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Context-Free Grammars and Parsing

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1 Context-Free Grammars and Parsing
Chapter 3 Context-Free Grammars and Parsing Ambiguous Grammar Gang S. Liu College of Computer Science & Technology Harbin Engineering University Compiler

2 Ambiguous Grammar exp → exp op exp | (exp) | number op → + | - | * The string 34 – 3 * 42 has two different parse trees and syntax trees. * - * A grammar that generates a string with two distinct parse trees is called an ambiguous grammar. Compiler

3 Two Ways to Deal with Ambiguity
Disambiguating rule State a rule that specifies in each ambiguous case which of the trees is correct. It corrects the ambiguity without changing and complicating the grammar. Syntactic structure of the language is not given by the grammar alone. Change grammar into a form that forces the construction of a correct parse tree. In both cases we must decide which of the trees are correct. Compiler

4 Ambiguous Grammar exp → exp op exp | (exp) | number op → + | - | * The string 34 – 3 * 42 has two different parse trees and syntax trees. * - * A grammar that generates a string with two distinct parse trees is called an ambiguous grammar. Compiler

5 Precedence Some operations have precedence over other operations.
Multiplication has precedence over addition. To handle the precedence of operations in the grammar, we group the operators into groups of equal precedence. We must write a different rule for each precedence. Compiler

6 Example √ × exp → exp op exp | (exp) | number op → + | - | *
- * × exp → exp addop exp | term addop → + | - term → term mulop term | factor mulop → * factor → (exp) | number Compiler

7 Ambiguous √ × 34 – 3 – 42 (34 – 3) – 42 (34 – 3) – 42 = –11
34 – (3 – 42) = 73 (34 – 3) – 42 Compiler

8 Associativity Some operation (like subtraction) are left associative.
A series of subtraction operations is performed from left to right. exp → exp addop exp | term Recursion on both sides of the operator allows either side to match repetitions of the operator in a derivation. exp → exp addop term | term The right recursion is replaced with the base case, forcing the repetitive matches on the left side Left recursion makes addition and subtraction left associative. Compiler

9 Example 34 - 3 - 42 has a unique parse tree Compiler

10 Example exp → exp addop term | term addop → + | -
term → term mulop factor | factor mulop → * factor → (exp) | number 34- 3* 42 has a unique parse tree exp exp addop term term term mulop factor factor factor * number number number Compiler

11 Dangling else Problem √ × statement → if-stmt | other
if-stmt → if (exp) statement | if (exp) statement else statement exp → 0 | 1 if (0) if (1) other else other has two parse trees with two meaning if (0) if (1) other else other and if (0) if (1) other else other × Compiler

12 if (0) if (1) other else other

13 if (0) if (1) other else other

14 Dangling else Problem statement → if-stmt | other
if-stmt → if (exp) statement | if (exp) statement else statement exp → 0 | 1 if (0) if (1) other else other has two parse trees with two meaning if (0) if (1) other else other and if (0) if (1) other else other Modify the grammar. Disambiguating rule: the most closely nested rule. Compiler

15 if (0) if (1) other else other
Dangling else Problem if (0) if (1) other else other statement → matched-stmt | unmatched-stmt matched-stmt → if (exp) matched-stmt else matched-stmt | other unmatched-stmt → if (exp) statement | if (exp) matched-stmt else unmatched-stmt exp → 0 | 1 Compiler

16 Inessential Ambiguity
Sometimes a grammar may be ambiguous and yet always produce unique abstract syntax trees. Example: ( a + b ) + c = a + ( b + c ) Compiler

17 Extended BNF Notation (EBNF)
{ } repetitions A → β {α} and A → {α} β Compiler

18 Left and Right Recursion
Left recursive grammar: A → A α | β Equivalent to β α * A → β {α} Right recursive grammar: A → α A | β Equivalent to α * β A → {α} β Compiler

19 Extended BNF Notation (EBNF)
{ } repetitions A → β {α} and A → {α} β [ ] optional constructs statement → if-stmt | other if-stmt → if (exp) statement | if (exp) statement else statement exp → 0 | 1 statement → if-stmt | other if-stmt → if (exp) statement [ else statement ] exp → 0 | 1 Compiler

20 Syntax Diagrams Graphical representations for visually representing EBNF rules are called syntax diagrams. They consist of boxes representing terminals and nonterminals, arrowed lines representing sequencing and choices, and nonterminal labels for each diagram representing the grammar rule defining that nonterminal. A round or oval box is used to indicate terminals in a diagram, while a square or rectangular box is used to indicate nonterminals. Compiler

21 Syntax Diagrams(cont)
As an example, consider the grammar rule factor → ( exp ) | number This is written as a syntax diagram in the following way: Compiler

22 Syntax Diagrams(cont)
Syntax diagrams are written from the EBNF rather than the BNF, so we need diagrams representing repetition and optional constructs. Given a repetition such as A → { B } The corresponding syntax diagram is usually drawn as follow: Compiler

23 Syntax Diagrams(cont)
An optional construct such as A → [ B ] Is drawn as: Compiler

24 Example exp → exp addop term | term addop → + | –
term → term mulop factor | factor mulop → * factor → (exp) | number exp → term { addop term } addop → + | – term → factor { mulop factor } mulop → * factor → (exp) | number Compiler

25 Example statement → if-stmt | other if-stmt → if (exp) statement
| if (exp) statement else statement exp → 0 | 1 statement → if-stmt | other if-stmt → if (exp) statement [ else statement ] exp → 0 | 1 Compiler

26 Context-free Grammar for TINY
program → stmt-sequence stmt-sequence → stmt-sequence ; statement | statement statement → if-stmt | repeat-stmt | assign-stmt| read-stmt | write-stmt if-stmt → if exp then stmt-sequence end | if exp then stmt-sequence else stmt-sequence end repeat-stmt → repeat stmt-sequence until exp assign-stmt → identifier := exp read-stmt → read identifier write-stmt → write exp exp → simple-exp comp-op simple-exp | simple-exp comp-op → < | = simple-exp → simple-exp addop term | term addop → + | - term → term mulop factor | factor mulop → * | / factor → (exp) | number | identifier Compiler

27 Factorial Program { Sample program in TINY language -
computes factorial } read x; { input an integer } if 0 < x then { don't compute if x <= 0 } fact := 1; repeat fact := fact * x; x := x - 1 until x = 0; write fact { output factorial of x } end Compiler

28 Syntax Tree for Factorial Program

29 Homework Compiler

30 Homework 3.5 Write a grammar for Boolean expressions that includes the constants true and false, the operators and, or, and not, and parentheses. Be sure to give or a lower precedence than and and and a lower precedence than not and to allow repeated not’s, as in the Boolean expression not not true. Also be sure your grammar is not ambiguous. Compiler

31 Homework 3.6 Consider the following grammar representing simplified LISP-like expressions: a. Write a leftmost and a rightmost derivation for the string ( a 23 (m x y) ) . b. Draw a parse tree for the string of part(a). lexp → atom | list atom → number | identifier list → (lexp-seq) lexp-seq → lexp-seq lexp | lexp Compiler

32 Homework 3.24 For the TINY program read x; x := x + 1;
a. Draw the TINY parse tree. b. Draw the TINY syntax tree. read x; x := x + 1; write x Compiler

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