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Let’s Go On a Thinking Expedition 3 Sigma thinking in a 1 sigma world Climbing Guide: Duke Rohe, BS, FHIMSS Small print: Volunteers needed. All will go.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Go On a Thinking Expedition 3 Sigma thinking in a 1 sigma world Climbing Guide: Duke Rohe, BS, FHIMSS Small print: Volunteers needed. All will go."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Go On a Thinking Expedition 3 Sigma thinking in a 1 sigma world Climbing Guide: Duke Rohe, BS, FHIMSS Small print: Volunteers needed. All will go up, but some never return unchanged. Many who suffer from ‘normal’ will learn to live with different. Those who don’t will be stuck with the same.

2 Take a Blue Slip Little Idea Catchers (A thought not caught is a thought that’s lost. Ideas are like dreams: many are ha, but few are remembered) Key Word, then subject and verb (Write like you think. In insights) Why do I have to write? (You can write without thinking but you can’t write without thinking) Personal Challenge: (How many insights can you walk away with)

3 Unusual Differentiators of Unusual Thinkers Notice diffferent Openness (zip judgment) Playfulness Connecting (idea to idea connections) Healthy Tension (Between Convergent and Divergent thinking) Quantity (Ideas flow, and a percentage are keepers. The more ideas, the more keepers) Headline (Good organizing)

4 Where Do You Think ? Normal (auto pilot) Interesting 1-sigma2-sigma3-sigma Breakthrough

5 Level 1 – Doing the right things Start new habits (Try writing blue slips. More ideas faster means more keepers) Journal (Thought flow must be unobstructed) Think about thinking (Think on the side of your brain. Become a spectator of your thinking. Take notes about yourself) Think Me Inc. (Become the CEO of your thinking. What do you want to do with you?)

6 “The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level we were at when we created them.” - Albert Einstein

7 Level 2 – Doing the right things right Standard operating procedures Just in time thinking Notice change, think about change Optimizing the whole over the parts Dieing on the right hill Visual Control

8 Level 3 – Doing things better Collect some good question (Which ones bring great answers) B+ is good enough To ID errors, do choice mapping. (shut down the wrong one) 5 minute meeting (issues, challenges, opportunities. actions) Pair and share (the power of two) Me Inc. (101 Goals)

9 Level 4 – Doing away with things Finding hidden waste Get rid of old habits, old gear (Insight – Do away with – when) Red Tag things (Surgery equipment is the worst) Me Inc. (negative self talk)

10 Level 5 – Do what others are doing (2 nd order thinking) Benchmark (in school you called it copying) Seek mentors Adopt variety, adopt the best (Exxon and Mr. Lube) Little idea day (adopt a lobby)

11 Level 6 – Do things no one else is doing Be different, change your underwear drawer Think more about your thinking (what are your discoveries) Force connections no one is seeing (causal loop diagrams, evaporating cloud technique) Mindmapping, KAI, Myers Brigg Different is relative AQP, CPSI

12 Level 7 – Do what can’t be done Go for the impossible - breakthrough You can’t do what you haven’t done until you be what you haven’t become Rethink yourself, redecide regularly, shift Write one more thought Change change, ootching

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