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We Should Reject Traditional Masculinity

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1 We Should Reject Traditional Masculinity
Article by Cooper Thompson Presentation by Carleen Sanders

2 Outline Introduction The article Review Outline Question
A new image of strength Learning violence The cost of masculinity New socialization for boys Schools and athletics Boys will be boys Review

3 “If you woke up tomorrow and discovered that you were the opposite sex from the one you are now, how would your life be different?” Girls: positive response. Less victimization, “increased independence and career opportunities….” Boys: negative response. Disgust and refusal to answer the question. “If I were a girl, I would be stupid and weak as a string.” If I were a girl, I’d kill myself.”

4 A New Image of Strength New image: permanent, woman and lion. Force is not involved. Old image: temporary, “… based on dominance and control acquired through the humiliation of others”

5 Learning Violence Combined: the hatred of feminine qualities
Homophobia: the hate and fear of gayness. Misogyny: the hate of woman Combined: the hatred of feminine qualities

6 The cost of Masculinity
Boys “should be tough (aggressive, competitive, and daring)” – causes pain and insecurity in a boys life Boys should not posses nurturance (loving, caring, and gentle) – causes “greater emotional distance from other people and few opportunities to participate in meaningful relationships.”

7 New Socialization for Boys
There is a biological difference, but environment and culture have a greater impact on defining masculinity. The new man Accepts vulnerability, expresses a range of emotions, learns to ask for help and support. “…be gentle, nurturant, cooperative, and communicative Learn non-violent ways of resolving conflicts.” Accepts traditionally feminine behavior.

8 Schools and Athletics Participation in athletics easily becomes a lesson in “…toughness, invulnerability, and dominance.” Schools should be a place for boys to learn the more feminine qualities – “nurturance, non-violent conflict resolution, and strategies for empathizing with and empowering others.”

9 Boys will be Boys “If schools were to radically alter this culture and substitute for it a new vision of masculinity, what would that look like?” Express all emotions Re-arrange values “Fathering” More respect for females All talent equally appreciated

10 Review Combined, ______ and ______, are the hatred of feminine qualities. Toughness is a positive quality in men but ______ is a negative quality in men according to society. While biological differences are definitely present, ______ has a greater influence on masculinity.

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