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Team Lead Webinar March 22, 2011 CCSSO State Consortium on Educator Effectiveness (SCEE)

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Presentation on theme: "Team Lead Webinar March 22, 2011 CCSSO State Consortium on Educator Effectiveness (SCEE)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Lead Webinar March 22, 2011 CCSSO State Consortium on Educator Effectiveness (SCEE)

2 Presenters  Janice Poda, CCSSO  Circe Stumbo, Consultant, CCSSO  William Bentgen, CCSSO 2

3 Webinar Agenda  Work of the State Teams  SCEE Summit  State Team Compositions  Getting the Most Out of SCEE  Team Lead Survey  Monthly SCEE Webinars  SCEE Collaboration Site  Next steps 3

4 Work of the State Teams

5  What are your needs/plans for the state team?  How can SCEE help?  What do you want out of SCEE?  What are your expectations from your colleagues in other states, each other, etc.? 5

6 Ideas for How Teams Will Use SCEE  To learn about emerging topics of national interest related to educator effectiveness  To work on specific topics, such as _______  To make connections across the system  To focus our federal advocacy  To work with a small number of other states on a particular issue 6

7 Ideas for How Teams Will Use SCEE  To develop our state’s plan(s) to:  develop a comprehensive set of policies on learning, teaching, and leading  reconsider standards for teaching and leading (esp. in the context of the Common Core, new InTASC standards, etc.)  develop/refine a statewide evaluation system  Etc. 7

8 Ideas for How Teams Will Use SCEE  To develop/improve in-state relationships  To help our state think “out of the box” about improving educator effectiveness  To access professional development  Webinars  Collaboration site  Summit  Networks w/peers in other states 8

9 National Summit on Educator Effectiveness

10  Opening keynote by David E. HouleDavid E. Houle  Lots of state team time  Time to network with peers in other states  Some time with SCEE partners and some private time just with state teams  Closing keynote by Michael FullanMichael Fullan 10

11 Summit Purposes  Share info on educator effectiveness  Build internal relationships w/in state teams  Build cross-state relationships  Help state teams to determine their vision, purpose, and priority actions  Identify issues for CCSSO advocacy  Build trust  Other 11

12 Expected Outcomes Attendees will leave the Summit with:  a new articulation of the future needs of students  ideas for how to transform state systems of educator effectiveness to meet those needs  potential solutions to challenges in transforming educator effectiveness systems 12

13 Expected Outcomes, continued Attendees will leave the Summit with:  strengthened relationships within state teams to support individual state action  new cross-state job-alike relationships to support collective state action  specific plans for next steps 13

14 14

15 Agenda covers range of topics  Proposed Strands 1.Preparation 2.Teacher Evaluation 3.School Leader Evaluation 4.Professional Development 5.Developmental Continuums/Tiered Licensure 6.Systemic Thinking and Implementation 15

16 Agenda covers range of topics  Themes  Grounding in standards—Common Core, InTASC, ISLLC, professional development  Data systems and feedback loops  Connections/relationships to districts  Models, cases  Action steps, deep dive projects, collaboration 16

17 Summit Schedule—Washington, DC April 27, 2:00-5:30 pm Summit orientation for SCEE team leads  Preparing to get the most out of the Summit  Decision points for state teams during the Summit  Thinking systemically, drawing the Summit threads together with/for your teams 17

18 Summit Schedule—Washington, DC April 28, 8:00 am-8:30 pm Working Sessions and Meals  Keynote, author of “ShiftEd,” David HouleDavid Houle  State-team time  Small-group time with 2 other states (we need to match you with other states)  Standards as a foundation Breakfast, lunch and dinner served 18

19 Summit Schedule—Washington, DC April 29, 8:00 am-5:00 pm Topical Breakouts, General Session—School Leadership  Topical strands/Jigsaw activity  General session with Joe MurphyJoe Murphy  State action and deep dive planning Breakfast and lunch provided, dinner on your own 19

20 Summit Schedule—Washington, DC April 30, 7:30 am-12:30 pm State Team Action Planning, Closing Keynote  Private state team time  Closing session with Michael FullanMichael Fullan Breakfast and box lunch provided, Summit adjourns at 12:30 pm. 20

21 Summit Facilitators  We are working to get each state a facilitator  Do you have interests, special requests, or concerns about having a facilitator? 21

22 Summit Logistics  Some team lead sleeping rooms will be two- room suites—we need the space for your team meetings  We will be in touch if you are one of those states 22

23 Summit Logistics  We cover costs for 6 participants per state  Registration deadline is April 4!  We have pre-approved team members for registration  You must tell William if you have a replacement or is you are bringing more than 6 team members, so he can alert registration 23

24 State Team Composition

25 State Team Compositions  Many states are still gathering their teams of six participants each  We need to know your team members so we can send announcements of monthly webinars, special SCEE activities, etc.  e-Team-Members e-Team-Members 25

26 State Team Compositions  Summit participants who are not on the formal state team are welcome to keep participating!  You can have as many people on the webinars and in the collaboration site as you choose 26

27 State Team Compositions  We have asked that certain participants be included on the team  Your chief state school officer or a deputy chief  A representative of your professional standards board be on the team  Your InTASC and SCEL representatives 27

28 State Team Compositions  Some state teams are comprised of divisions across the SEA—not just learning and teaching/curriculum and instruction, but also  Common Core implementation  Data  Assessment and accountability  Federal programs  Etc. 28

29 State Team Compositions  Several states included external stakeholders:  Statewide teachers association  Statewide administrator associations  Statewide school board association  Practitioners  State legislator  One state partnered with higher ed to share costs of membership & team representation 29

30 Team Lead Survey

31  We need to know  How to match you during the Summit  How to customize SCEE  We will email the link  EE-Team-Lead-Survey-March-20-2011 EE-Team-Lead-Survey-March-20-2011  Should take 10 minutes to complete  Please complete this week 31

32 Monthly SCEE Webinars

33 How to use the webinars  How does your team use the webinars?  Are the suggested state team agendas that are posted on the collaboration site helpful to you?  What suggestions for improvement do you have?  Should we keep posting these sample agendas? 33

34 How to improve the webinars  Webinar evaluations are VERY helpful. Examples of what we have heard:  Provide PPTs ahead of time  Identify speakers better in case we log on late  Suggestions for future webinars and Summit strand topics  Any suggestions for improving the webinars? 34

35 SCEE Collaboration Site

36  We can run tutorials for you, your assistant, and your team  Encourage your team members and others to sign on  Participate—discussions, blogs, upload files  Probably new groups coming out of Summit  What has be most useful for you on the collaboration site? What ideas do you have for using the site? 36

37 Things To Do/Next steps

38 Things to Do/Next Steps  Finalize your state representation at Summit—tell William if you’re sending extras  Register for Summit—deadline in 2 weeks  Ensure everyone makes travel arrangements for the Summit  Complete the team lead surveyteam lead survey  Submit your team rosterteam roster  Plan for the April 12 webinar 38

39 Coming Up in April  April 12, 2:00-3:30 pm EDT Monthly Webinar: Choosing the Right Drivers for Reform, with Michael Fullan  April 19, 2:00-3:00 pm EDT Team Lead webinar  April 27, 28, 29, and 30 National Summit on Educator Effectiveness 39

40 Coming Up in May  May 10, 2:00-3:30 pm EDT Monthly Webinar: Follow-Up with Summit Speaker(s)  May 17, 2:00-3:30 pm EDT Rural Affinity Group Webinar 40

41 Thank you for participating today!

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