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ARM Aerial Facilities BAECC Kickoff Meeting 25-27 Feb 2013 1 Aircraft Data Local Share Drive ARM IOPshare (at Oak Ridge) ARM IOPshare (at Oak Ridge) Corrections.

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Presentation on theme: "ARM Aerial Facilities BAECC Kickoff Meeting 25-27 Feb 2013 1 Aircraft Data Local Share Drive ARM IOPshare (at Oak Ridge) ARM IOPshare (at Oak Ridge) Corrections."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARM Aerial Facilities BAECC Kickoff Meeting 25-27 Feb 2013 1 Aircraft Data Local Share Drive ARM IOPshare (at Oak Ridge) ARM IOPshare (at Oak Ridge) Corrections Calibrations Data QC Corrections Calibrations Data QC Preliminary Data Restricted Access Merged Datasets Final Datasets README Files Merged Datasets Final Datasets README Files Final ARM Archive (Open to Community) Final ARM Archive (Open to Community) 6 months after campaign end ARM Aerial Facility Datasets

2 AMF2 Archive and External Data Center  All ARM data are collected automatically and sent to the Data Management Facility (DMF) where the data are processed (ingested) to appropriate ARM approved metadata standards.  For ship deployments some data are transferred via 3g/4g network while in port while other times some or all the data is transferred via disks.  ARM has a robust collection/ingest/QA/QC process. Some instruments are more strongly vetted in this process than others, some not at all (new, In development, etc).  All ARM data, once collected and ingested and QC’d, are at the Archive and are freely available to the scientific community. CALWATER 2015 – ACAPEX Campaign Planning Workshop 4/22-24/2014 La Jolla, Ca 2

3 AMF2 Archive and External Data Center If you are not funded by ARM then there isn’t any requirement to upload the data. However if you want your data discoverable by others, ARM is happy to provide the access and storage.  Complete ARM Online Metadata Editor (OME) form This is an inclusive form for products other than field campaigns. Answer NO to the question, “Are these data associated with ARM field campaign?”. Since data are not required then there is not an associated 6 month requirement. However, if data are uploaded they will be shared and open to the world. CALWATER 2015 – ACAPEX Campaign Planning Workshop 4/22-24/2014 La Jolla, Ca 3

4 AMF2 Archive and External Data Center (XDC) Instructions for Submitting Field Campaign Data and its Metadata to the ARM Archive (public area) for approved IOP campaigns: Complete ARM Online Metadata Editor (OME) form This is an inclusive form for products other than field campaigns. Answer Yes to the 1 st question, “Are these data associated with ARM field campaign?”. Feel free to direct any questions about filling out the form to Upload your data via the OME form if the total volume is less than 4 GB. Otherwise continue to next step to upload your data via ftp. Email Alison Tilp ( to create a subdirectory with your name and the name of your Data must be uploaded within 6 months of the end of the campaign.

5 AMF2 Archive and External Data Center (XDC) Upload your data to the site in a compressed archive format, for example zip or tar. This should include: 1. The data and associated metadata files. 2. Description of any data usage code provided 3. A sample figure illustrating the data and a brief description (or code) used to generate the figure. Any other documentation you may have, e.g. white papers, refereed papers, etc. or any other relevant information as deemed appropriate.  The XDC will deliver your data to the ARM Field Campaign Archive in the equivalent subdirectory and you will at that point be notified to review the information one last time.  Additional notes:  Contact the ARM Archive if you need a private preliminary data area set up while the field campaign is in progress to share data and information with others in the campaign.  CALWATER 2015 – ACAPEX Campaign Planning Workshop 4/22-24/2014 La Jolla, Ca 5

6 AMF2 Archive and External Data Center  Ascii text files should end in.txt or.asc and netCDF files in.cdf so they will be recognized as such by the software that packages the files for delivery.  If processed files are available and raw data exist, raw data can be made available from the Archive upon request, but will not be maintained online. CALWATER 2015 – ACAPEX Campaign Planning Workshop 4/22-24/2014 La Jolla, Ca 6

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