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Dr. Harper’s Lesson Plan Agendas: Language Arts, Social Studies, and Study Skills February 12-15, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Harper’s Lesson Plan Agendas: Language Arts, Social Studies, and Study Skills February 12-15, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Harper’s Lesson Plan Agendas: Language Arts, Social Studies, and Study Skills February 12-15, 2013

2 February Events SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 0102 03040506 Progress Reports 070809 1011121314 Valentine’s Dance 1516 17181920212223 2425262728

3 RTI Schedule for Dr. Harper’s ELA Classes (Only ELA classes go to enrichment activities). Intervention Schedule Interventio n Time WednesdayThursday 7:46 – 8:26 a.m. Period 1 ELAPeriod 6 SS 8:42 – 9:21 a.m. Period 2 SSPeriod 5 ELA 9:37 – 10:16 a.m. Period 3 Teacher PrepPeriod 4 Study Skills **Students follow 3 rd period teacher’s lunch schedule.

4 Language Arts Tuesday, February 12, 2013 Target Learning: Word of the Day (Literary Devices—metaphor, simile…) (3 minutes). Personification: the attribution of a personal nature or character to inanimate objects, abstract notions, or animals. (The meaning of underlined words will be discussed). Context clues sentence: My new puppy smiles with her tail.

5 Language Arts Tuesday, February 12, 2013 Writing Prompt: On February 12, 1809, Abraham Lincoln was born. Lincoln was the 16 th President of the United States. Lincoln was against slavery and believed that all people should be free. Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about slavery and summarize them in your own words. Prompt created by: © 2007 Photo: ©

6 Language Arts Tuesday, February 12, 2013 Target Learning Instruction:

7 Social Studies Tuesday, February 12, 2013 Target Learning:

8 Study Skills Tuesday, February 12, 2013 Target Learning:

9 Language Arts Wednesday, February 13, 2013 Target Learning: I can define how meaning is conveyed in poetry through word choice, figurative language, sentence structure, line length, punctuation, rhythm, repetition, and rhyme. RS 3.4. Word of the Day: (Metaphor, simile, personification…) (3 minutes) Allegory – a story that is an extended metaphor, where the characters stand in for abstract ideas. (Underlined words will be discussed). Context clues sentence: I read the allegory about how President Lincoln’s distressed look reflected the devastation of the Civil War.

10 Language Arts Wednesday, February 13, 2013 Writing Prompt: Today is “Get a Different Name Day.” Some of you may know why you have the name you do, or what your name means. If you could give yourself a different name just for today, what would it be and why would select that name? Prompt created by: © 2007 Photo: ©

11 Language Arts Wednesday, February 13, 2013 Target Learning Instruction: 1. How to Read (and Own) a Poem, Literature text p. 399. 2. Write the 7 Easy Steps to Reading Poetry. Cottontail, worksheet p. 39: 1. Write down 2 things you really didn’t want to do but did anyway, maybe because of peer pressure. 2. Describe 2 events that affected you deeply, if only for a short time. 3. Choral Read: Cottontail, worksheet p. 39. 4.

12 Words to Know Supplicating: begging. Spare: to refrain from harming. Narrative poem: a poem that tells a story. Image: the picture that a poem creates with vivid words that appear to the reader’s senses. Rhythm: the basic beat in a line of poetry.

13 Social Studies Wednesday, February 13, 2013 Target Learning:

14 Critical Thinking, p. 113, #4 WritingArchitectureArt Over 600 symbols Wrote on papyrus Temples covered in hieroglyphics Many buildings were built for religious purposes People drawn unrealistically Animals drawn realistically

15 Study Skills Wednesday, February 13, 2013 Target Learning: I can read & discuss new words and concepts found in chapters 14 – 20 of HOLES. Oral reading (teacher and students share reading). Unfamiliar Vocabulary:

16 Language Arts Thursday, February 14, 2013 Target Learning: : I can define how meaning is conveyed in poetry through word choice, figurative language, sentence structure, line length, punctuation, rhythm, repetition, and rhyme. RS 3.4. Word of the Day: (Metaphor, simile, personification, allegory…) Satire - the use of irony, sarcasm, or ridicule to expose wrong- doing. (Underlined terms will be discussed). Context clues sentence – Gulliver's Travels, by Jonathan Swift, is a satire of eighteenth-century British society.

17 Language Arts Thursday, February 14, 2013 Writing Prompt: Today is Valentine’s Day. The history behind this day isn’t known for sure, but some people believe it’s based on a love letter that was written by Saint Valentine. Write a love letter to someone in your family letting them know how much they mean to you. Prompt created by: © 2007 Photo: ©

18 Language Arts Thursday, February 14, 2013 Target Learning Instruction: (Period 1) 1. How to Read (and Own) a Poem, Literature text p. 399. 2. Write the 7 Easy Steps to Reading Poetry. 3. Write down 2 things you really didn’t want to do but did anyway, maybe because of peer pressure. 4. Describe 2 events that affected you deeply, if only for a short time. NEXT SLIDE….

19 Language Arts Thursday, February 14, 2013 5. Words to Know from Cottontail, worksheet p. 39: Supplicating – begging. Spare – to refrain from harming. Narrative poem – a poem that tells a story. Image – the picture that a poem creates with vivid words that appeal to the reader’s senses. Rhythm – the basic beat in a line of poetry. 6. Background on the poem “Cottontail” before reading. 7. Underline, circle, and draw arrows to show what you noticed about the poem “Cottontail.” 8. Write down any questions you may have about the poem. Next slide…

20 Language Arts Thursday, February 14, 2013 9. Literature Text: pp. 400-403—Poem and Motto— read/discuss rhythm, tone, word choice. 10. Read Langston Hughes biography –complete Literary Response and Analysis, 403.

21 Social Studies Thursday, February 14, 2013 Target Learning: I can complete Chapter 4 review activities to prepare for the chapter test. Review Chapter 4, Section 4 Assessment Questions, p. 113. Review Chapter 4, Section 4 Study Guide. Chapter 4:4 Test. Chapter 4 Textbook Standards Review, pp. 115-116.

22 Study Skills Thursday, February 14, 2013 Target Learning: I can read & discuss new words and concepts found in chapters 20 – 24 of HOLES. Oral reading (teacher and students share reading). Unfamiliar Vocabulary: Recede Writhed Agony Venom

23 Language Arts Friday, February 15, 2013 Target Learning: I can define how meaning is conveyed in poetry through word choice, figurative language, sentence structure, line length, punctuation, rhythm, repetition, and rhyme. RS 3.4. Rachel’s Challenge Link for Valentine’s letter. Word of the Day: (Metaphor, simile, personification, allegory, satire…). (3 minutes) Imagery – figurative description or illustration used in a story. Context clues sentence – The hurricane winds blew with the fierce strength of a speeding locomotive.

24 Language Arts Friday, February 15, 2013 Writing Prompt: On this day in 1820, Susan B. Anthony was born. Anthony was known for her work with the women’s civil rights movement in the mid-1800s. Why do you think it was so important for the women of that time to have the same rights as men? Prompt created by: © 2007 Photo: ©

25 Language Arts Friday, February 15, 2013 Target Learning Instruction: 1. Review Poem and Motto, by Langston Hughes and the Literary Response and Analysis, pp. 400-403. 2. Tone Webs: Tone Title Description of Rhythm or Other Forms of Repetition Examples of Unusual Word Choice Examples of Figurative Language Examples of Rhyme

26 Tone Webs Tone Title of Poem Description of Rhythm or Other Forms of Repetition Examples of Unusual Word Choice Examples of Figurative Language Examples of Rhyme


28 Social Studies Friday, February 15, 2013 Target Learning: I can review chapter 4 key terms, people, and concepts in preparing for the Chapter 4 test. Check/discuss Standards Review, textbook p. 115. (10 minutes). Jigsaw Chapter 4: (20 minutes to prepare; 5 minutes for each presentation) 1. Create a lesson plan for teaching to class. Identify target learning for lesson. Use diagrams and pictures to illustrate most important information. Develop questions to check for understanding> Period 1 (Maritza, Ahmad, Victoria, Denise, Yazmin)= Section 1 Tables 3 and 4 = Section 2 Tables 5 and 6 = Section 3 Tables 7 and 8 = Section 4

29 Study Skills Friday, February 15, 2013 Target Learning:

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