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MPAT TE - 3 / CDW – 6 Detailed Schedule. 0800 - 0830 Introduction to Odyssey-Mr. Lewis 0830 - 0930 Forming the MNF / CTF- CDR Wohlschlegel 0930 - 1000.

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Presentation on theme: "MPAT TE - 3 / CDW – 6 Detailed Schedule. 0800 - 0830 Introduction to Odyssey-Mr. Lewis 0830 - 0930 Forming the MNF / CTF- CDR Wohlschlegel 0930 - 1000."— Presentation transcript:

1 MPAT TE - 3 / CDW – 6 Detailed Schedule

2 0800 - 0830 Introduction to Odyssey-Mr. Lewis 0830 - 0930 Forming the MNF / CTF- CDR Wohlschlegel 0930 - 1000 Crisis Action Planning & Cmdr’s Estimate- Lt Col Loftus 1000 - 1020 Break 1020 - 1040 Commanders Intent & Guidance- Maj Lawson 1040 - 1100 Break 1100 - 1145 Mission Analysis- Maj Holcomb 1145 - 1315 Lunch 1315 - 1415 Course of Action (COA) Development- Lt Col Loftus 1415 - 1430 Break 1430 - 1530 COA Analysis- Maj Holcomb 1530 - 1600 COA Comparison- Maj Lawson Friday, 11 January 2002 Coalition Task Force (CTF) Seminar (For ROK and USFK CTF Personnel)

3 0800 - 0830 Introduction to Odyssey-Mr. Lewis 0830 - 0930 Forming the MNF / CTF- CDR Wohlschlegel 0930 - 1000 Crisis Action Planning & Cmdr’s Estimate- Lt Col Loftus 1000 - 1020 Break 1020 - 1040 Commanders Intent & Guidance- Maj Lawson 1040 - 1100 Break 1100 - 1145 Mission Analysis- Maj Holcomb 1145 - 1300 Lunch 1300 - 1400 Course of Action (COA) Development- Lt Col Loftus 1400 - 1415 Break 1415 - 1515 COA Analysis- Maj Holcomb 1515 - 1545 COA Comparison- Maj Lawson Saturday, 12 January 2002 Coalition Task Force (CTF) Seminar (For Interested Personnel, Especially New MPAT)

4 Friday and Saturday, 11-12 January 0800 - 1600 Concept and SOP Development Workshop (CDW-6) Workshop Plan: -One MPAT representative from each nation invited -Reach consensus on MPAT way-ahead -Singapore delegate give MPAT TE-4 Concept Brief - Reach consensus on plans for TE-4 -Review and discuss the draft MNF SOP (Workshop Focus) CDW-6 Facilitators: Col Ferrell - Ops CDR Wohlschlegel - Ops Mr. John Bratton - Lead Action Officer / MNF SOP SME Mr. Neil Duncan – COE HA/DR Lt Col Bollman – Intel LTC Peters - Civil Affairs MAJ Drose - Communications CDR Leetz - Logistics

5 Organization Meetings and Participants: 0800 - 1200 MPAT TE-3 Registration - All 0930 - 1130 MPAT TE-4 Coordination Meeting (Singapore & US Reps.) 1200 - 1300 MPAT TE-3 Control Meeting for CECG personnel- CECG Korea Orientation and CTF Forming (All TE-3 participants): 1300 - 1310 Welcome- Col Choi / Col Ferrell 1310 - 1340 TE-3 and Scenario Brief - CDR Wohlschlegel / Mr. Miller, USCP 1340 - 1400 Forming the CTF - CDR Wohlschlegel, USCP 1400 - 1600 ROK Introduction / ROK Military / HA & DR Capabilities- ROK 1600 - 1615 Break 1600 - 1620 Planning Information Using Internet– Mr. Chan, USCP 1620 - 1650 Odyssey Training (plenary) - Mr. Lewis, USCP 1650 - 1745 Odyssey Training (small groups) - Mr. Lewis and Mr. Marvin 1700 - 1730 Meeting for Co-Leaders (CPG & Staff Cell) - CDR Wohlschlegel 1800 - 2000 ROK Hosted Social / Icebreaker - ROK Sunday, 13 January 2002

6 0800 - 0815 Opening Ceremony (ROK CJCS / USFK) 0815 - 0830 Group Photo- ROK 0830 - 0850 HA/DR Overview- LTC Peters, USCP 0850 - 0920 UN Disaster Response Coordination- Mr. Kovar & Mr. Doyle, UNHCR UNHCR 0920 - 0945 Situation Update and ROK Warning Order- COL Yang, COS 0945 - 1000 Break 1000 - 1015 Crisis Action Planning (Review)- Lt Col Loftus, USCP 1015 - 1030 Mission Analysis (Review)- Maj Holcomb, USCP 1030 - 1200 Staff Estimates: Facts, status, etc. (Staff planning cells) 1200 - 1330 Lunch 1330 - 1350 Public Health Planning Considerations- LTC Hastings, COE HA/DR 1350 - 1415 NGOs In Complex Emergencies – Mr. Cobb, COE HA/DR 1415 - 1430 Break 1430 - 1700 Complete Mission Analysis (CPGs) 1530 - 1700 Prepare Mission Analysis Brief (CPG Briefing Team) 1830 Informal Dinner / Social (Optional) Monday, 14 January 2002

7 0800 - 0840 Mission Analysis Brief to the CTF Commander- COS Commander’s Planning Guidance - CCTF Commander’s Planning Guidance - CCTF 0840 - 0910 Measures of Effectiveness - Mr. Cobb, COE HA/DR 0910 - 0925 North East Asia Forum - Ms. Janis Koh 0925 - 0950 Korean Red Cross - Ms. Gwiok Jung & Dr. Deug Keun Park 0950 - 1000 Break 1000 - 1015 COA Development (Review) - Lt Col Loftus, USCP 1015 - 1040 UN Coordination in HA/DR - Mr. Kovar / Mr. Doyle, UNHCR 1040 - 1100 Korean Disaster Response - TBD, MOGAHA 1100 - 1145 Conduct COA Development (CPGs) 1145 - 1315 Lunch 1315 - 1700 Conduct COA Development (CPGs) 1500 - 1700 Prepare Commander’s Initial COA Brief (Brief Build Team) 1600 - 1700 COA Gaming Team Meeting (Coordinate COA Gaming) 1830 Informal Dinner / Social (Optional) Tuesday, 15 January 2002

8 0730 - 0830 Initial COA Brief to the Commander and Commander’s Planning Guidance Commander’s Planning Guidance 0830 - 0845 COA Analysis (Review)- Maj Holcomb, USCP 0845 - 0900 Break 0900 - 1100 Complete COA Development and Prepare for COA Game Analysis Game Analysis 1000 - 1100 COA Gaming Team Meeting (Coordinate COA Gaming) 1100 - 1130 Lunch (MPAT hosted in the hotel, CTF room, buffet style) 1130 - 1300 Prepare for COA Game Analysis (CPG-1 & 2) 1130 - 1300 Conduct COA Game Analysis of COA 3 (CPG-3 and COA Gaming Team) Gaming Team) 1300 - 1845 ROK Hosted Cultural Activity- ROK 1900 - 2100 ROK Hosted Dinner – ROK CJCS Wednesday, 16 January 2002 Note: Uniform is Civilian Casual for workshop and tour Bring Coat and Tie to put on for dinner (Civilian Informal)

9 0800 - 0815 COA Comparison (Review)- Maj Lawson, USCP 0815 - 1000 Prepare for COA Comparison (CPG-1 & 3) 0830 - 1000 Conduct COA Game Analysis of COA 2 (CPG-2 and COA Gaming Team) and COA Gaming Team) 1000 - 1015 Break 1015 - 1145 Conduct COA Game Analysis of COA 1 (CPG-1 and COA Gaming Team) and COA Gaming Team) 1015 - 1145 Prepare for COA Comparison (CPG-2 & 3) 1145 - 1315 Lunch 1315 - 1430 Prepare for COA Comparison (all CPGs) 1430 - 1530 Conduct COA Comparison (all Plenary) 1530 - 1545 Break 1545 - 1730 Conduct COA Comparison (all Plenary) 1830 Informal Dinner / Social (Optional) Thursday, 17 January 2002

10 0800 - 0900 COA Decision Brief to the Commander- COS Commander’s Guidance- CCTF Commander’s Guidance- CCTF 0900 - 0915 Break 0915 - 1130 Conduct Staff Planning Cell Meetings, Prepare Staff Estimate Briefs (Staff Planning Cells) Staff Estimate Briefs (Staff Planning Cells) 1130 - 1300 Lunch 1300 - 1325 UN Perspective on the COA Gaming Discussions - UNHCR 1325 - 1345 Staff Estimate Briefs- COS/Staff Planning Cell Briefers 1345 - 1400 Break 1400 - 1440 Computer COA Gaming/Modeling- CATS-TYR 1440 - 1500 Computer COA Gaming/Modeling- OAB 1500 - 1515 Break 1515 - 1615 After Action Review (AAR)- COL Choi / Col Ferrell 1615 - 1630 Closing Remarks- MG Lee / COL Stuart / Col Ferrell Friday, 18 January 2002

11 0001 - 2400 Airport Departure Operations Saturday, 19 January 2002 Sunday, 20 January 2002 0001 - 2400 Airport Departure Operations

12 Multinational Planning Augmentation Team (MPAT) Info for workshop participants is placed on web: “” Or send email to: “” Facilitating the Planning Process

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