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Trans-boundary issues in the Pacific Northwest.

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1 Trans-boundary issues in the Pacific Northwest


3 Geography hundreds of tributaries Drains >260,000 mi^2 Flow= 78,500,000 acre- ft/yr 2 nations Canada (origin) US (85% area, 75% runoff) 7 states( WA, OR, MT, Id, UT, WY, NV)

4 Hydroelectric Potential Elevation change = 2,650 ft 14 hydroelectric dams on main stem: hundreds on tributaries In the US Federal: 8,664 megawatts-enough for 8 cities the size of Seattle(40%) Non-federal: 5,368 megawatts, enough for 5 Seattles. In Canada: 2,572 megawatts Most consumed within the province Some sold to U.S. from B.C Hydro

5 Political Issues 1961 Columbia River Treaty with Canada Tribal Concerns Balancing Energy and the Environment

6 Motivations for Treaty Insufficient Boundary Waters Treaty (1909) Dams in both countries provided power but did not control flow A lack of storage facilities allowed flooding Growing Populations requires more energy Vanport flood (1948) Second largest city 200 ft Dike burst City was Destroyed

7 Negotiations 1940’s- studies for potential future joint development of dams in the Columbia River basin began 1959-the governments issued a report that recommended an agreement 1964- Treaty was ratified and came into effect Diefenbaker and Eisenhower

8 Treaty Provisions United States Benefits flood control: Canada required to provide 19.12 km³ of usable reservoir storage behind three large dams Increase in power generation Canadian Benefits Upfront Payment of 50% of estimated prevented flood damage costs through 2024($64.4 Million) “Canadian Entitlement”- 50% of downstream power benefits(sold 1 st 30 years (2003) for 254 million) Bonneville Power Administration (US) and BC Hydro(Canada) created to implement treaty

9 Future Relations September 2024: pre-determined flood control obligations expire September 2014: First year either country can change the agreement Terminate the treaty Negotiate new flood control obligations and benefits Extend the existing obligations and benefits Both governments are currently reviewing the treaty

10 Tribal Relations Treaty of Walla Walla (1855)- “ The exclusive right of taking fish in all the streams where running through or bordering said reservations, is further secured to said confederated tribes and bands of Indians, as also the right of taking fish at all usual and accustomed places ” Both countries have pursued treaties with native populations to establish rights to land and resources Worster v. Georgia(1832) “several Indian nations” have legal status as “political communities within which their authority is exclusive.” Isaac Ingalls Stevens

11 Population Depletion Historically 15 million Salmon returned to the basin to spawn every year Decreased as both nations began to build dams Physically Blocks Path Increased Temperature Increased Nitrogen Levels In modern times; less than 2 million, mostly from hatcheries Many species are endangered Tribal Nations feel their rights are ignored

12 Response Fish ladders Bypass systems 1970-flew to snake R. Water filled elevators Lethal injection of sea Lions (2007) Studies on the impact of removing dams

13 Energy & Environment Marmot Dam-2007 Portland General Electric, Or Savage Rapids-2009 Bureau of Reclamation, Or Condit-2011 Pacific Corp, Wa

14 Other Tribal Concerns The Model Toxics Control Act (1996) establishes cleanup levels for surface waters assumed a fish consumption rate of 54.1 grams/day Tribes in the area eat about 389 grams/day. 2008- Tribes campaign for their needs to be reflected in cleanup legislation 2010 175 grams/d Oregon Water quality standard 583 grams/d consumption rate used for the Rayonier Cleanup

15 Questions? How do you think the US and Canada will handle the expiration of the C.R.T. in 2024? What, if any environmental issues should be considered in the revised Columbia River treaty? How well do you feel that Native American water issues have been managed in the Columbia River Basin? How do you think their needs should be addressed in the future?

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