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+ 家庭 + 工作地 + 車輛 + 娛樂 + 互動藝術 + 多媒體 vs. 網路技術門檻 + How to design & innovation?

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Presentation on theme: "+ 家庭 + 工作地 + 車輛 + 娛樂 + 互動藝術 + 多媒體 vs. 網路技術門檻 + How to design & innovation?"— Presentation transcript:


2 + 家庭 + 工作地 + 車輛 + 娛樂 + 互動藝術 + 多媒體 vs. 網路技術門檻 + How to design & innovation?


4 Home Computing Basic Requirements on Home Networking from the computing perspective : Interworking and distribution of high bandwidth to multiple devices Interworking between home IP gateway and WAN connection Securing in-home communication and via WAN connection Wireless enhancements for range and speed Wired and wireless home network media Distributed file sharing

5 Home Entertainment Entertainment on demand is on the march with the consumer. An example of a networked platform that offers consumer sticky application around digital media is consumer place-shifting device or software. This will be the first time the PC industry puts ready-to-go in-built capabilities such as anytime, anywhere media streaming on PC into the hands of consumers, allowing them indoor and outdoor content delivery.

6 Home Communications Communication in-home involves the following: 1. Integrated communications for fixed and mobile. 2. Instant communications with federated user groups. 3. Presence integrated into voice communications.

7 Home Monitoring and Management In monitoring and management, the following items have been characterized: 1. Remote surveillance 2. Home systems management 3. Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) and lighting control

8 CONNECTED HOME 本圖取自 "Technologies for Home Networking". Edited by Sudhir Dixit and Ramjee Prasad, published by John Wiley, 2008.

9 CONNECTED HOME 本圖取自 "Technologies for Home Networking". Edited by Sudhir Dixit and Ramjee Prasad, published by John Wiley, 2008.

10 CONSUMER TRENDS 本圖取自 "Technologies for Home Networking". Edited by Sudhir Dixit and Ramjee Prasad, published by John Wiley, 2008.

11 CONSUMER TRENDS 本圖取自 "Technologies for Home Networking". Edited by Sudhir Dixit and Ramjee Prasad, published by John Wiley, 2008.

12 LIVING IN REAL TIME Living in real time means having access to network at all times and having some control capabilities for home monitoring, appliances, and other devices from remote locations. Real-time information would include services such as news, education, search engine, health care, travel, TV. Real-time commerce would mean online payment and online banking services. This will enable services such as online reservation and payment for movies, games, music, ring tones, entertainment, and ordering of goods and services. Communication services include telephone, video telephony, instant messaging, e-mail, multimedia services.

13 A VISION OF A PERSONAL NETWORK 本圖取自 "Technologies for Home Networking". Edited by Sudhir Dixit and Ramjee Prasad, published by John Wiley, 2008.

14 A VISION OF A PERSONAL NETWORK(PN) Application may run locally or remotely, but the service is end-to-end. A PN may not be needed to run an application, but it is always needed to support personal services.

15 + Health + Home and daily life + Distributed work

16 Health 本圖取自 "Technologies for Home Networking". Edited by Sudhir Dixit and Ramjee Prasad, published by John Wiley, 2008.

17 Home and Daily Life The use of nomadic PANs is not limited to homes in this context; it may readily be extended to vehicles and other homes away from home. There is a lot of efficiency to be gained from collecting context data and linking this to personal data available through networks. Adding presence information to the digital life recorded and categorizing certain context groupings can also yield interesting efficiency gains.

18 Distributed Work Distributed work is typified by cooperation between multiple individuals working toward a common goal. Examples of distributed work scenarios include: † Journalists and mass media covering a story † Students working on a common project † Researchers in cooperating projects Collaborations may also extend beyond personal networks to what may be referred to as federated networks.


20 + Mobile data gathering – Vehicle can sense events (image from street or presence of toxic chemicals), process sensed data (recognize license plate), and route to other vehicles + Consumer of content – Location-aware information, entertainment (movies, music, ads) + Both producers and consumers of content – Report on road conditions, traffic congestion monitoring, emergency alert





25 + RoadSpeak: Voice Chatting in Vehicular Social Networks + Online “Passenger” Games


27 + 弄偶者、表演者或虛擬人 ─ 在無線網路空間 內的感觀差異時間 : – 保羅‧瑟曼喜歡探索在遠端網絡的世界,並與遠 端參與者在網域間互動。 – 他透過色彩的調和以及視訊會議技術的運用, 讓兩個空間內的參與觀眾,同時被連結在一個 虛擬的空間中,變成一個可以互動的視覺裝置 作品。 – 藉由遠端視訊空間,以及觀者與表演者間親密 的接觸,傳達自我反射的裝置作品。

28 + AZIo AZIo

29 + What is Multimedia: – Text, visuals, sound

30 + Text – Unformatted plain text – Formatted text, such as mathematical expressions, hypertext  inherently digital + Visual – Drawing, maps, images, animation, etc  can be analog and converted into digital + Sound – Voice, audio, music, etc.  can be analog and converted into digital

31 + Real-Time (RT) – Bounds on the end-to-end packet delay/jitter – Further classified as  Discrete media (DM): discrete quantum as a file or message, e.g. ÷ MSN/Yahoo messengers (error-intolerant) ÷ Instant messaging services like stock quote updates (error-tolerant)  Continuous media (CM): continuously as a stream of messages, ÷ Further classified as = Delay tolerant: Internet webcast = Delay intolerant: audio, video streaming in conferencing systems + Non Real-Time (NRT) – Do not have strict delay constraints – E.g. text and image files


33 + Design issues?

34 + Client device – Small/large, mobile/fixed + Network platform – Broadband, mobile/fixed, always connected + Users – Service or application needs + Others?

35 + Do you have any idea for any “innovation” of application scenario? + What is your thinking about this?

36 + What is a good innovation? + What is the flow of innovation? + “executable” is important?

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