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1900-1950. Disillusionment definition : freedom from belief, conviction, or faith; a state of skepticism or cynicism.

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Presentation on theme: "1900-1950. Disillusionment definition : freedom from belief, conviction, or faith; a state of skepticism or cynicism."— Presentation transcript:

1 1900-1950

2 Disillusionment definition : freedom from belief, conviction, or faith; a state of skepticism or cynicism

3 1) The devastation of WWI (1914-1918) 2) The Stock Market Crash (1929) and Great Depression As a result, Americans began to wonder if the American dream – the belief in social progress and economic opportunity for all – is really attainable!

4 1) Marxism: “maybe history is about power dynamics and class struggle!” 2) Psychoanalysis: “maybe we’re slaves to our own brute impulses” Not the most optimistic perspectives on humankind!

5 1. Emphasis on bold experimentation in style and form, reflecting the fragmentation of society 3. Rejection of the ideal hero as infallible in favor of a hero who is flawed and disillusioned Poet T.S.Eliot

6 3. Interest in the inner workings of the human mind, sometimes expressed through new narrative techniques such as stream of consciousness

7 The Imagist followed some of these “rules” in their poetry: 1. Present one intense image 2. Use common speech in poetry. 3. Choose words with great precision and economy. 4. Use free verse in order to escape traditional rhythms

8 The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough

9 so much depends upon a red wheel barrow glazed with rain water beside the white chickens.

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