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FROM PUBLIC TO PRIVATE GOOD Warszawa Peter Borén 2011.

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1 FROM PUBLIC TO PRIVATE GOOD Warszawa Peter Borén 2011


3 History from 1945 - 1970 traditional public good social classes state schools

4 1970 - 1994 traditional nine years for all pupils theoretical and vocational gymnasium adult education all schools a municipal responsibility (1990)

5 1994 - 2011 private good from rules to goals one gymnasium free schools knowledge and foster new pedagogical thinking

6 Visions life long learning compensation for social background one school for all the best school in Europé free choises

7 2011 - new curriculum and law new grade system new gymnasium new teacher education national evaluations more focus on knowledge teacher authorization

8 CONCLUSIONS no social equalization lower status for teachers more administration fewer pupils take languages and science courses mark inflation poorer results in PISA and other studies

9 CONCLUSIONS boys results goes down feminisation more pupils with special needs Ideology - research

10 FUTURE Educate for a multy professional society 1. communication skills 2. deliberative pedagogic 3. values (different cultures…..) 4. critical thinking 5. pupils experienses

11 TEACHERS 1. recruting 2. wages 3. status 4. in service education

12 PUPILS 1. boys 2. motivation 3. attitudes

13 RESEARCH more school orientaded methods keeping free from political ideology


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