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The Honors Program at Northeastern Clinton Central High School.

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1 The Honors Program at Northeastern Clinton Central High School

2 An honors program is a collection of academic classes reserved for: Top Performing Students

3 The honors program will be in effect in grades : 9, 10, 11, and 12

4 The honors program will be in effect in the four core subject areas: Math ELA Science Social Studies Science Social Studies

5 Honors Students: do not have to take honors classes in all four subject areas can participate in anywhere from one course to four courses each year

6 Advantages of an Honors Program Improved Educational Environment –Curious students will have the opportunity to learn more. –Higher level thinking skills can be taught more effectively. –There would be improved opportunity for quality discussion and debate. –Students would be in an environment where being smart is valued. –Top students would feel more comfortable answering questions and volunteering information. –Top students would be less likely to be bored and they would remain more involved in the educational process.

7 Advantages of an Honors Program Greater Academic Achievement –An honors program will lead to better achievement on Regents exams. –Top students in honors classes will be more prepared for CAP or AP offerings. –Strong students who are not in the honors program will be forced to step into leadership roles in classes.

8 Advantages of an Honors Program College Preparation –An Honors program would make it easier to weight courses when calculating GPAs. –Honors programs make students more competitive when applying to colleges. –An honors program will help make our top students more competitive in college classes.

9 Who Will Take Honors Courses? Students who have at least a 90 average during their last four quarters in core subject areas of interest will be encouraged to apply for the honors program in each of the subject areas in which they qualify. Students who do not have a 90 average in a particular subject area will not be prevented from applying for the honors program in that subject area.

10 In Order to Apply for an Honors Course, Students Must: fill out an application write a brief essay explaining why they want to be part of the honors program take a skills assessment in each of the academic areas to which they are applying provide a teacher recommendation in each of the academic areas to which they are applying provide an additional recommendation which attests to their qualifications for the program

11 Monitoring Progress in an Honors Course Student averages will be monitored at the end of the first 5 weeks. Any student with less than an 85 average in an honors course will discuss their progress with the instructor and the principal. The student will be put on an improvement plan or they will be dropped from the course. At the end of 10 weeks any student who does not have at least an 85 average will be dropped from the course unless special permission is granted by the principal and the instructor.

12 Who Will Teach Honors Classes? Any teacher in a core subject area who has interest in teaching an honors course will be encouraged to apply. An interview committee comprised of district administrators will conduct interviews for any disputed teaching positions.

13 It is the belief of the honors committee that an honors program at NCCS will help challenge our top students and that it will better prepare them for the college admission process, for rigorous college course work, and for future professional careers in the global workplace.

14 Honors Committee Members Stephen Gratto Jodi Marvin Carole Holmes Art Menard Betty Elliott Kathleen Pooler Al Hammel Kris Changelo Karen Jones Rob Seymour Nancy Warner Linda Houle Melissa Dudyak Tom Brandell

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