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Sustainable Intensification of Maize-Legume Systems for the Eastern Province of Zambia (SIMLEZA) Sustainable Intensification of Maize-Legume Systems for.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Intensification of Maize-Legume Systems for the Eastern Province of Zambia (SIMLEZA) Sustainable Intensification of Maize-Legume Systems for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Intensification of Maize-Legume Systems for the Eastern Province of Zambia (SIMLEZA) Sustainable Intensification of Maize-Legume Systems for the Eastern Province of Zambia (SIMLEZA)

2 Implementing Partners:  CIMMYT/IITA (lead institutions)  ZARI, TLC, UNZA, MAL  Key Stakeholders: DAOs, IP-members (governmental, private sector, research, NGOs)  Coverage: Eastern Province  Start date: September, 2011  Completion date: September 30, 2015

3 Purpose / Goals Productivity focus: Maize-legume systems agronomy and seed systems Nutrition focus: Soya processing and utilization Capacity building: NARS, NGOs seed companies and farmers

4 SIMLEZA Objectives  To enhance technology targeting and delivery of input and output markets through value chains.  To facilitate adoption and adaptation of productive, resilient and sustainable agronomic practices for maize- legume cropping systems.  To improve diet diversification through soybean use at the household  To increase the number of maize and legume varieties adapted to small scale farm conditions  To enhance the capacity of national partners.

5 SIMLEZA Project Sites On-farm activities  Chipata District: Chanje, Kapara and Mtaya camps  Katete District: Kafumbwe and Kawalala camps  Lundazi District: Hoya and Vuu camps On-station activities  Msekera, GART, Kabwe, Misamfu  Harare Expansion  Scale up to additional camps

6 Objective 1: Enhancing technology targeting and delivery for the poor

7 Summary of activities Baseline survey report finalized & results shared with other objectives and partners. Identification and mapping of seed, fertilizer and output value chain actors for legumes and maize (draft report completed). Survey instrument for the monitoring adoption of new technologies developed. Performance monitoring plan indicators identified Economic analysis of on-farm trials training of partners

8 Key achievements Characterization of the farming system based on major biophysical factors Opportunities and constraints to maize –legume intensification in Eastern Province identified (Baseline & Value chain report) A comprehensive adoption monitoring survey instrument developed 21 partners (19 men & 2 women) trained on basic economic principal for analyzing on-farm trials

9 Key achievements- Maize Production in Eastern province - 2009/10

10 Key achievements- Groundnuts Production in Eastern province - 2009/10

11 Objective 2: Cropping Systems Agronomy

12 Agronomy and Innovation Platforms Summary of activities Implementation of CA trials in seven target communities Implementation of on-station CA trials at Msekera Research Station Facilitate the formation of Innovation Platforms (IP’s) in each project district Key achievements to date 56 CA validation trials planted and evaluated One long term CA-trial, 1 weed management and 1 residue level trials established at Msekera IP workshops conducted with stakeholders

13 Manual CA validation trials Dibble stick Hand hoe planter (to be introduced in 2013/14)

14 Manual CA validation trials Maize crop in Dibble stick CA trials (Mtaya camp, 2011/12 season)

15 Animal traction CA trials Animal drawn ripping Animal drawn direct seeding

16 Animal traction CA trials Maize and soyabean crops in ripped CA trials (Kawalala camp, 2012/13 season)

17 On-station CA validation trials (Msekera Research Station)

18 Trial typeLocationsNumber of farmers On-farm manual CA4 camps32 On-farm mechanized CA3 camps24 On-station CA trialsMsekera3 trials Current CA research portfolio

19 Long Term CA Trial Treatments Ridge & furrowRidge & furrow Mouldbord ploughingMouldbord ploughing Planting basinsPlanting basins DibblestickDibblestick Direct seedingDirect seeding Crop rotation & intercroppingCrop rotation & intercropping Maize, cowpea & soyabeans Maize, cowpea & soyabeans Soil quality Soil quality Soil water dynamics Soil water dynamics Crop yields Crop yields Weed dynamics Weed dynamics Pests & diseases Pests & diseases Crops Measurements

20 Weed management Trial Treatments Manual weeding Glyphosate + manual weeding Glyphosate (seeding) +Glyphosate (seeding) + Glyphosate (post-e) + manual Glyphosate + Atrazine Atrazine + manual Dual + Atrazine + manual Dual + Atrazine + manual Dual + manual Dual + manual Glyphosate + Atrazine + Dual Maize Maize Ripper Ripper Crop & Tillage system Measurements Weed dynamics Weed dynamics Crop yields Crop yields Pests & diseases Pests & diseases

21 Crop Residue Level Trial Treatments: Conventional tillage Conventional tillage No-tillage, 0 t/ha residues No-tillage, 0 t/ha residues No-tillage, 2 t/ha residues No-tillage, 2 t/ha residues No-tillage, 4 t/ha residues No-tillage, 4 t/ha residues No-tillage, 6 t/ha residues No-tillage, 6 t/ha residues No-tillage, 8 t/ha residues No-tillage, 8 t/ha residues Maize Maize Ripper Ripper Crop & Tillage system: Measurements: Weed dynamics Weed dynamics Crop yields Crop yields Pests & diseases Pests & diseases

22 Objective 4: To increase the number of maize and legume varieties adapted to small scale farm conditions


24 Summary of activities  On-farm PVS to identify farmer- preferred maize, soybean and cowpea varieties  On-station maize, soybean and cowpea variety trials  On-station and on-farm multiplication of legume and maize seeds

25 Key achievements to date  In six communities 11 soybean and 8 cowpea variety trials established and evaluated by farmers  Nine on-farm trials and four on- station maize trials established  Two legume and six maize varieties submitted for release  Seed increase of promising maize and legume varieties  Soybean and cowpea variety trials conducted at three stations  Community-based seed production established



28 Enhancing Capacity Building TrainingMFTotal MSc. students112 CA pre-season training (Extension) 19221 Harvest training (Extension) 18119 Maize Technician training 25530 Training activities

29 Pre- & in-season training of partners TrainingMFTotal CA pre-season training19221 Harvest training18119

30 Capacity building & Out-scaling Farmer-to-farmer exchange visits Farmer-to-farmer exchange visits Field tours Field tours Field days Field days Radio & Television programmes Radio & Television programmes Newspaper publications Newspaper publications

31 Farmer-to-farmer exchange visits SIMLEZA farmers visiting Kayowozi camp, SIMLEZA farmers visiting Kayowozi camp, Chipata district (February 2013)

32 Mobilization of other farmers Field tours Radio & TV programs

33 DateDistrictCamp Attendance MaleFemaleTotal 05-MarKateteKafumbwe472875 06-MarKateteKawalala6357120 21-MarLundaziHoya13070200 15-MarChipataMtaya17191262 21-MarChipataKapara7349122 22-MarLundaziVuu286428714 27-MarChipataChanje9969168 28-MarKateteFT Centre350111461 Total 12199032122 Number of farmers who attended field days

34 Planning and Evaluation meeting (October 2012) Results shared with stakeholders Work-plans for 2012/13 season developed

35 Thank you

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