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Using the ACCJC Rubrics Dan Peck Cynthia Klawender-Lee.

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Presentation on theme: "Using the ACCJC Rubrics Dan Peck Cynthia Klawender-Lee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the ACCJC Rubrics Dan Peck Cynthia Klawender-Lee

2 ACCJC Accreditation Rubric for Institutional Effectiveness Overview

3 Three Areas of the Rubric Three areas have consistently emerged as difficult for colleges and visiting teams in the past I. Program Review II. Planning III. Student Learning Outcomes

4 Purpose of the Rubric Provide “common language” for what is meant by full compliance with the standards Increase consistency across college self study narratives and visiting team evaluations

5 Additional Guidance Rubrics do not set new criteria or standards by which an institution is evaluated Rather, listed behaviors are meant to be examples of behavior that is indicative of implementation stage

6 Levels of Implementation for Each of the Three Areas

7 Sample Page

8 Real Expectations

9 What’s expected? Program Review PlanningSLOs Level 1: Awareness Level 2: Development Level 3: Proficiency Level 4: Sustainable Continuous Quality Improvement

10 Program Review: Level 4 Sustainable Continuous Quality Improvement Program review processes are ongoing, systematic. Program review processes are refined to improve institutional effectiveness. Results of program review are used to continually refine and improve program practices.

11 What’s expected? Program Review PlanningSLOs Level 1: Awareness Level 2: Development Level 3: Proficiency Level 4: Sustainable Continuous Quality Improvement

12 Planning: Level 4 Sustainable Continuous Quality Improvement The institution uses ongoing and systematic evaluation and planning to refine its key processes. There is ongoing dialogue about institutional effectiveness; data and analyses are widely distributed and used.

13 Planning: Level 4 Sustainable Continuous Quality Improvement There is ongoing review and adaptation of evaluation and planning processes There is consistent and continuous commitment to improving student learning

14 What’s expected? Program Review PlanningSLOs Level 1: Awareness Level 2: Development Level 3: Proficiency Level 4: Sustainable Continuous Quality Improvement

15 Student Learning Outcomes: Level 3 Proficiency SLOs and authentic assessment are in place for courses, programs and degrees. Results of assessment are being used for improvement. There is widespread institutional dialogue about the results. Decision-making includes dialogue on the results of assessment

16 Student Learning Outcomes: Level 3 Proficiency Comprehensive assessment reports exist and are completed on a regular basis. Course SLOs are aligned with degree SLOs. Students demonstrate awareness of goals and purposes of courses and programs in which they are enrolled.

17 Key Messages Colleges should engage in ongoing and systematic assessment of all processes Colleges should have clear and meaningful linkage between Student Learning Outcomes Program Review Planning and Resource Allocation

18 Key Messages

19 What do we do with this Rubric? Use it to guide activities and timelines Will your college be engaged at the appropriate level by Fall 2011? Is your program or service engaged at the appropriate level? If not, what can be done now to get there?

20 What do we do with this Rubric?

21 What can YOU do?

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