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Spicule observed in He 10830 Å Solar seminar in 2009 April 20 Short : Tetsu Anan HAZEL Bueno et al. 2005 Nuño et al. 2007 1, 2, 3,

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Presentation on theme: "Spicule observed in He 10830 Å Solar seminar in 2009 April 20 Short : Tetsu Anan HAZEL Bueno et al. 2005 Nuño et al. 2007 1, 2, 3,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spicule observed in He 10830 Å Solar seminar in 2009 April 20 Short : Tetsu Anan HAZEL Bueno et al. 2005 Nuño et al. 2007 1, 2, 3,

2 HE10830 upper chromospheric spectral line Multiplet line (triplet) EUV coronal irradiation (λ (lower) level to be populated collisional excitation & ionization λ[ Å ] loweruppergRelative strength 10829.092.000.111 10830.251.750.333 10830.341.250.556 BLUE COMPONENT RED COMPONENT Nuño et al. 2007

3 HE10830 Si 1082.71 He 1082.91 He 1083.03 H 2 O 1083.21 Ca 1083.34 H 2 O 1083.21 Na 1083.49 H 2 O 1083.80 Sunspot observed at DST in Hida observtory

4 Hanle effect Weak B rotated and modify the direction of unmagnetized linear scattering polarization (population imbalances) Bueno et al. 2005 Zeeman splitting => good!! in He 10830 * circular polarization for line-of-sight B ∝ B * linear polarization for perpendicular line-of-sight ∝ B^2 negligible for perpendicular line-of-sight B < 100G Diagnostic for investigating the magnetism in He 10830 : diagnostic tool (Hanle, Zeeman, Paschen-Back ) I studied at Hanle effect workshop in this spiring from Mr. Katsukawa (Tujillo Bueno, Asensio Ramos,,,) HAZEL B in Gauss λ in Å

5 Model & coordinate Slab model Constant property slab Background light is unpolarized anisotropic continuum radiation =>population balance, source function, absorption coefficient neglect collision optical thickness is τ HAZE L τ height local coordinate for B B : magnetic field strength θ B : incrination χ B : azimuth

6 parameter HAZE L Height

7 Inversion HAZE L

8 problem Linear polarization of the 10830 Å is sensitive (via the upper level Hanle effect) to B = 0.1 〜 10G t life =life time (in seconds) of the given atomic level g=Lande factor B >10G We can get only θ B,χ B from linear polarization B ⊥ from circular polarization (Zeeman effect) => B Constant property Van-Vleck ambiguity => There are an angle having no atomic polarization 180°ambiguity HAZE L

9 θ=90° χ=0° γ=90° +Q Local cordinate Off-limb observation

10 Van-Vleck angle 90°scattering B const.

11 Offlimb_00 inclination azimuth For example of ambiguity from Mr Katukawa’s presentation file Χ square distribution map Red point is answer B constant Θ [5°]

12 Offlimb_01 inclination azimuth For example of ambiguity from Mr Katukawa’s presentation file Χ square distribution map Red point is answer B constant Θ [5°]

13 Offlimb_04 inclination azimuth For example of ambiguity from Mr Katukawa’s presentation file Χ square distribution map Red point is answer B constant Θ [5°]

14 Offlimb_02 inclination azimuth For example of ambiguity from Mr Katukawa’s presentation file Χ square distribution map Red point is answer B constant Θ [5°]

15 Offlimb_06 inclination azimuth For example of ambiguity from Mr Katukawa’s presentation file Χ square distribution map Red point is answer B constant Θ [5°]

16 Spicule is Chromospheric small jets Velocity ~ 25 km/sec (≈ sound velocity ≈ Alfven velocity ≈10km/sec) Height ≈ 6000~10000km Width ≈ 800 km Bueno et al. 2005

17 Observation Bueno et al. 2005 2001 May 10 50 consecutive images(expo.=100ms) Nuño et al. 2007 2005 December 4 10 consecutive images(expo.=250ms) 11m Å /px Tenerife Infrared Polarimeter mounted on the German Vacum Tower Telescope at the Observatorio del Teide

18 B of off-limb spicule Height 2000km U signal => Hanle effect ∵ scatter polarization => Q B ≈10G θ B ≈ 37° χ B ≈ 173° thermal velocity 13.5 km/s artificially enhancing the damping parameter Optically thick model Bueno et al. 2005 Open circle : observed stokes profile Solid line : theoretical modeling red circle : caused by the presence of a significant amount of atomic polarization in the ground level

19 That all

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