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Analysis of IP over power lines in conjunction with ADSL as a rapid network deployment package. David Mackie Supervisor: Professor Peter Clayton.

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Presentation on theme: "Analysis of IP over power lines in conjunction with ADSL as a rapid network deployment package. David Mackie Supervisor: Professor Peter Clayton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysis of IP over power lines in conjunction with ADSL as a rapid network deployment package. David Mackie Supervisor: Professor Peter Clayton

2 Getting a Power Line Communication (PLC) network working. David Mackie Supervisor: Professor Peter Clayton

3 Overview: Power Line Communication (PLC) Transmission of data using power circuit/lines Transmission of data using power circuit/lines “IP-over-Power” “IP-over-Power” Our Focus: Low Voltage Low Voltage Using the existing power circuit in a building Using the existing power circuit in a building

4 DSL Line Power Circuit Master Unit Adapters Layout Master Unit Master Unit (APM-45i) (APM-45i) Indoor Controller Indoor Controller Bridge to uplink Bridge to uplink Adapters Adapters (APA-15i-e) (APA-15i-e) Indoor Indoor Like a modem Like a modem

5 Master Controller Ports Serial (Terminal) Ethernet (Backbone) Signal3-phase power

6 3-Phase Power: 5 Wires + 3-pin Plug = Problem Master Controller Master Controller 5 wires - 3x Live, Neutral & “Protected” Earth 5 wires - 3x Live, Neutral & “Protected” Earth Switch signal between 2 “live” wires. Not Neutral Switch signal between 2 “live” wires. Not Neutral Separate signal injection method needed Separate signal injection method needed

7 Solution: Signal Coupling 2 “left over” wires 2 “left over” wires Wire back Wire back Found to have a voltage Found to have a voltage Left alone! Left alone!Alternative Another 3-pin plug Another 3-pin plug Coupling device Coupling device Signal connector Signal connector Waiting on last Waiting on last

8 Automatic Configuration

9 PLC Node Start-up Sequence 1. PLC Node starts up with parameters in flash memory 2. PLC Node synchronize with PLC master (slave nodes only) 3. PLC Node sends out DHCP request via Powerline for IP address 4. DHCP server reply with: 1. IP address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, DNS Server 2. Option 43: (ftp://username:password@ ftp://username:password@ 5. PLC Node obtains IP Address information, establish connection to FTP server and retrieves configuration file 6. PLC Node compares the parameters from the configuration file with its flash memory. If there is a difference in settings, slave node will copy the new values to flash and reboot

10 Setup of Master though Serial plc> setup Setting up PLC system parameters IP parameters eth0 (public port) Address []: Netmask []: Broadcast []: Other IP parameters Default gateway []: PLC configuration Node Type (1=Master, 2=Foreman, 4=Repeater, 6=Droid, 8=Slave) [1]: Multi Master Environment (0=No, 1=Yes) [0]: Enter sum of selected carriers:(e.g. 3 = use and ): Possible carriers are: ( = 19.8MHz, = 22.8MHz, = 25.2MHz) [2]: ( = 19.8MHz, = 22.8MHz, = 25.2MHz) [2]: Coupling phase (0=P1-P2/P-N, 1=P1-P3, 2=P2-P3, 3=search best) [3]: Transmit power: Power for 22.8 MHz [8][dBm]: again 0, dgain 2 2 2 VLAN support Enable VLAN support (y/n) [n]?

11 Residence: Cullen Bowels THEN THEN To be implemented and tested in Cullen Bowels To be implemented and tested in Cullen Bowels Difficult to wire UTP Difficult to wire UTP Not on IT’s roadmap Not on IT’s roadmap NOW Surprise email from Director of IT on 30 April Surprise email from Director of IT on 30 April Cullen Bowels added to IT’s roadmap (3 rd term) Cullen Bowels added to IT’s roadmap (3 rd term) New test bed needed New test bed needed Seems to have stalled Seems to have stalled

12 Alternative Products: HomePlug Alliance of companies (mainly in the US) Alliance of companies (mainly in the US) HomePlug Certification Mark HomePlug Certification Mark Products from different companies work together Products from different companies work together Bandwidth Bandwidth Initially low 1.5Mbps Initially low 1.5Mbps Now equal to Ascom Now equal to Ascom Higher bandwidths expected soon Higher bandwidths expected soon Small number of users/network Small number of users/network

13 Alternative Products: South African Virtual Technician Consultants (PTY) Ltd South African Company Designed from board up Products HomePlug 1.0.1 Compliant Ethernet, Wireless & USB 14.4 Mbps (4.5 real world) Still to come

14 Work Mini-network in Hamilton Building Mini-network in Hamilton Building Can it handle Eskom’s voltages Can it handle Eskom’s voltages Comparison to HomePlug solution Comparison to HomePlug solution 12V

15 Questions?

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