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J IGSAW L EARNING Cooperative Learning Project. Team T ogether E veryone A ccomplishes M ore.

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Presentation on theme: "J IGSAW L EARNING Cooperative Learning Project. Team T ogether E veryone A ccomplishes M ore."— Presentation transcript:

1 J IGSAW L EARNING Cooperative Learning Project

2 Team T ogether E veryone A ccomplishes M ore

3 Being a Good Teammate Develop and share a common goal Contribute suggestions and ideas Embrace others suggestions and ideas Allow others to speak and share opinions Accountable Dependable

4 Roles Leader Keep your group on track Decide team name Listen to others in group Writer Write final presentation Write what experts say for their parts Correct spelling and grammar Presenter Present findings for group in front of class Time Keeper Listen for the time deadlines for each part of the activity Make sure team is aware of the time Materials Manager Keep track of activity sheet and hand it in at end of class Rubric Reader Go over rubric with team

5 RubricRubric RequirementNot Acceptable Partially meets requirements Meets requirements Exceeds Contributions 1234 -Not cooperative -Did not do any work - No facts for the presentation -never answered questions -Sometimes cooperative - let others do some of their part -1 fact for presentation - vaguely answered questions - Usually Cooperative -Did their part of the work - 2 Facts for presentation -answered questions - Always Cooperative -Does his/her their part of the work effectively -Always willing to help and do more - 3 facts for presentation - Answered questions in detail Working with others 123 4 -Never listens to, shares with, or supports the efforts of others. -not a good team member -Rarely listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. -Sometimes not a good team member - listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. -listens intently to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. -asks questions and offers explanations. Fulfilling the assigned role? 123 4 Did not do anything to support role fulfilled some role duties when instructed by others independently performed role taks but not all Fulfills all role duties Focus on the task 123 4 -Does not focus on the task and what needs to be done. -Lets others do the work. - Does work if continually reminded by others to work -Does the work but does not assist others in staying on task - Allways focuses on the task and keeps others on task

6 Jigsaw Rules 1. Every student is assigned to a “Study Team” 2. Each student receives a passage to read 3. Students leave their “study teams” and meet in "expert" groups” 4. “Expert groups” discuss the material and ways to present their findings to members of their “study team” 5. The experts return to their “study team” to teach their portion of the materials and to learn new information from the other members of their “study team”

7 Your Mission 1. Pick A study team name 2. Separate into expert groups 3. Read and discuss text in expert group 4. Go back to study teams. 5. Teach study team members what you learned in expert group 6. Dictate to writer 2-3 facts for the final presentation 7. Present final project to class

8 Reflection Fill out Individual/Group Feedback As a group discuss suggestions to improve cooperative learning to group Presenter reports to class what suggestions their group thinks will help improve cooperative learning

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