our outward appearance. Recommendation: better to be overdressed than underdressed!

6 Attire For a job interview, business formal dress should be worn Men- Dark business suit ・ matching vest (optional) ・ dress shirt ・ conservative tie ・ dressy leather shoes and dark dress socks Women- Suit ・ business-style dress ・ dress with a jacket ・ stockings (optional in summer) ・ heels, low or high Hair should be neatly styled No strong cologne, perfume, or bright makeup

7 Business Formal

8 Behavior Be aware of your environment Greet people warmly Make eye contact Give a firm handshake Smile Accept directions

9 Verbal Communication Refer to people by their official titles unless they state otherwise Use “please” and “thank you” Use Standard English Language Why is this important? Don’t interrupt Listen Use the vernacular of the field

10 Written/Electronic Communication Is the email address appropriate for business communication? Why or why not? Do not use abbreviations like “U” “R” “4” “Y?” “becuz” Always start the email with the person’s name and end with a signature Beware of posting personal/inappropriate content on social networking sites ie. Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace!

11 Activity In pairs, please complete the following worksheet

12 References About Website (n.d.) Business Formal Dress Code. Retrieved from Business-Formal-Dress-Code Emily Post Website (2010). Attire Guide. Retrieved from guide-dress-codes. guide-dress-codes School of Managament Website. International Business Etiquette and Manners. Retrieved from

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