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Bill of Rights/ First 10 Amendments to the Constitution

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1 Bill of Rights/ First 10 Amendments to the Constitution
Look at the Venn Diagram with your group complete your own.

2 BILL OF RIGHTS Using page 166-167 in the text book.
Complete the back of the worksheet. Summarize the rights described Summarize the limitations described. Discuss limitations as a class.

3 Bill of Rights Fold the paper and write the number and the name of each amendment, as shown. Then illustrate each. I. Freedom of Speech I. Freedom of Religion I. Freedom of Assembly I .Freedom of Press I. Freedom to Petition/Protest II. Right to Bare Arms III. No Quartering of Soldiers IV. No Unreasonable Search and Seizure FRONT

4 Bill of Rights BACK YOUR NAME V. Protection from Self Incrimination
V. No Double Jeopardy VI. Right to an Attorney, speedy trial VI. Right to a Jury in a criminal case. VII. Trial By Jury in a CIVIL case VIII. No cruel and Unusual Punishment IX. Rights of the People X. Rights of the States. YOUR NAME

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