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Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Biblical Notation Comunicación y Gerencia Isn’t This Exciting? Click to add Text.

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2 Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Biblical Notation Comunicación y Gerencia Isn’t This Exciting? Click to add Text

3 Biblical Notation Page 1 Let’s say I wanted you to read the fourth verse of the eighteenth chapter of Ezekiel Can someone tell me what that says? (open your Bible) It says, “For all lives are mine; the life of the father is like the life of the son, both are mine; only the one who sins shall die.” Okay, great! Now can anyone tell me how to write this in Biblical Notation? The correct answer is Ezekiel 18:4 Can anyone think of Biblical Notation that you often see at sports games?

4 Biblical Notation Page 2 The correct answer is John 3:16 Why do you think people hold this up in public places? Well to help you find the answer, let’s actually read what it says! “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but have eternal life.” In one sentence, we hear the truth of Christianity! So again, why do people hold up John 3:16 at public events?

5 Biblical Notation Page 3 Answer: To try and spread God’s message. Just FYI—This is not typical of Catholic people. We as Catholics are called to share the truth of Jesus Christ, but most of the people that would hold up signs like John 3:16 would most likely be Evangelical Protestants who believe that everyone who does not come to know Jesus Christ will not go to Heaven. This is NOT a belief of the Catholic Church! So let’s explore more about Biblical Notation!

6 Biblical Notation Page 4 If you notice at the top of any page in the Bible, there is a name of a book within the Bible. -This can be a persons name like Matthew or a word like Wisdom. -If I want to read from a certain book, the first thing I will put is the book’s name. -So if I want to read Genesis 4:11, from what book am I going to read from? -GOOD! -Now there is one exception. Some writers have split up their writings into more than one book such as Samuel and the author of the letter to the Corinthians.

7 Biblical Notation Page 5 -If I want to read from the second letter to the Corinthians, I will put the number of the book itself BEFORE the name. -Some examples—2 Corinthinans 3:11 1 Samuel 33:10 3 John 1:3 -Remember, if you see a number BEFORE the name of the book, then you know that it is referring to which one of the books to read.

8 Biblical Notation Page 6 So in John 3:16, what does the 3 mean? -Answer- the chapter number. Open your Bible to any page. You will see that it will actually say Chapter or there will be BIG numbers. These are the chapters. Chapters are longer and contain many sentences and paragraphs. THE FIRST NUMBER AFTER THE NAME OF THE BOOK IS ALWAYS THE CHAPTER. -Examples- Mark 4 Exodus 20

9 Biblical Notation Page 7 If you see just the name of a book and a chapter number, that means that you must read everything inside of that chapter. So if I wanted you to read Matthew 2, then you must read all of the second chapter of the Book of Matthew! Questions? Okay- lets learn about the dash It looks like this -> - If you see a dash, it means that you must read everything within including what is right before the dash and including what is right after the dash!

10 Biblical Notation Page 8 So if I gave you Ephesians 3-6 what do I need to read? Answer- Everything in the third, fourth, fifth and sixth chapters of Ephesians! Remember- You must include what comes after the dash. It does not mean you should stop before reading chapter 6. Okay, what does a colon look like? It looks like this -> : Whenever you see a colon, it means that you need to jump from chapter to verse. What’s a verse? Good question!

11 Biblical Notation Page 9 Open your Bible to any page. Within each paragraph you will see tiny numbers. Each number will usually be followed by one or two sentences (or even half a sentence) before you see another little number. This is a verse. There are many verses in each chapter. So what does the first verse of the first chapter of Genesis say? Answer: In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth… How do we write this?

12 Biblical Notation Page 10 Start with the book name Genesis Then include the chapter you are reading from. Genesis 1 Then you need a COLON to signify that the next number is going to be a verse. Genesis 1:1 So, someone tell me what the following verses say? Mark 5:8 Luke 11:21 Acts of the Apostles 9:9

13 Biblical Notation Page 11 Let’s take it a step further What are you going to read if I tell you to read Hebrews 11:16-19 Answer- Verses 16, 17, 18 and 19 in the 11 th chapter of the Book of Hebrews Now let’s learn about a SEMICOLON What does a semicolon look like? It looks like this -> ; If you see a semicolon, it means that you should jump from verse back up to chapter.

14 Biblical Notation Page 12 For example- I tell you to read John 12:14-16;18:9 What are you going to read? Answer- Verses 14, 15 and 16 of the 12 th chapter of John AND verse 9 of the 18 th chapter of John Anyone not understand? Let’s try another one. I tell you to read Mark 22:21-23;23:21-22;29:11 What are you going to read? Answer- Verses 21, 22 and 23 of the 22 nd chapter of Mark AND verses 21 and 22 of the 23 rd chapter of Mark AND verse 11 of the 29 th chapter of Mark.

15 Biblical Notation Page 13 Let’s give our minds a rest for a minute! 6jygRJk

16 Biblical Notation Page 14 Here’s an easy one– The comma What does a comma look like? Like this ->, A comma just means “and” So if I tell you to read Leviticus 3:4,9 What does this mean? That you should read the fourth and ninth verses of the third chapter of the Book of Leviticus How about Luke 4,8 What does this mean? That you should read the fourth and eighth chapters of the Gospel of Luke

17 Biblical Notation Page 15 ANY QUESTIONS SO FAR???

18 Biblical Notation Page 16 Finally, the most difficult thing. -There is one thing that is a little different -What am I asking you to read if I tell you to read this? -Matthew 4:21-5:4 -Answer, I want you to start with the 21 st verse of the fourth chapter of Matthew and read everything until you get to the 4 th verse of the fifth chapter of Matthew. -Open your Bibles to Matthew 4:21 Some more examples -Genesis 34:30-35:3 -Numbers 14:44-15:2;19:3,5

19 Biblical Notation Page 17 Okay! I think I have prepared you well! Just one more quick thing. The names of the Books have abbreviations. I will not ask you to memorize the abbreviations, but it may be good to become familiar with the following. -Please write these in your notes, -Mt-Matthew -Mk- Mark -Lk- Luke -Jn- John -Gen- Genesis -Ex- Exodus -Acts- Acts of the Apostles -Rev- Book of Revelation


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