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The Life & Mission of Christ The World Our Lord Was Born Into World Prepared for Messiah –Galatians 4:4 “fullness of time” –Daniel 2:44 “days of these.

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2 The Life & Mission of Christ

3 The World Our Lord Was Born Into World Prepared for Messiah –Galatians 4:4 “fullness of time” –Daniel 2:44 “days of these kings” –Malachi 3:1 “prepare the way” –Roman World Ideal for Messiah and the spread of His Message Romans brought measure of peace to Palestine & rest of world

4 The World Our Lord Was Born Into World Prepared for Messiah –Roman World Ideal for Messiah and the spread of His Message Rome built roads which joined the empire together – Palestine to Britain. Polytheism lost vitality Extreme immorality created desire for something different

5 The World Our Lord Was Born Into World Prepared for Messiah –Roman World Ideal for Messiah and the spread of His Message Roman Authority served as shield from unbelieving Jews Galatians 4:4 “But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law,”

6 The Nature of Messiah Human Mother – Born from a Virgin –Matthew 1:18-23 “God with us” –Luke 1:26-35 “virgin bear a Son” –John 3:16 “only begotten Son” –Jesus was Divine – God come down to earth –John 1:1,2; 8:56-59; 20:26-29 –Galatians 4:4 “born of a woman”

7 Life of Christ Birth & Early Life –Preparation with Mary & Elizabeth –Luke 1:5-25 –Luke Chapter 2 –Matthew 2:13-15; 2:22,23 –Mark 5:3 –Luke 2:40-49,52

8 Life of Christ Ministry of our Lord –John 1:15ff –Matthew 10:1-4; John 1:35-51 –Matthew Chapters 5-7 –Matthew 13:33-35 –Matthew 7:28,29 –John 20:30,31 –Matthew Chapters 24,25

9 Life of Christ Death, Burial & Resurrection –Matthew 16:21 –Matthew 21:7-11 –Matthew 26:20-29 –Matthew 26:47ff –Matthew 27:21-25,26 –Matthew 27:51-54 –Mark 15:39

10 Life of Christ Resurrection & Ascension –Luke 24:1-5 Tomb was empty – “Why seek living among the dead?” –1 Corinthians 15:1-7 Appeared to as many as 500 at once in a period of 40 days –Acts 1:10,11 Promised He would return

11 Mission & Work While Here on Earth John 3:16 Gave His life for sins of mankind Luke 19:10 “seek & save that which was lost” 1 Timothy 1:15 “came into the world to save sinners”

12 Mission & Work While Here on Earth To establish His kingdom / church –Matthew 16:16-18 “I will build My church” –Mark 9:1 “some standing here… see the kingdom of God present with power”

13 Mission & Work While Here on Earth To Bring a New Attitude for His people –John 13:34,35 –Point to the account of the Cross & say: “Take a long look – there is the Savior who died for you.”

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