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Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business chapter 4 & 5 the role of culture & Ethics.

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Presentation on theme: "Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business chapter 4 & 5 the role of culture & Ethics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business chapter 4 & 5 the role of culture & Ethics

2 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business EU to probe 'buy China' June 18, 2009 Thursday Updated 11.43 am June 18, 2009 Thursday Updated 11.43 am BRUSSELS - THE European Union's trade chief is examining a so-called 'buy China' policy adopted by Beijing that may favour Chinese products and restrict trade, the EU's executive arm said on Wednesday. A 4 trillion yuan (US$853 billion) Chinese stimulus package requires government-backed projects to seek explicit permission from Beijing before buying foreign goods and services.

3 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Need to View the Globe

4 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Practices in Countries Japanese avoid the word no because it is impolite ‘Manana’ to Spanish is tomorrow & to Latin American, some other day “Okay” in the US is a sign of money in Japan In Saudi Arabia, you should stand about 9-10 inches apart from your Saudi colleague Open the gift received from a Japanese in private Deliver bad news at the end of the day in Korea

5 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Story/ Fact of the Past Persian Invasion Story of Milk and Sugar

6 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business What Do You Think about Bangladesh Culture?

7 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Culture Culture is the collection of values, beliefs, behaviors, customs, and attitudes that distinguish one society from another. A society’s culture determines the rules that govern how firms operate in the society. definitions of ethical behavior = f (culture) Learned behavior, Interrelated elements, Adaptive, Shared

8 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Ethics Ethics is an individual's personal beliefs about whether a decision, behavior, or action is right or wrong. Ethical behavior usually refers to behavior that conforms to generally-accepted social norms Unethical behavior, then, is behavior that does not conform to generally-accepted social norms

9 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Ethical Generalizations äIndividuals have their own personal belief systems äPeople from the same cultural context will tend to hold similar beliefs äBehaviors can be rationalized based on circumstance äIndividuals may deviate from their own belief based on circumstance äEthical values are strongly affected by national cultures äMembers of one culture may view a behavior unethical while member from another may not.

10 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Values and Attitudes Values are the principles and standards accepted by the members; attitudes encompass the actions, feelings, and thoughts that result from those values.

11 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Elements -Values and Attitudes TimeAge EducationStatus

12 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Elements of Culture Culture Language Communication Religion Values/ attitudes Social structure

13 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Translation Disasters äKFC’s Finger Lickin’ Good äEat your fingers off (China) äPillsbury’s Jolly Green Giant äIntimidating green ogre (Saudi Arabia)

14 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Translation Business - Shanghai A good simultaneous interpreter in Shanghai can earn up to RMB500 an hour. I teased a friend of mine (who was one) that she was having a dream job, and shouldn’t be quitting. She would take on 1 to 2 assignments a month, lasting 5 days max, and earn between 7,000 to 10,000 RMB a month. By the average local standards, 10,000RMB a month is more than enough to live comfortably. The remainder of the 25 days in a month, she spends it doing the things she likes. She finally calls in quits one day citing the “pressure”.

15 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business World Languages

16 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Caterpillar Fundamental English Caterpillar has developed its own simplified language instruction program. Caterpillar developed its own language instruction program called Caterpillar Fundamental English (CFE), which it uses in its overseas repair and service manuals. CFE is a simplified, condensed version of English that can be taught to non-English- speaking people in 30 lessons. It consists of 800 words that are necessary to repair Cat’s equipment: 450 nouns, 70 verbs, 100 prepositions, and 180 other words.

17 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal communication may account for 80-90 percent of all information transmitted among members of a culture by means other than language.

18 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Forms of Nonverbal Communication äHand gestures äFacial expression äPosture and stance äClothing/hair style äWalking behavior äInterpersonal distance äTouching äEye contact äArchitecture/interior design äArtifacts and non- verbal symbols äGraphic symbols

19 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business International Communication äRecognize that many culture need to know you and the form you represent äSpeak slowly, clearly and simply äSpeak few words and phrases in the listeners language äBe careful about your body language and tone äRespect audiences desire for formal presentation äAllow for difference in behavior of audience äHave patience, design your presentation length, completeness and interrupt ability äMatch age and rank of presenter to members of foreign audience Conversation PrinciplesPresentation Principles

20 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Look X √

21 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Theories of Culture äHall’s Low-Context, High-Context Approach äCultural Cluster Approach äHofstede’s Five Dimensions

22 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Hall’s Low-Context High-Context Approach An approach to understanding communication based on the relative emphasis on verbal and nonverbal cues to transmit meaning

23 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business High- and Low-Context Cultures GermanSwissScandinavianU.S./ CanadianBritishItalianSpanishGreekArabVietnameseJapaneseKoreanChinese Low Context High Context

24 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business The Cultural Cluster Approach An approach to understanding communication based on meaningful clusters of countries that share similar cultural values

25 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business A Synthesis of Country Clusters

26 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Hofstede’s Five Dimensions Social Orientation Power Orientation Uncertainty Orientation Goal Orientation Time Orientation

27 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Social Orientation IndividualismCollectivism Relative importance of the interests of the individual versus interests of the group Individualism: USA, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand Collectivism: Mexico, Greece, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Peru, Singapore, Columbia, Pakistan

28 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Power Orientation Power Respect Power Tolerance Appropriateness of power/authority within organizations

29 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Social and Power Orientation Patterns

30 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Uncertainty Orientation Uncertainty Acceptance Avoidance Emotional response to uncertainty and change

31 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Goal Orientation Aggressive Passive What motivates people to achieve different goals

32 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Time Orientation Long-term Short-term outlook The extent to which members of a culture adopt a long-term or a short-term outlook on work and life

33 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Understanding New Cultures Self-reference criterion AcculturationCultural literacy

34 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business

35 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Exporting Jobs or Abusing People?

36 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business How Organizations Treat Employees Some businesses in Africa have taken steps to educate their employees about how AIDS is contracted.

37 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Ethics in a Cross-Cultural Context Cultural Context Behavior of Organization Toward Employees Behavior of Employees Toward Organization Behavior of Employees and Organization Toward Other Economic Agents

38 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Acceptability of Bribery äAcceptable äRussia äChina äTaiwan äSouth Korea äUnacceptable äAustralia äSweden äSwitzerland äAustria Aside from the rightness or wrongness of Germany’s Siemens paying some $2 billion in bribes, as was revealed recently, such actions do great harm to the institution when uncovered.

39 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Managing Ethical Behavior Across Borders Guidelines or codes Organizational practices Corporate culture Ethics training

40 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate social responsibility is the set of obligations an organization undertakes to protect and enhance the society in which it functions.

41 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Regulating International Ethics and Social Responsibility äForeign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) äAlien Tort Claims Act äAnti-Bribery Convention of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development äInternational Labor Organization (ILO)

42 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Day Light Saving Class Time?

43 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Assignment GroupProductsCountries 1Swimsuits, CD PlayersFrance, Singapore 2CD Players, Desk & BookcasesSingapore, Poland 3Desk & Book Cases, Men’s NecktiesPoland, Saudi Arabia 4Men’s Neckties, Women’s PursesSaudi Arabia, Taiwan 5Women’s Purses, FilmTaiwan, Italy 6Film, ShoesItaly, South Africa 7Shoes, ShareeSouth Africa, Russia 8Sharee, PanjabeeRussia, Bangladesh 9Panjabee, SwimsuitsBangladesh, France Assume that your group owns a firm and the firm already markets the products in your home country. It has a well-known trade mark and slogans for each products and each are among the market leaders. Assume further that your firm has decided to begin exporting each product to the countries mentioned. Research the cultures of the countries to determine how, if at all, you may need to adjust packaging, promotion, advertising, and so forth in order to maximize your Firm’s potential success. Consider market exists, focus on countries culture.

44 Click to edit Master title style Bangladesh University of Professionals Mgt of Int’l Business Thanks

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