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PNAMP Mission Statement PNAMP provides a forum to enhance the capacity of multiple entities to collaborate to produce an effective and comprehensive network.

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Presentation on theme: "PNAMP Mission Statement PNAMP provides a forum to enhance the capacity of multiple entities to collaborate to produce an effective and comprehensive network."— Presentation transcript:

1 PNAMP Mission Statement PNAMP provides a forum to enhance the capacity of multiple entities to collaborate to produce an effective and comprehensive network of aquatic monitoring programs in the Pacific Northwest based on sound science designed to inform public policy and resource management decisions. Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) Jennifer M. Bayer, Coordinator (USGS)

2 PNAMP Objectives  Provide a technical forum to develop, coordinate and inform monitoring and evaluation (M&E) programs  Provide a forum for communication with decision makers  Be a clearing house for sample design, protocol development, and data management activities  Provide process to establish landscape/ecosystem metrics

3 PNAMP Partners WA GSRO Charter signed by 20 state, tribal, federal, and regional entities:

4 Coordination Structure Executive Network Steering Committee Technical Workgroups/Subcommittees Watershed Condition WG Project Effectiveness WG Fish Population Monitoring WG Data Mgmt WG Coordination Team Lead Estuary WG High Level Indicators Subcom. Protocol Manager/ Data Dictionary Subcom.

5 Accomplishments  Successful forum for dialogue  Specific projects  Validation of “in-kind contribution” approach  Recommendations (formal)  Programmatic coordination  Policy interface (formal & informal)

6 Current Emphasis  Protocols/methods  Monitoring Design – “master sample” approach  Policy/programmatic coordination  Provide forum/resources to facilitate interaction

7 PNAMP Current Tasks   Work with PNW RGIC to identify and implement a process for developing/refining common GIS layers.   Coordinate existing aquatic/riparian monitoring with invasive/nonnative species surveys  Assist with the advancement of a regional environmental information management strategy  Monitoring Survey Design: develop regional aquatic status & trends “master sample design” (using the EPA’s EMAP probabilistic GRTS design)  Facilitate application of remote sensing tools for aquatic monitoring.

8 PNAMP Protocol Tasks  Protocol Manager  Protocol catalogue & data dictionary tool (Protocol Manager)  Data dictionary  Data dictionary content development and agreement on definitions

9 PNAMP Protocol Tasks   Fish population monitoring techniques   Watershed assessment (habitat) techniques   Estuary monitoring   Effectiveness monitoring Protocols under development

10 Tagging Telemetry & Marking Techniques Compendium   Broad Outreach   Peer-Review   Gap/Fill Exercise   Possible e- publication   New Information Updates (via e-pub)   Regional Access   August 2009  Case Studies, Published and Unpublished information etc. (150 contributors)  Analysis of Applicability  Match to Population Management Questions

11 Needs include: working towards data management standards, definitions, data sharing agreements & protocols, etc. PNAMP partners with regional data management entities:   NW Environmental Data Network (NED)   PNW Regional Geographic Information Council (PNW RGIC)  Regional Information Management Executive Summit - October 2, 2007 Data Management is fundamental to Monitoring Coordination

12 More Information

13 Supplemental slides

14 One Example of Coordination Between/ Among Major M&E Efforts in the CRB PNAMP Partnership CSMEPPilot Projects Common goal and an emerging hierarchy of roles and responsibilities PNAMP—Develop protocols and standards, Pacific NW coordination, communications pathway CSMEP—technical products, agencies peer review and coordination in Columbia Basin BPA Pilot Studies–logistical and practical implementation on the ground—testing and training

15 Information Management Issue: Managing Complexity

16 Information Management Issue: Understand All Needs data submission data collection Regional Information framework data storage data sharing data access feedback data analysis

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