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Content-based Instruction. “A learner is successful when the focus is on the content rather than on mastery language.”

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Presentation on theme: "Content-based Instruction. “A learner is successful when the focus is on the content rather than on mastery language.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Content-based Instruction

2 “A learner is successful when the focus is on the content rather than on mastery language.”

3 CBI is teaching organized around the content or information that the students will acquire, and not around the linguistic or other syllabus. Content refers to the substance or the subject matter that we learn or communicate through language content rather than the language used to convey it

4 CBI is built on the principle of Communicative Language Teaching. Classroom need to fill with real and meaningful communication where information is exchanged.

5 CBI is based on two principles: 1. People learn a L2 when they use the language to acquire information. This related to motivation. 2. It better reflects learners’ needs for learning L2 language. Many ESL/EFL programs focus on preparing learners for academic studies or the mainstreaming

6 Theory of language Language and text and discourse-based Language involved meaning and information is communicated and constructed through text and discourse. Sentences> clauses, phrases>speech events> text types

7 CBI sees language as combination of several skills used together. Grammar is seen as a component of other skills. Language is used for specific purpose such as vocation, recreational, social. In order to make the content comprehensible, teachers need to make adjustments and simplifications for students to understand

8 Theory of learning CBI makes an assumption that learners learn best when they are given language in a meaningful contextualized form with the primary focus on acquiring information.

9 People learn a second language most successfully when the information they acquiring is perceived as interesting, useful and leading to a desired goal. Language learning is more motivating when students are focusing on something other than language such as ideas, opinions and issues Some content areas are more useful as a basis for language learning than other.

10 Teaching builds on the previous experience of the learners. CBI build on the learners’ previous knowledge and experience. Students bring a wealth of knowledge to classroom.

11 Objectives In CBI, learning the language is second to learning the content, the objectives relate to the content, not the language. Syllabus The syllabus come from the content. However, it is common for a typical syllabus to be used in theme-based CBI.

12 Stryker and Leaver (1993) suggested essential skills for any CBI teachers 1.Vary the format of classroom instruction 2.Use group work and teach-building techniques 3.Organize jigsaw-reading teaching arrangement 4.Use process approach to writing

13 Help student develop coping strategies Use appropriate error correction techniques Develop and maintain high level of students esteem

14 Water World riptions.htm

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