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R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 1 Flight in Flow Fields Ricardo Bencatel Department of Aerospace Engineering University.

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Presentation on theme: "R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 1 Flight in Flow Fields Ricardo Bencatel Department of Aerospace Engineering University."— Presentation transcript:

1 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 1 Flight in Flow Fields Ricardo Bencatel Department of Aerospace Engineering University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA April 22nd, 2013

2 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 2 Air Force Relevance Why? Persistent operations Fuel savings Low noise signature Smaller logistical footprint - Smaller UAVs Can standard UAVs fly without fuel?

3 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 3 Motivation Extended UAVs endurance and range Standard UAV = Sensor & energy collector Harvest air flow energy *Edwards, D., “Implementation Details and Flight Test Results of an Autonomous Soaring Controller”, 2008

4 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 4 Flight in Flow Fields How can standard UAVs fly without fuel?

5 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 5 Application Applications: – Dynamic soaring High-altitude: Jet Stream Low/medium altitude: mountain ridges Low altitude: oceans, lakes, flat landscapes Generally: Gusts – Static soaring Plains (including desert and ice/snow) Mountain ridges Preliminary results – Smaller UAVs benefit the most – Existing fleet endurance/range extension

6 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 6 Research Focus ValidationModelsEstimation Exploration Methods Exploitation Methods Endurance Extension Observability

7 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 7 Conditions for perpetual flight (Ph.D. dissertation) New models (Accepted for publication in the Journal of Progress in Aerospace Sciences) – 2 3D thermal models – 3 wind shear models Formation flight controller with collision avoidance (Presented at the CDC 2011) Observability and estimators (Ph.D. dissertation) – Thermals (Presented at the AIS 2010) – Wind Shear (Presented at the GNC 2011) Current Contributions

8 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 8 Outline Flow Field Phenomena Formation Flight Dynamic Soaring

9 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 9 Flow Field Phenomena ValidationModelsEstimation Exploration Methods Exploitation Methods Endurance Extension Observability Models

10 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 10 Wind currents Wind gradients Flow Field Phenomena ThermalsGusts Wind Shear Bencatel, R., Sousa, J. B., and Girard, A. R., “Atmospheric Flow Field Models Applicable for Aircraft Endurance Extension," Accepted for Publication in Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 2013.

11 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 11 n Thermals Flow Field Phenomena

12 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 12 n Wind Shear Flow Field Phenomena

13 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 13 ValidationModelsEstimation Exploration Methods Exploitation Methods Endurance Extension Observability Model Validation Formation Flight

14 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow Fields n Validate Thermal’s flow field model n Safely take spatially distributed samples Formation Flight April 22nd, 2013 14

15 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow Fields Inter-UAV relative frame Collision Avoidance strategy over the “connecting” axis: Maximum velocity strategy over the orthogonal axis: Sliding Mode Controller April 22nd, 2013 15

16 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow Fields Kinematic Model Controller (Feedback Linearization and Sliding Mode) Information structure – All UAVs know each other and the leader Sliding Mode Controller Ricardo Bencatel, Mariam Faied, João Sousa, and Anouck Girard, “Formation Control with Collision Avoidance,” 50th IEEE CDC and ECC, 2011 April 22nd, 2013 16

17 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 17 Formation Flight

18 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 18 Dynamic Soaring ValidationModelsEstimation Exploration Methods Exploitation Methods Endurance Extension Observability Exploitation Methods

19 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 19 Dynamic Soaring

20 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 20 Dynamic Soaring

21 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 21 Dynamic Soaring

22 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 22 Dynamic Soaring

23 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 23 Conclusions

24 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 24 Conclusions ValidationModelsEstimation Exploration Methods Exploitation Methods Endurance Extension Observability Models Model Validation Exploitation Methods Flow Field Estimation Observability Formation Flight Thermals Wind Shear Gusts Dynamic Soaring Wind Thermals

25 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 25 Ph.D. dissertation 1 accepted journal paper 4 accepted conference papers Publications

26 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 26 AFRL: – Dynamic Soaring – Precision air drops University of Porto & Portuguese Air Force Collaborations

27 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 27 Future Work Can a flow field exploitation controller be introduced in a USAF UAV mission? How should the exploitation trajectories be combined? Can we harvest more energy if we have an electrical regeneration system? Are the presented thermal and wind shear models valid? Usefulness - How frequent are the studied?

28 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 28 Future Work ValidationModelsEstimation Exploration Methods Exploitation Methods Endurance Extension Observability Model Validation Exploitation Methods Flow Field Estimation Precision Air Drops Exploration Methods Endurance Extension Formation Flight Dynamic Soaring Wind Gradients Volume Landing Point Approach Control

29 R. Bencatel (UM)Flight in Flow FieldsR. Bencatel (UM)April 22nd, 2013 29 Flight in Flow Fields Ricardo Bencatel Department of Aerospace Engineering University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA April 22nd, 2013

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