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A dministrators F orum - F ebruary 11, 2014 2014 R ice U niversity S tudy O ffice and A dministrative S pace.

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Presentation on theme: "A dministrators F orum - F ebruary 11, 2014 2014 R ice U niversity S tudy O ffice and A dministrative S pace."— Presentation transcript:

1 A dministrators F orum - F ebruary 11, 2014 2014 R ice U niversity S tudy O ffice and A dministrative S pace


3 President’s Town Hall Meeting: “Space… on this campus is now unbelievably tight. It is too tight. In addition to that, it’s not clear that the space we have is optimally allocated,” “What tends to happen at Rice and other places … is once folks get space, they tend to keep the space whether or not it’s the optimal use.” David Leebron November 2013 Space as a Resource

4 President’s Town Hall Meeting: “Like other universities, we are going to have to get better at these kinds of things.” “We’ll be reviewing space around the campus to see how it’s allocated – which units might need a little less space, which units might need a little more – because if we can get more efficient, we can save money.” David Leebron November 2013 Utilization of Our Space Resource

5 President’s Town Hall Meeting: “Just figure, roughly, $600 per square foot. So every time you find 1,000 square feet you thought you didn’t have, that’s $600,000 you don’t have to spend.” David Leebron November 2013 Cost of Space


7 Recommendation: The Vice President for Administration should undertake a campus-wide study of office and administrative space using the standards and principles in this report.

8 Goal of the Study: Free up space to accommodate growth and emerging priorities in the short term, and to develop a long-term plan.

9 Scope of the Study: Visual Survey of all office and administrative space, including: South Campus BRC IBC Building Memorial Hermann Medical Plaza Building



12 Scope of the Study: Over 654,200 Square Feet of Space 70 Buildings Over 2,900 Rooms ~19% of All Assignable Space

13 Schedule: SurveyFebruary 25 - May 2 Data AnalysisMay 2 – May 22 ReportMay 23

14 What to Expect: Access to your workspace Brief Interruption Photographs

15 Key Takeaways: Office Space Survey February to May Space is a resource Space is not FREE


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