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Car Workshop Visits Instructions 30.07.2014 / meb.

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Presentation on theme: "Car Workshop Visits Instructions 30.07.2014 / meb."— Presentation transcript:

1 Car Workshop Visits Instructions 30.07.2014 / meb

2 Car Workshop Visits You were away on business and spontaneously visited a workshop that you noticed. You record your impressions in a CRM report. Does the company/firm already exist in CRM? - check by inputting „*Name*“. - The company is displayed – is all data correct? Is „freie Werkstatt“ resp. „Vertragswerkstatt“ („independent workshop“ resp. „contract workshop“) checked ? - The company is not displayed 2

3 Car Workshop Visits It is a new company that has not been introduced into CRM yet enter company (all known data like address, contacts etc.) At „Geschäftsbeziehung“ (business relationship) enter „03 Handelsstufe2“. At „Details Geschäftsbeziehung“ (details business relationship) check „03.04 freie Werkstatt“ resp. „03.05 Vertragswerkstatt“ („independent workshop“ resp. „contract workshop“). Do not forget to check „freie Werkstatt“ resp. „Vertragswerkstatt“ („independent workshop“ resp. „authorized contract workshop“) at „Verkaufsstruktur“ = „sales structure“ 3 It can be both – independent workshop and contract workshop

4 Record a Visit The company is displayed on your screen and you would like to enter the information about your workshop visit > then scroll down to this input form: 4 This information must be entered. Should there be changes, they must be documented here. (There is no link with the data that was entered for a workshop visit). Click here and all visits at existing companies will be displayed.

5 Record a Visit In the input form below, you can see information documented for a past visit: 5 This information was entered after the fisrt visit. Data record of the first visit

6 Record a Visit 6 1. At „Firma“ click on the tab „Besuche“ („visits“). 2. The input form above is displayed (here you can see also past visits). 3. Click on „Neue Besuche hinzufügen“ („Add new visit“) to enter your current visit report. click This input form appears

7 Record a Visit 7 In the input form below enter all gathered information. Part 1 – new visit Options for „further information“ („weitere Informationen“) on next page.

8 Record a Visit 8 Anzahl Arbeitsplätze Optischer Eindruck Fach-SoftwareSucht Teile durchDiagnose Further specifications – Further information (Weitere Informationen) The drop down options can be expanded to fit the market specifics. Number positions/employees Software solution Is searching for parts via Diagnostics Optical impression

9 Record a Visit 9 Where does the workshop buy the parts and why there? Several companies may be the answer. You can enter up to 4 companies. The drop down options can be expanded to fit the market specifics.. Here you can make a selection if the workshop is a member. Part 2– new visit

10 Record a Visit 10 Wählen Sie hier die Teilemarke aus, z.B. Wahler Please select here the Teilemarke (brand), e.g. Wahler You can enter here up to 4 Teilemarken (brands). Because of Part 3 – new visit

11 Record a Visit 11 Part 4 – new visit What was discussed? What tasks are open? Is there something to follow up? By whom? Have you recorded all information? Then please click on „speichern und schließen“ („save and close“).

12 Generate the Document for Your Visit 12 Have you entered all your data and would like to generate a document for it? 1.„Dokument erstellen“ („Generate document“), and the input form (as shown above) will open. 2.Click OK, and a PDF-document is generated.

13 PDF-Document for the Visit 13

14 Report of Visit for Partner 14 Please select in „Arbeitsbereich“ the heading „Berichte“ („Reports“) and click then on „IHR Werkstattbesuch“ („IHR workshop visit“).

15 Report of Visit for Partner 15 1.Select Teilemarke (Partner) (only those brands with visits will be displayed). 2.Select Land (country) resp. Länder (countries) (only those countries with visits will be displayed). 3.Select the time frame for your report. 4.Click on „Bericht anzeigen“ („Show report“), and the table above is generated. 5.Click icon to export data into Excel-file – continued on next page.

16 Report of Visit for Partner 16 5. Click icon to export data into Excel-file (continued). FirmaKundennummerLandStadtPLZDatumTeilemarkeTeilemarket Bekannt ? Abgasmanagem ent AufladungBremseElektrikFilterFlüssigkeitenHeizungKarosserieKlima 00 - Test60002157Deutschland 25.07.2014WahlerJa Nein Autopost 200080003658RusslandMoscow10931605.05.2014WahlerJaNein Autospecialist (Bosch- servis) 80003656RusslandMoscow11508805.05.2014WahlerNein Socialniy Autoservis80003657RusslandMoscow11508805.05.2014WahlerJaNein Lenkung&Aufh ängung BeleuchtenMotorMotorsteuerun g Rad/Radbefesti gung Markenzufried enheit ProgrammQualitätKnow-HowGute MarkePreisProgrammlück en ReklamationenVerfügbarkeitSupport Nein sehr gutJa NeinJaNein JaNein JaNein gutNeinJaNeinJaNein JaNein gutNeinJaNeinJaNein JaNein gutNeinJaNeinJaNein Column A to Q Column R to AF This table can be edited acording to your wishes and forwarded.

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