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Precepts, Meditation, Basic Energy Work, Astral Temples

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1 Precepts, Meditation, Basic Energy Work, Astral Temples
Order of Paladins Lesson 2 Precepts, Meditation, Basic Energy Work, Astral Temples

2 Warrior Spirit “If we do not have flaws in our hearts, we need not be afraid of people.” Kenshin Kagetora Uesugi (1530 – 1578)

3 Hint: Check out the information in the notes pages of this presentation. There’s a lot of additional information cached there.

4 Warrior’s Admonition Your body is your temple: Care for it!
Do not engage in useless activity. Listen to the Goddess. Help thyself. You create your own reality. The Warrior’s path is creativity. A serene path to enlightenment. Know thyself. Master thyself. Create your own reality. Nurture the ability to perceive the truth in all matters. Perceive that which cannot be seen with the eye. Learn from your mistakes. Teach thyself. Do not be negligent, even in trifling matters Grace and guilt do not exist: Strive for responsibility. Honor thyself. This admonition is based on the 13 Warrior Precepts of the Order of Paladins.

5 13 Precepts: Know thyself.
Nurture the ability to perceive the truth in all matters. You create your own reality. Develop a sense of Right Action. Do not be negligent, even in trifling matters. Your body is your temple: Care for it! Minimal appearance, maximum content. Perceive that which cannot be seen with the eye. Power with. Who dares wins. The Gods cannot help those who will not help themselves. Be creative! Do not engage in useless activity. These are the thirteen precepts that all members of the Order of Paladins will be expected to adhere to.

6 Code of Chivalry: All members of the Order of Paladins must live according to the principles of chivalry, which include: Sincerity. Courtesy. Compassion. Perseverance. Industriousness. Justice. Loyalty. Courage. Self-Discipline. Humility. Largesse. Truth. Honor

7 Ethics and the Wiccan Rede
Robin Wood’s When, Why… If? Chapter 2 Full Contact Magick Reading assignment

8 Wiccan Rede: An it harm none, do what thou wilt
The rede is a double edged sword: It cautions you not to harm others, at the same time urging you to be all that you can be As I pointed out in Lesson 1, the Order of Paladins focuses on both halves of the Wiccan Rede. Harm none is very important, but so is being all that you can be. Wicca is about empowering yourself, so that you can reach for your dreams. If you are not being all that you can be, you’re not entirely living up to the spirit of the Wiccan Rede.

9 Robin Wood (from When, Why,… If)
“There are no gray areas (in Christianity), no moral dilemmas, just right and wrong, simple and clear cut. There are no natural consequences for your actions, no personal responsibility for any outcome, no reasoning, no thinking of any kind required; in short no ethics at all, just a list of things to be memorized, and a simple formula of repentance and forgiveness if you forget or decide to skip one.” The Wiccan Rede requires Wiccans to use their heads instead of someone else’s list of rules. It requires us to take responsibility for our actions rather than relinquishing this responsibility it to someone or something else. Wicca is not a Zoroastrian system like Christianity having only extremes of light versus dark, good versus evil, right versus wrong. That sort of system is an approach which requires no thought. There are no shades of gray. It is composed of long lists of rules and rigid codes.

10 Responsibility Our path is not based on guilt
The Judeo/Christian system can be summarized by the expression “Thou shalt not”. Our system can be summarized by the expression “I will not”: It is based on responsibility, not guilt. The Wiccan Rede is not a rule. It is a statement counseling us to think. Personal responsibility is the basis of the Wiccan ethical system. We must take responsibility for our actions and think about what we are doing. Rules are for training young children to be adults. At some point you must grow up and understand the reasons for the rules. This understanding should replace the rules. Wiccans don’t steal because it is illegal: Wiccans don’t steal because Wiccans understand that stealing is wrong.

11 Responsibility 2 I often run into people who have suffered a number of misfortunes and set-backs in their lives. It is amazing how often these people will lay the blame for their misfortunes on crossed stars, bad luck or “psychic attack.” They expend vast quantities of energy on trying to improve their luck. They put up psychic wards and fire off energetic salvoes at those they hold responsible for their troubles. If things go wrong, they find someone or something else to blame. They resort to hexes and other forms of retribution.

12 Responsibility 3 Journalist P.J. O’Rourke once aptly described this situation as follows: “One of the annoying things about believing in free will and individual responsibility is the difficulty of finding somebody to blame your problems on. And when you do find somebody, it’s remarkable how often his picture turns up on your driver’s license.”[i] [i]. P. J. O’ROURKE. (30 Nov 1989). Rolling Stone Magazine. Many people never take the time to objectively examine their situation and take charge of their life. As I said earlier, a Warrior does not abandon herself to luck and fate. We all occasionally come up against obstacles and reversals. This is a part of living. There are some variables in life over which you have no control. The Warrior, however, places herself fully in charge of those things in her life that she does have control over. This offsets the effect of life’s variables. We have control over many of the things that go wrong in our lives.

13 Divine Retribution In Judeo-Christian-Islamic systems transgressors are threatened with divine retribution. They tell you that some deity will whack you if you get out of line. That’s not the way we view the world.

14 Karma In Wicca, as in eastern philosophies, one encounters the concept of karma. The word karma derives from a Sanscrit word meaning “action.”[i] Karma may be defined as the totality of a person’s actions determining their fate in this life or in other incarnations in the future. In other words karma is the law of cause and effect. [i]. Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary. Another way of viewing this is to say that you get back what you put out.

15 Law of Three-Fold Return
The Wiccan equivalent of karma is the Law of Three-Fold Return, which was established by Raymond Buckland: “Everything you do comes back to you three times.” Basically this law tells us that we get back three times whatever we put into life. If you do positive works, you will get more abundant positive benefit in return. If you do negative and destructive things to another, then you suffer even worse consequences to yourself.

16 Law of Three-Fold Return
The trouble with this law is that it is describing what in modern terms would be called a “feed-back loop.” If magicians had come up with proof of this system in the past few centuries you can be sure that you’d have heard about it. Actually it started as a public relations sound byte to help the public understand that we were harmless Wiccans, not destructive Satanic cult members. It was simple and effective. Actually Gardner’s original version was a “two-fold” law. It was in a later press interview that Buckland upped the ante to make it a three-fold law instead. The three-fold version stuck.

17 Pass It Forward I think that it would be more accurate to use the concept of karma rather than the three-fold law to describe what happens in the real world. What you do gets passed forward by others and will eventually make it’s way back to you. This is another reason that the Wiccan Warrior’s path must be a non-violent one. As Sir Arthur Conan Doyle once put it, “Violence does, in truth, recoil upon the violent, and the schemer falls into the pit which he digs for another.”[i] This is why I emphasize the precept of Right Action rather than the Three-Fold Law. [i]. Sir Arthur Conan DOYLE. (1892). Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Novels and Stories, “The Speckled Band” (Bantam edition, 1986).

18 Taking Charge Think of the universe as an ocean and yourself as a boat on that ocean: An ocean that is often tempestuous and treacherous. You could let yourself drift, at the mercy of fate. Or you can set the sails, grab the tiller and steer. You can’t adjust the wind, but you can adjust the sails. Being a Warrior is all about steering your course through life. Taking charge of the change in your life is what being a Warrior is all about. It is about committing yourself to this process. There is an old saying: “Choice, not chance, determines destiny.” Abandoning yourself to “fate” in this manner is not the Warrior’s way. The Warrior needs to actively participate in life. There will always be some variables in life over which you have no control. The Warrior does not let these variables dictate his path through life. Warriors identify those variables over which they do have control and use them to their best advantage. Warriors take charge of their lives. The Warrior’s life is self made. You make up for the things that you can’t influence with the things which you can control. What you are is what you’ve made yourself into. Where you are is where you’ve gone. If you aren’t what you want to be, it is up to you to do something about it. It is as simple as that. Change won’t happen until you change. I strive to create my life spontaneously rather than letting it be determined by my past, using the principles and magickal techniques of Wicca. What I am is what I've forged with the energy I've raised and the magic that I've worked. I cause change in conformity with my will

19 The Warrior A Warrior is a person who makes a fearless and objective inventory of their personal characteristics and then uses this information to take control of their life. This is my definition of a Wiccan Warrior.

20 1st Warrior Precept: Know Thyself
This first precept links right in to the preceding definition of a Warrior. If you don’t know yourself, you can’t master yourself. Master yourself, and everything else takes care of itself.

21 3rd Warrior Precept: You create your own reality
This Warrior path is all about taking charge of your life and making it happen the way you want it to. This is the goal that you are going to use this ”knowing” from the first two Warrior precepts. Creating your own reality is the ultimate purpose of magick.

22 2nd half of the Wiccan Rede
The 2nd half of the Wiccan Rede encourages us to do just this: DO what thou wilt. It invites us to go forward and be what we want to be. The Wiccan Rede encourages us to throw off our chains and follow our bliss. Once you set yourself free, you can accomplish anything. It is this aspect of knowing that links it to one of the other sides of the Witch’s Pyramid/Magickal Artillery: “To Dare” (which we will discuss in a later class). I’m not asking you to change into someone else. I’m telling you that by accessing Warrior energy you can become something more.

23 6th Warrior Precept: Your body is your temple- Care for it!
You’re going to get better results if your body is in good shape. The Japanese word “samurai” is a combination of the Chinese characters for “person” and “temple”. Your body is your temple. It is truly the only temple that you need.

24 Meditation: to Keep Silent
Chapter 8 Full Contact Magick Reading assignment

25 2nd Warrior Precept: Nurture the ability to perceive the truth in all matters
Meditation will train you to eliminate distractions and see through illusions to the reality beneath. This is part of the process of knowing, which we will go into in more detail in a later lesson. This is directly related to the energy sensing exercises later in this lesson.

26 8th Warrior Precept: Perceive that which cannot be seen with the eye
It is said that “Silence is the warrior's art and meditation is his sword." To keep silent is to become still within and without. To clear your mind of distractions. To become aware of subtle currents, instincts, and emotions. To see into the depths not only of the world around you, but into the depths of human nature too. Knowing is awareness. To keep silent is to become pure awareness.

27 Perceive that which cannot be seen with the eye
This precept is one of the two sides of the Witch’s Pyramid/Magickal Artillery (the other being To Imagine) that is concerned with the grail process of drawing in energy. You become silent in order to sense the energy currents around you so that you can allow the energy to fill you. You want this energy to flow through you so that you can direct it out again with your will.

28 Meditation Silence is the warrior's art and meditation is his sword
To keep silent is to become pure awareness Mind like water, mind like the moon.

29 Meditation The purpose of meditation is to train and discipline your mind so that you can use this Lesser Magickal Weapon more effectively and efficiently. You must train your mind to be still. There is an old saying in Karate: "Mind like water, mind like the moon." The mind must be like a still pond, conscious of the slightest ripple, able to accurately reflect reality. Bruce Lee encouraged the Warrior to "Observe what is with undivided awareness." Satori is the Warrior’s state of being. A mind free of thought. Pure awareness. You’ll notice in Order of Paladins training that we don’t just sit around meditating. We also have many exercises that involve meditation in motion. You’ll find in many Asian meditation practices that they emphasize both stationary meditation and what the call “walking meditation”. Many of our martial arts exercises fit into this “walking meditation” category.

30 Meditation Helps you bring all five senses up to maximum perceptive levels Disciplines your mind

31 Flow States Psychologists use the word “flow” to describe the fluidity people experience in meditation. Flow states are moments when we are at our best. Living is awareness. Our perception is normally about 70% vision with the remaining 30% divided between the four senses of hearing, smell, touch and taste. Warriors use meditation to enhance their perceptions and bring all five senses up to maximum perceptive levels.

32 Purpose of Meditation:
The purpose of meditation is to train and discipline your mind so that you can use this Lesser Magickal Weapon more effectively and efficiently. You must train your mind to be still. There is an old saying in Karate: "Mind like water, mind like the moon." The mind must be like a still pond, conscious of the slightest ripple, able to accurately reflect reality. Bruce Lee encouraged the Warrior to "Observe what is with undivided awareness." Satori is the Warrior’s state of being. A mind free of thought. Pure awareness.

33 Patience The Warrior must learn to wait patiently. This was a very important principle to the ancient Samurai. The weaker swordsman, unable to stand the strain of waiting, often tried to deal the first blow. In an instant he revealed his strategy to his opponent. It was only then that his more patient and skilled opponent would strike, using a blow that was a combination of parry and attack, calculated to neutralize the strategy revealed by the less patient opponent. To stand face to face with an enemy armed with four feet of razor-sharp steel in this fashion required endless patience and awesome concentration. This endurance and diligence will intensify your magick.

34 Our Objectives: Flow states, not trance states
Enhanced state of consciousness, not merely altered states NO MIND (the “illusion of elsewhere”)

35 Trance States: Trance states you can achieve by using drugs. You have no control over trance states. We aren’t seeking trance states in the Order of Paladins: We are seeking flow states. We will discuss flow states further in a later lesson.

36 No Mind There is a scene in the movie The Last Samurai in which Captain Algren is repeatedly being knocked to the ground by the senior samurai instructor that he is practicing with. The son of the samurai leader runs up to Algren, who has once again been dumped on the ground by his instructor. The samurai leader’s son tells Algren: “Too many mind! Mind of school. Mind of people watching. Mind of enemy. No mind!” He is referring to the principle of no mind. Algren is distracted by thoughts of all of the things around him in the training area. His mind is not like a still pond that reflects the reality that surrounds it. Later in the movie, when Algren finally grasps the concept of no mind, he finds that he is finally able to match the ability of his instructor.

37 Illusion of Elsewhere The Warrior must find this place of “no mind.” Author David Gemmell calls it “the illusion of elsewhere.” I mentioned that I used to practice meditation in the police gym while standing in Entering Tranquility. This allowed me to practice shutting out distractions while in that “illusion of elsewhere.” Two walls of the gym were windows giving a panoramic view of downtown Vancouver. I would choose some element from this panorama to focus on. Alternately, I would choose some sound or some smell in the training area to focus on. I would practice being aware of things around me without thinking about them. I would become aware of people moving towards or away from me. I learned to anticipate their movements. You can practice this in the office lunchroom, in the office, in a park, or at a family gathering. The possibilities are endless. A variation that I’m fond of involves going out in a field on a windy day and do my meditation. I close my eyes and sense the flow of wind. I try to sense when and where the next gust is coming from. Before long you find that you can turn to face the wind before the wind starts up.

38 Bruce Lee: “To understand the actual requires awareness, an alert and totally free mind.” This training is all about developing your awareness of the universe around you. Without this awareness, you cannot hope to be truly successful in magick.

39 Normal Consciousness Normally, our conscious perception is about 70% vision with the remaining 30% divided between the four senses of hearing, smell, touch and taste. The aim of meditation is to bring all of your senses up to 100% effectiveness. This state is called Satori.

40 Distraction Survival and threat assessment is what the brain is really good at. Thinking is not. On the average we are distracted every 3 ½ seconds. If you become distracted during meditation, simply say “thinking” to yourself and start again. Meditation helps to discipline your mind to overcome distractions and take advantage of other people’s distractions. It also helps you to develop your psychic abilities.

41 Energy Flow Letting yourself become still and silent allows you to sense the energy currents around you. This not only allows you to select which energetic currents you will allow into your personal space, it allows you to select which currents you want to deflect or ground out. It allows you to separate the energy you want to flow through you from the energy you want to flow around you. Awareness is essential for the energy exercises later in this lesson. Meditation will help you to achieve this.

42 Amygdala This is the “alarm system” of the brain, the part that turns on the fear, fight, flight and fuels anxiety If you find yourself being overwhelmed by anxiety, there is another part of the brain which can control this…

43 The Insula The Insula (or insular cortex) is deep inside the temporal lobes of your brain. It is the part of the brain which controls consciousness and emotions If you find yourself overwhelmed with anxieties, focus on your breath, on the weight of your feet, on a mandala (like you would in meditation in a zen temple). This shuts down the amygdala

44 Meditation Control Thus one can use meditation to activate the Insula to control the Amygdala and thus master control of your thoughts.

45 Astral Temples The ritual Circle has an astral or psychic equivalent: The Astral Temple. This is the sacred space that you create entirely within your own mind. This is a place where you can go to connect with aspects of the divine or simply to recharge yourself. It may be your private place or you may share it with others. It can be as simple of elaborate as you wish. You can modify it at will. To set up your astral temple you must first decide what kind of temple you want. This is quite easy if you are solitary: You only have to please yourself. If you are part of a group that wishes to set up an astral temple, you will all need to arrive at a consensus as to what you want to set up. People often imagine their temple as having the architecture of the culture that appeals to them. Use whatever you are comfortable with: You may imagine it to be an Egyptian colonnade, a Greek acropolis or a Circle of standing stones. Groups might decide that certain portions or rooms in their temple may be set aside for individual members to “customize” in any way that suits them.

46 Lesson 2 Assignment Create an Astral Temple for yourself.
Report back on what you’ve created and how it works for you. Meditate and see if you can tell me what the Astral Temple used by the Order of Paladins looks like. For you own Astral Temple you can make any type of temple that you want. Report back on what you’ve created. See if you can imagine some of the aspects of Caer Paladin: I’ll be giving you a full description of it next lesson.

47 Energy Exercises Chapter 6 Full Contact Magick Reading assignment

48 Lifting Water Start in Entering Tranquility Posture

49 Lifting Water 2 Lift arms slowly out to your sides to shoulder height while breathing in

50 Lifting Water 3 Imagine energy running up out of the ground to fill you as your arms rise. Exhale and let arms fall back to your sides

51 Hanging on the Ball Remember the Holding the Ball exercise from the last lesson? Try this: Start as for Holding the Ball, creating that ball of energy encircled by your arms, but then.. Rotate your hands outwards, so that ball of energy is now outside your circle of arms.

52 Hanging on the Ball In Holding the Ball, your arms are held up by the ball of chi that you’ve created. You should be able to hold that posture for a long time without your arms getting tired. In Hanging on the Ball, imagine that the ball of chi is filled with helium and is floating in front of you, and that your hands are stuck to its surface. You finish this the same way: Either send the energy on to an objective, or reabsorb it into your Dantian.

53 Pushing Mountains Starting in the Entering Tranquility posture, place your palms, fingers pointing upwards, at chest level at the sides of your body, with your elbows pointing back. Gently push out both hands as if pushing something away from you. Breathe out and visualize the chi flowing out of the palms of your hands towards your objective. Inhale and bring your hands back to the starting position. Repeat this procedure several times. To an observer, this looks a bit like mimicking pushups while standing up. You should feel as if the energy flowing out of you is powerful enough to push a mountain away from you.

54 Pushing the mountains Start in Entering Tranquility posture.
Raise your hands to chest level at either side of you, elbows back, palms facing forward and fingers pointing up, as if about to push something in front of you. Feel the energy rush up into you. This works particularly well for me when using the Magickal Artillery concept. Start in Entering Tranquility posture. Raise your hands to chest level at either side of you, elbows back, palms facing forward and fingers pointing up, as if about to push something in front of you. Sense the energy currents in the earth beneath you. Imagine yourself putting down roots and connect with these currents. Breathe in gently. Feel the energy rush up into you. Once it the energy has built up, breathe out and push your hands forward, as if pushing a mountain away from you. Feel the energy flow out of your hands as you push it away. Let the energy stream freely from your hands. Once you’ve let the energy go, let your hands fall back to your sides and return to Entering Tranquility posture.

55 Pushing the mountains Once it the energy has built up, breathe out and push your hands forward, as if pushing a mountain away from you. Once you’ve let the energy go, let your hands fall back to your sides and return to Entering Tranquility posture.

56 Pushing Energy You can combine the Hanging on the Ball exercise and Pushing Mountains: Create the ball of energy Rotate it outwards in front of you Imprint the energy ball with your intent Push the ball of energy away from you towards your objective

57 Sensing Energy Learning to sense energy helps you to work with your own, as well as the energy of others Practicing energy techniques like these with partners helps to build energetic/psychic bonds between those partners. The following exercises help to develop this skill If you’ve got a partner to work with, practice sending and receiving energy with them. You can even do this with your pets: Watch how they react when you send energy to them. Try sensing the energy of living things like animals and trees. You can even do these on line using Skype with your mentor or a long distance partner.

58 Receptivity of Hands As I pointed out in the book Full Contact Magick, one hand is naturally a “projective” hand: That is, you tend to send your energy out of this one hand. The other hand is said to be receptive: That is, you tend to sense or draw in energy currents more easily with this hand. It is said that for right handed people the right, or dominant, hand is the projective hand while the left hand is the receptor. In left handed people this is reversed. For the untrained person this probably holds true.

59 Switching Hands However, just as in martial arts you learn to strike with either hand or foot, you can train yourself to project or receive with either hand. You should practice the use of both hands in both receiving and sending energy.

60 “Passing the Ball” This is an exercise that uses a variation of the Holding the Ball technique we taught you last lesson. Instead of making a large ball encircled by your arms in front of your chest, you make a small one between your two hands.

61 Passing the Ball 2 Have a partner take this “ball” of energy in their hands or take a “ball” from your partner. Experience the feel of this energy “ball”, describe it to yourself Have your partner tell you what your energy ball feels like When you are done, ground the energy out using one of the techniques from Lesson 1 If you’ve got a partner to work with, practice this exercise with them.

62 Passing the Ball: Energy Sensitivity
This exercise familiarizes you with the feel of other people’s energy: This helps you to channel other people’s energy when doing magick This also helps to help you get a sense of detecting: Wards that others have set up; or Other people’s auras

63 Passing the Ball: Feedback
This exercise also gives you feedback on how other people perceive your energy, which will help you later when you are mentoring students as a master of the Order: It will help you to identify how your student perceives your chi.

64 Push/Pull Techniques Based on push/pull techniques in Japanese arts like Aikido or Jujitsu and hubud techniques in Escrima These will develop your sensitivity to the energy flows around you and can be used as very effective psychic self defense techniques.

65 Pull Technique Relax. Surround yourself with a feeling of peace and security. Reach out with your mind and find out where the energy stream is coming from. Open up your channels, “grab” this stream, and mentally pull. Let the negative energy discharge into the earth, grounding it. A very effective defensive maneuver that you can use if you are good at detecting and moving energy is something that I call “The Pull.” This measure stems from an ancient martial arts adage: If they push, you pull, if they pull, you push. You use them against themselves. So they want stream negative energy at you? Alright. Relax. Surround yourself with a feeling of peace and security. This will help you deal with any negative stuff streaming by in what happens next: You don’t want to “entrain” with the negative energy that you’ll be handling. Now reach out with your mind and find out where the stream is coming from. Got it? OK. Now open up your channels, “grab” this stream, and mentally pull. Hard. Let the negative energy discharge into the earth, grounding it, returning it to the unified field from whence it came. The assailant on the other end, pushing that energy for all he’s worth, suddenly finds himself flat on his face, drained completely. Do this right and I guarantee they’re not going to want to try that again on you. They’re not going to be able to stop it until you’ve already drained them. I find that this “Pull” absorption technique is excellent, but remember that it depends on the state of consciousness of the user. You need to maintain control of your own energy and emotions as you use this technique. You especially don’t want to be angry when you use this technique: That may simply connect you with the anger that is being directed at you. You don’t want to entrain with the negative energy that you are handling. Maintain a sense of serenity to distance yourself from this negative energy.

66 Push Technique Relax. Surround yourself with a feeling of peace and security. Open your energy channels. Think of yourself as a floodgate that is opening to let the full power of the universe flow through you. Let the energy of the universe race out of the unified field through you at them. If the assailant becomes aware that you’ve erected a defensive ward or shield they may attempt to defeat this measure by draining energy out of it. Alternatively, they may attempt to wear you down by trying to draw energy away from you while you are vulnerable, your shields down, such as when you are trying to sleep. If you’ve been working at the energy techniques that I described earlier, you should be able to sense this “pull” on your energy. This is where practice in wielding energy is so important: It helps you to establish the direction of energy flow around you and let you redirect it at will. A much more effective measure to deal with people trying to suck energy away from you stems from that same “If they push, you pull, if they pull, you push” principle. So they want to latch on to your energy and pull? OK. Relax. Surround yourself with a feeling of peace and security. Open your energy channels. Then let them have the full charge. Don’t give them your energy: Think of yourself as a floodgate that is opening to let the full power of the universe flow through you. Let the energy of the universe race out of the unified field through you at them. Here they are pulling for all they’re worth and suddenly they get hit by an “energy tsunami” which fries their circuits. I call this “The Push.” Neutralize their attack by identifying the emotions that are motivating them (e.g. hate) and imaging the opposite (such as love). Once the opposite is fully fixed in your mind, send it off and watch this ground it out. This is an excellent technique if you can do it as it absolutely snuffs such attacks out. At the successful conclusion of this technique you should feel ecstatic and energetic.

67 Sumbrada This is a simple exercise between two participants
Like the Hubud Lubud exercise that we use, Sumbrada is a form from Escrima which teaches energy flow Refer to the Sumbrada Power Point presentation for instructions in this form

68 Lesson 2 Homework reminder
Create a Psychic Temple and report back on your results by next class Practice energy raising techniques, specifically passing the ball, holding the ball, pushing sky and sumbrada exercises Don’t forget to ground yourself afterwards Report back by before the next class.

69 Order of Paladins Be Glorious!

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