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ISOC and the Internet Governance Forum meeting in Rio Frédéric Donck Director of Public Policy.

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Presentation on theme: "ISOC and the Internet Governance Forum meeting in Rio Frédéric Donck Director of Public Policy."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISOC and the Internet Governance Forum meeting in Rio Frédéric Donck Director of Public Policy

2 IGF: multi-faceted entity An open multi-stakeholder forum for dialogue on Internet related matters An important platform & channel…but not the only one. 2.100 registered participants, of which 300 business & 550 governments “You get out what you put in”

3 ISOC and the IGF ISOC has supported the IGF since its inception The Forum is a good platform for communicating ISOC’s key messages to stakeholder communities and particularly governments Participation in the IGF is also a defensive play – we continue to be concerned about the intent of some governments vis-à-vis the Internet ISOC and the technical community’s presence was considerable in Rio – it was well received and appreciated.

4 Why is it important? The IGF is more than a Forum: it is about –Evolving models of engagement – multistakeholderism, bottom-up (Internet model) processes, borderless community building –Skills development and capacity building through discussion, experience sharing and good practices from around the globe –Leveraging opportunity though comparing and contrasting business models, regulatory, technical and societal approaches to access, diversity, openness and security –The next billion users……………

5 Why the IGF is different It provides an environment for frank discussion of a range of important issues to the future of the Internet. It is free of negotiation, arranged seating and lengthy policy statements; it was “neutral, non duplicative and non-binding” as per its mandate It encourages a discussion among equals approach that enables a broader and more open exchange of views than in a more traditional “inter-governmental” setting. It focuses on capacity building and development, recognizing the importance of the building of supportive enabling environments for facilitating Internet deployment.

6 ISOC at IGF Rio Significant presence –ISOC staff, trustees and members –11 ISOC Ambassadors –Sponsored speakers and key participants –ISOC Chapters Significant contribution –6 workshops/best practices sessions IPv4/v6; Access x 3; Root Server System –ISOC Open Forum ISOC overview and Chapter presentations Significant visibility: Opening session speaker: Lynn St.Amour Closing session speaker: Matthew Shears Many other ISOC-related speakers throughout main sessions and workshops True leadership position.

7 The IGF and Org members A unique environment in which key business and Internet themes can be communicated –Key messages of importance to business are being increasingly heard Support for predictable business and investment environments Need for competition and choice, etc. Private/public partnerships Many issues discussed in Rio were of interest to business: –Security, malware, authentication –Regulatory frameworks –Open standards, etc. Significant presence by ISOC Org members, across main panels, workshops, etc. –Overall business presence was greater than at IGF Athens.

8 Critical Internet resources Main session Approach taken addressed CIR very broadly The discussion was relatively muted (and not as difficult as we might have imagined) and included access issues and a range of issues unrelated to the DNS, IP addressing and the root servers Google’s Vint Cerf, LACNIC’s Raul Echeberria and Nominet's Lesley Cowley (all Org members) were main session speakers. Workshops (among others) –IPv4 v6: Organized by ISOC, JPNIC (Org member) and the NRO. Provided a baseline/educational approach to the issue with a clear message of the need to incorporate transition planning in strategy as soon as possible. AC member Jonne Soininen from Nokia Siemens Networks represented business interests; Trustee Patrik Faltstrom (Cisco) also was a workshop speaker. –Root Server System: Organised by ISOC, GIPI, ICANN. Similar educational approach – focused on practical aspects (functioning, purpose etc.) rather than political dimension.

9 Key issues for future IGFs A number of issues were identified during Rio (non exhaustive): –Rights – and specifically the issue of an Internet Bill of Rights –Child protection issues –User generated content and the responsibility of users –Anonymity –Privacy, identity and authentication –Security – at a national and international level –Access – while not an emerging issue it was identified as the KEY issue for Africa –Regulation and the borderless Internet – how does a regulatory authority address issues that make nonsense of the traditional definition of the nation-state?

10 The road to Delhi IGF Delhi:December 8-11, 2008 Political issues for resolution The “real” challenge: –The technical community had a significant role in shaping the IGF and particularly IGF Rio –now the challenge is to lead its evolution through 2010 –How to make a difference at local level (“the virtuous circle”) We look forward to working with the Org members on the road to Delhi.

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