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Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS June 17, 2002 MSR Tutorial MSR Tutorial: MSR_Config and the AAL5_Download Utilitiy John DeHart Washington.

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Presentation on theme: "Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS June 17, 2002 MSR Tutorial MSR Tutorial: MSR_Config and the AAL5_Download Utilitiy John DeHart Washington."— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS June 17, 2002 MSR Tutorial MSR Tutorial: MSR_Config and the AAL5_Download Utilitiy John DeHart Washington University, Applied Research Lab

2 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS June 17, 2002 MSR Tutorial MSR_Config The MSR Configuration module and the beginnings of the MSR Control Processor Software

3 3 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart June 17, 2002 MSR Tutorial MSR Control Processor (CP) PC connected to MSR Port 0 CP Software runs on Linux or NetBSD –Will use threads in the future –Eventually it will probably be only Linux newGBNSC and Jammer –newGBNSC: WUGS Switch Controller Replaces old GBNSC –Jammer: WUGS scripting language interpreter –Not part of the CP –Can still be used for monitoring –CP takes care of its own WUGS connections it formulates and sends WUGS control cells directly

4 4 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart June 17, 2002 MSR Tutorial Current CP: MSR_Config Phases of Operation –Switch Reset (resets WUGS, SPCs and FPXs) –Switch Configuration Build connections needed by MSR –Discovery Determine what is on each port (SPC, FPX, Glink, …) –SPC Configure connections for Download Download –system(3) and shell script to invoke SPC utility: AAL5_Download –AAL5_Download to be discussed separately MSR Kernel Initialization –uses sendcmd API library –Run Currently: exit() Eventually: thread invocation

5 5 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart June 17, 2002 MSR Tutorial Source and Executables source location: wu_arl/msr/cp/configuration executable location: –wu_arl/msr/bin/$OSTYPE/MSR_Config Actually, probably doesn’t work from here right now because it is dependent on a few scripts which are kept in the source directory. For now, run it from the source directory:  cd wu_arl/msr/cp/configuration  Linux/MSR_Config –f config.MSR This is how we will do it in the exercises Scripts used ( located in wu_arl/msr/cp/configuration ) – (invokes AAL5_download…) –INITIALIZATION: uses libcmd APIC: wu_arl/msr/utils/command/cmdAPI.[ch] When you get idle time during exercises, look through the various scripts and source code.

6 6 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart June 17, 2002 MSR Tutorial MSR_Config Usage Typical usage:  cd wu_arl/msr/cp/configuration ./$OSTYPE/MSR_Config –f other options –drr: turn on DRR –dq: turn on Distributed Queueing -fipl: Turn on FIPL -d: turn on debug info -p: turn on WUGS read port test

7 7 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart June 17, 2002 MSR Tutorial AAL5_Download Replaces old download_APIC utility Can “shotgun” download to <= 8 SPCs at once –Puts exactly same kernel on all 8 –This works fine for MSR where we want same kernel –May not be good for all uses –“Shotgun” number controlled from command line Can download kernel and file system separately –no need to load file system into kernel before download –still need to load symbol version of kernel into file system before downloading Takes about 1 minute for the whole download and boot process.

8 8 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart June 17, 2002 MSR Tutorial AAL5_Download Implemented and runs in Stages: –Stage1 uses APIC Control cells to: reset the SPC(s) download Stage2 to run on the SPC(s) –Stage2 (boot.out) runs on the SPC runs SPC boot code to configure CPU and Northbridge configures APIC on SPC to use AAL5 descriptors sends pings back to CP, waiting for Stage3 receives AAL5 frames from Stage3 and sends ACK/NACK –Stage3 runs on PC syncs with Stage2 downloads the kernel or FS via 36KB AAL5 frames retransmits if any errors

9 9 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart June 17, 2002 MSR Tutorial Simple View VCI=21 PCSPC VCI=25 VCI=0x321 VCI=21 VCI=23 VCI=24 Stage1 APIC Stage3 Stage2

10 10 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart June 17, 2002 MSR Tutorial Sequential View PC Stage1 Stage3 SPC APIC Stage2 0x0 Boot and Stage2 0x0100000 Kernel and Filesystem 0x0FFE00 Boot ROM 0xFFFFFFF0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 SPC Memory Control cells AAL5 Frames RESET Reset cell

11 11 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart June 17, 2002 MSR Tutorial Source and Executables source location: wu_arl/utilities/SPC/AAL5Download binary location: –wu_arl/utilities/bin/$OSTYPE/Stage1 –wu_arl/utilities/bin/$OSTYPE/Stage3 –wu_arl/utilities/bin/$OSTYPE/ –wu_arl/utilities/bin/$OSTYPE/boot.out –wu_arl/utilities/bin/$OSTYPE/FindNM

12 12 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart June 17, 2002 MSR Tutorial Usage Individual command line commands –./Stage1 –shotgun 8 –svci 21 –rvci 21 –dvci 23 –uvci 24 –cvci 25 –./Stage3 –shotgun 8 –native netbsd.MSR –both 24 –./Stage3 –shotgun 8 –bss SPC24MB.fs –address 0x0196434 –both 24 -go script –./AAL5download 8 netbsd.MSR SCP24MB.fs 21 21 23 24 25 Use from MSR Configuration Module –system(;

13 13 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart June 17, 2002 MSR Tutorial Special Usage Note on Linux script: –needs to be able to determine the start location for the File System –NetBSD uses nm(1) –Linux nm(1) won’t work on a NetBSD binary –We have written a version of nm specifically for FindNM –FindNM is used automatically when is run on Linux

14 14 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart June 17, 2002 MSR Tutorial Usage >./ Usage:./ [ ] [ ][ ] [ ]

15 15 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart June 17, 2002 MSR Tutorial Stage1 Usage >./Stage1./Stage1: [vpi/vci data] [load info]./Stage1: [-svpi #] (VPI for local sending of AAL5 control cells (0))./Stage1: [-svci #] (VCI for local sending of AAL5 control cells)./Stage1: [-rvpi #] (VPI for local reading of AAL5 control cells (0))./Stage1: [-rvci #] (VCI for local reading of AAL5 control cells)./Stage1: [-cvpi #] (VPI for remote CC writes of AAL5 control cells (0))./Stage1: [-cvci #] (VCI for remote CC writes of AAL5 control cells)./Stage1: [-dvpi #] (VPI for local write of AAL5 data frames (0))./Stage1: [-dvci #] (VCI for local write of AAL5 data frames)./Stage1: [-uvpi #] (VPI for local read of AAL5 data frames (0))./Stage1: [-uvci #] (VCI for local read of AAL5 data frames)./Stage1: [-resp #] (Response port of AAL5 control cells)./Stage1: [-start #] (Initial VCI sequence (41, 42, 43, 44))./Stage1: [-watch 0x#] (Monitor location for changes)./Stage1: [-apic #] (Linux: Apic Id (0 <= X <= 3))./Stage1: [-abit #] (Alternating bit setting)./Stage1: [-file ] (Name of boot loader (boot.out))./Stage1: [-swap] (use htonl() on output)./Stage1: [-shotgun #] (multicast loading 8X)./Stage1: [-msr #] (VCI for MSR ONLY AAL5 data frames)./Stage1: [-address #] (Physical data write address (0))./Stage1: [-noreset] (do not write reset register)

16 16 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart June 17, 2002 MSR Tutorial Stage3 Usage >./Stage3 -help [-switches] (-help) args -bss Load.bss format file -native Load native uncompressed file -strip Remove Symbols from kernel -debug print lots of stuff -verbose Dump Elf headers -elf Elf format execution -rvpi Load VPI number -rvci Load VCI number -svpi Load VCI number -svci Load VCI number -both Set both VCI numbers -address Load file at -start Start file at -go Start kernel -shotgun Multicast loading 8X

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