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Flood Mitigation and Management in Thailand. Topics Nature and Extent of Flooding Nature and Extent of Flooding Data Collection and Forecasting Data Collection.

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Presentation on theme: "Flood Mitigation and Management in Thailand. Topics Nature and Extent of Flooding Nature and Extent of Flooding Data Collection and Forecasting Data Collection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flood Mitigation and Management in Thailand

2 Topics Nature and Extent of Flooding Nature and Extent of Flooding Data Collection and Forecasting Data Collection and Forecasting Flood Forecasting and Warning Flood Forecasting and Warning Communication of Flood- Warning Information Communication of Flood- Warning Information Other Relevant Information Other Relevant Information

3 Nature and Extent of Flooding



6 แผนที่แสดงพื้นที่เสี่ยงต่อการเกิดอุทกภัยระดับ ต่าง ๆ ในลุ่มน้ำชีและลุ่มน้ำมูล ร้อยเอ็ด อุบลราชธ านี ชัยภู มิ มหาสารค าม Flood Risk Area

7 Flood from the Central Mekong Basin of Thailand (Northeast) The Khong Basin (50,000 The Khong Basin (50,000 –Large flood is not existing in the tributaries due to their small basin area. –The flood season from August to September caused by invasion of high backwater of the Mekong river. –A long distance flood protection dike of about 800 km. from the Chaing Khan to the Mun river mouth has been constructed along the Mekong river. The Chi and Mun Basin (119,000 The Chi and Mun Basin (119,000 –Large flood is frequently occurred in the basin due to the heavy rainfall. –The flood season from September to October caused by poor drainage system in the basin. –About 22 barrages are constructed crossing the Chi and Mun rivers. –There are two large reservoirs in the basin, Ubol Ratana dam and Lam Pao dam.

8 Satellite image in 2002 illustrates inundated area in the northeast of Thailand

9 Data Collection and Forecasting

10 Available Data Hydrological Data Hydrological Data Meteorological Data Meteorological Data Dam Operation Data Dam Operation Data Other Data Other Data Most of the data are manually recorded and stored in digital form in the computer mainframe of agencies.

11 Agencies The Royal Irrigation Department (RID) The Royal Irrigation Department (RID) The Meteorological Department (MD) The Meteorological Department (MD) The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) The Department of Water Resources (DWR) The Department of Water Resources (DWR)

12 RID Statistical daily data of reservoirs Statistical daily data of reservoirs Statistical daily data of barrages Statistical daily data of barrages Daily or hourly or automatic water level data Daily or hourly or automatic water level data Daily or hourly or automatic rainfall data Daily or hourly or automatic rainfall data Daily evaporation data Daily evaporation data Forecasting of flooding condition has been carried out by considering the statistical relationship among data of gauging stations.


14 MD Daily or hourly or automatic rainfall data Daily or hourly or automatic rainfall data Daily meteorological data Daily meteorological data Rainfall data by radar Rainfall data by radar Forecasting of the rainfall and weather condition has been carried out by super computer.


16 EGAT Statistical daily data of reservoirs Statistical daily data of reservoirs Daily or hourly or automatic water level data Daily or hourly or automatic water level data Daily or hourly or automatic rainfall data Daily or hourly or automatic rainfall data Daily evaporation data Daily evaporation data Forecasting of runoff into reservoirs has been carried out by considering the statistical relationship among data of gauging stations.


18 DWR Daily or hourly or automatic water level data Daily or hourly or automatic water level data Daily or hourly or automatic rainfall data Daily or hourly or automatic rainfall data Daily evaporation data Daily evaporation data


20 Flood Forecasting and Warning

21 Physical data  Land use  Soils  Topography Transient data from gages  Rainfall  Stramflow  Evaporation  Reservoir level Other sources of data  Weather forecast Data Communication / Telemetry System  Radio  UHF/VHF  Satellite Data Management System  Real-time data acquisition  Data validation  Data processing  Databases  Real-time model updating Modeling / Forecasting System  Rainfall-runoff model  River hydrodynamic model  Reservoir operation model River Forecast  Streamflow  Water level  Warning Data Collection System

22 ProgramDeveloperPurpose MIKE-11, FLOODWATCH DHI Hydrodynamic, Flood Forecast ISIS, InfoWorks, FloodWorks Wallingford Hydrodynamic, Flood Forecast HEC-RAS, CWMS US Army Corps Hydrodynamic, Flood Forecast SMSEMRLHydrodynamic HEC-HMS US Army Corps Rainfall-Runoff IQQM Center of Natural Resource Water Balance, Reservoir Operation AVSWAT Blackland Research Rainfall-Runoff ARSPAcres Water Balance, Reservoir Operation HEC-ResSim US Army Corps Water Balance, Reservoir Operation NAMDHIRainfall-Runoff TANKJapanRainfall-Runoff Software

23 Schematic Layout of the FFWS FTU CPU I/O

24 Forecasting/Flood Management/Warning System Forecasting Result Rain Water Level Rainfall Forecasting System Radar Satellit e Rainfall Forecasting (Autom atic) Reporting to Flood Warning Committee Disaster Warning Announcement Level 1 Alertness Level 2 Migration Level 3 Urgent Migration (Automa tic) Operator Field Station Rain Water Level Telemetering System Water management/forecas ting System Flood Warning System Water Basin Model

25 Water Operation Center Telemetering Communication Network 5. Nakhon Ratcha Sri Ma Province 2. Saraburi Province 3. Udonthani Province 7. Ratchaburi Province 8. Songkhla Province 4. Khon Kaen Province 6. Prachinburi Province Regional Data Center 1. Lumpang Province 2. Khong Basin 3. Kok Basin 4. Chi Basin 25. Water Basin Data Center 1. Salawin Basin Remote St. Data Center Meteorological Dept. Data Center Royal Irrigation Dept. Data Center Other Agencies Leased Line (Hourly Data) Radio (15-30 Min. Data) Radio (15-30 Min. Data) Leased Line (Hourly Data) and Internet, Intranet Leased Line (Hourly Data) Leased Line (Hourly Data) Leased Line (Hourly Data) or Internet, Intranet

26 X.194 X.181 X.44 X.90 X.173 X.112 X.113 Sadua Reservoir Rumyaai Canal Jumhuui Canal Tum Canal Wadd Canal Wha Canal Repeat Station Master Station Remote Station

27 Project Real- Time Data by Telemet ering System Flood Forecasti ng by Math.Mod el Integrate d Data Base and Math. Model, Working as a Network Integrate d Math. Model and GIS for Output Presentat ion Rainfall Forecastin g by Radar Warning to the Public via Communic ation Media Ubol Ratana Dam (1988) Pak Mun Dam (1995) Khao Lam Dam (1995) Pasak Dam ( ปี 1999) Banglang Dam (2002) Thataphao Basin (2002) U-Thaphao Basin (2004) Chantaburi Basin (2004) Chao Phraya Basin (2004)

28 Communication of Flood- Warning Information

29 Communication RID has an existing VHF/HF single side band (HF-SSB) and two radio system that is used within the districts. RID has an existing VHF/HF single side band (HF-SSB) and two radio system that is used within the districts. EGAT has installed its own microwave communication system from its network of hydropower stations to its central office. EGAT has installed its own microwave communication system from its network of hydropower stations to its central office. Satellite system allowed to be used by the government departments is “THAICOM” Satellite system allowed to be used by the government departments is “THAICOM”

30 Flood-Warning Information There are existing flood preparedness plans and mitigation measures in the basin. There are existing flood preparedness plans and mitigation measures in the basin. RID or EGAT’s regional office send the flooding information to the provincial officer who has responsibility in performing flood preparedness plan via telephone or radio. RID or EGAT’s regional office send the flooding information to the provincial officer who has responsibility in performing flood preparedness plan via telephone or radio. The local emergency teams make preparations to carry out works in areas of likely to be inundated by flooding. The local emergency teams make preparations to carry out works in areas of likely to be inundated by flooding. The organization of the teams and their duties are clearly indicated. The organization of the teams and their duties are clearly indicated.

31 Other Relevant Information

32 Network System of the Thailand Integrated Water Resources Management (TIWRM)

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