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Differentiated Instruction using Technology Glogster, Poetry, Raps, Tests and More.

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Presentation on theme: "Differentiated Instruction using Technology Glogster, Poetry, Raps, Tests and More."— Presentation transcript:

1 Differentiated Instruction using Technology Glogster, Poetry, Raps, Tests and More

2 Kids tired of Discovery?  Glogster is new, and easier to use. Click hereClick here

3 Glogpedia  Already prepared glogs:  You can have students view glogs through Edmodo, your website or My Big Campus  IF you create an account: Click here:Click here  Just copy or save to favorites  Add students by giving them a code  Students can start making their own glogs.

4 Add Students Youtube videos are available which show you how to set up and use glogster.

5 Assign Projects

6 Using Rap or Poetry for TIC TAC TOE  Give kids 3 words from vocabulary  Have the make a rap song or poem using these words  They can use apps for background music.

7 Flashcards for studying Study Blue – and online notes

8 Using Kahoot in new ways  Kahoot: Click HereClick Here  Three facts and a fib: Allows students to identify important information while finding the false information.  Have students make their own Kahoots as an assessment tool (TIC TAC TOE?)

9 Kahoot – deeper learning  Often students who have never spoken before will debate over a new-found shared passion or opinion, triggered by the ranking on the leaderboard or who they’re currently trying to catch!  When playing a quiz, tricky wrong answers (which could quite conceivably be correct answers) often create debate focused on why?.  You could also create questions with more than one correct answer to really fuel the learning process. Use the duplicate question button to create repetitive questions/answers which build on insights gained from the previous question.

10 Socrative  For those students who can read and write well click hereclick here  Get reports that you can use for a grade  Multiple choice, short answer and true and false.

11 And when kids get bored with all of this:  Go to superteachertools

12 Handhelds and Apps  Use their handhelds: For those who like quiet.

13 Students that have trouble writing:

14 Handheld Planners

15 Virtual Field Trips!!  Tons of free field trips for students  Caves: Caves  Smithsonian Museum Smithsonian Museum  Moon Moon  Other museums and exhibits Other museums and exhibits

16 And to keep your sanity

17 Class Dojo or spinner app

18 Teaching Hacks:  USE PINTEREST!! See a great idea, PIN IT!

19 More teacher hacks  Click here: Click here  And then here:here

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