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Component Assembly Description Compiler Sue (Shufeng) Li MSE Project Presentation 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Component Assembly Description Compiler Sue (Shufeng) Li MSE Project Presentation 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Component Assembly Description Compiler Sue (Shufeng) Li MSE Project Presentation 3

2  Project overview  Assessment evaluation  Project Evaluation  Demo  References Outline

3 Assembling Component Scenarios …moving up to 1000+ components

4 system ModalSP { locations l1,l2,l3; rates 1,5,20,60; instance AirFrame of BMLazyActive on l2 { connect dataAvailable to GPS.dataCurrent atRate 20 connect dataIn to GPS.dataOut instance GPS of BMDevice on l2 { connect timeout to EventChannel.timeout20 } … Cadena Component Assembly GPS : BM__DeviceComponent 20Hz High Priority 1. Push() 4. GetData() airframe : BM__LazyActiveComponent create instance of LazyActive component called AirFrame

5 system ModalSP { locations l1,l2,l3; rates 1,5,20,60; instance AirFrame of BMLazyActive on l2 { connect dataAvailable to GPS.dataCurrent atRate 20 connect dataIn to GPS.dataOut instance GPS of BMDevice on l2 { connect timeout to EventChannel.timeout20 } … Cadena Component Assembly GPS : BM__DeviceComponent 20Hz High Priority 1. Push() 4. GetData() airframe : BM__LazyActiveComponent connect event INPUT port of current component to event OUTPUT port of GPS component

6 system ModalSP { locations l1,l2,l3; rates 1,5,20,60; instance AirFrame of BMLazyActive on l2 { connect dataAvailable to GPS.dataCurrent atRate 20 connect dataIn to GPS.dataOut instance GPS of BMDevice on l2 { connect timeout to EventChannel.timeout20 } … Cadena Component Assembly GPS : BM__DeviceComponent 20Hz High Priority 1. Push() 4. GetData() airframe : BM__LazyActiveComponent connect data INPUT port of current component to data OUTPUT port of GPS component

7 Assembly Description Compiler Component Assembly Description Compiler Java Assembly code Java Assembly code Boeing OEP XML file Event Service Connection XML file Component Assembly Description

8 Assessment evaluation - Coverage testing  Fifteen test cases  Java assembly code generation –53 blocks Scenario name Coverage BasicSP.scenario51/53 ModalSP.scenario52/53 MediumSP.scenario36/53 basicCoverage.scenario52/53

9 Assessment evaluation - Coverage testing (cont’d)  KSU Event Service configuration connection XML file generation –27 blocks Scenario name Coverage BasicSP.scenario14/27 ModalSP_modified.scenario26/27 ModalSP.scenario(modified.idl3s) 27/27

10  Boeing OEP XML file generation –109 blocks –Eight error message blocks are not covered Assessment evaluation - Coverage testing (cont’d) Scenario name coverage BasicSP.scenario64/109 ModalSP.scenario73/109 MediumSP_modified.scenario77/109 BasicMP.scenario76/109 MulriRateMP.scenario76/109 MultirateMP_switch.scenario78/109

11 Assessment evaluation – Error handling  Not enough information in property file –reports “ not found in ” and exits  Empty scenario file –reports “scenario is empty” and exits  Unreachable output file –reports “ can’t be found” and exits.

12 Assessment evaluation - Integration testing  Purpose: to generate the output files and use them in their corresponding environment.  Java assembly code generation –Input and output –Basicsp, modalsp, mediumsp are successful Scenario Output (lines) basicsp.scenario (127) modalsp.scenario (279) mediumsp.scenario (432) basicmp.scenario (99) multirate.scenario (135)

13 Assessment evaluation - Integration testing (cont’d)  KSU Event Service configuration connection XML file generation –Input and output –Basicsp, modalsp scenario are successful Scenario Output (lines) basicsp.scenario connection_basicsp.xml (69) modalsp.scenario connection_modalsp.xml (179) mediumsp.scenario connection_mediumsp.xml (1369) basicmp.scenario connection_basicmp.xml (47) multirate.scenario connection_multiratemp.xml (135)

14 Assessment evaluation - Integration testing (cont’d)  Boeing OEP XML file generation –Input and output –Basicsp, modalsp scenario are successful Scenario Output (lines) basicsp.scenario boeing_basicsp.xml (117) modalsp.scenario boeing_modalsp.xml (382) mediumsp.scenario boeing_mediumsp.xml (2406) basicmp.scenario boeing_basicmp.xml (137) multirate.scenario boeing_multiratemp.xml (272)

15 Assessment evaluation (cont’d)  Failure rate –0/15 = 0  Reliability estimates –Test on each node of AST –Test on complex test cases

16 Project evaluation  Idea accomplishment  Quality of the product –Correctness  Coverage test, integration test, and abnormal condition handing test  Low failure rate during test –Maintainability  Uses tree-walking structure  Follows Java programming styles guidelines and Cadena developer guidelines –Integrity  Simple integration interface –Usability  Simple and friendly user interface

17 Project evaluation (cont’d)  Methodologies - tree walking structure –Easy to use –Easy to maintain –Possible less errors

18 Project evaluation – Accuracy of the estimations Planed time Actual time Phase110/15/200210/30/2002 Phase23/20/20037/29/2003 Phase35/10/20039/30/2003 Time estimation: LOC estimation:PlanedActualLOC35002800

19 Project evaluation (cont’d)  Future work –The property file –Correlation event connection –Different output from Boeing OEP XML file

20 Demo User interface:

21 Demo (cont’d)  Output examples – –Connection.xml Connection.xml –BasicSP.xml BasicSP.xml

22 References  CORBA & CCM, OMG, CORBA 3.0 new Components Chapters, OpenORB CORBA & CCM OMGCORBA 3.0 new Components ChaptersOpenORB CORBA & CCM OMGCORBA 3.0 new Components ChaptersOpenORB  CORBA Component Model Tutorial CORBA Component Model Tutorial CORBA Component Model Tutorial  CORBA Component Model: Discussion and Use with OpenCCM (Rapha ë l Marvie, Philippe Merle )  Cadena: An Integrated Development, Analysis, and Verification Environment for Component-based Systems, John Hatcliff, William Deng, Matthew Dwyer, Georg Jung, Venkatesh Prasad (submitted for publication -- SAnToS Laboratory Technical Report 2002-02): Cadena: An Integrated Development, Analysis, and Verification Environment for Component-based Systems Cadena: An Integrated Development, Analysis, and Verification Environment for Component-based Systems  Gerald Brose, Andreas Vogel, Keith Duddy, Java Programming with CORBA, Third Edition, ISBN: 0-471-37681-7, 2001  CIS771 homework,  The Alloy Analyzer reference manual reference manualreference manual  Cadena Scenario, Cadena tutorial Cadena ScenarioCadena tutorial Cadena ScenarioCadena tutorial  The developer guidelines of Cadena The developer guidelines of Cadena The developer guidelines of Cadena    Software Engineering: A Practitioner ’ s Approach, Roger S. Pressman, 5th edition

23 Acknowledgement  Team members –Qiang Zeng, Prashant Shanti Kumar, Adam Childs, Jesse Greenwald, and Venkatesh Prasad Ranganath  Committee: –Dr. Hatcliff –Dr. Hankley –Dr. Dwyer  William Deng

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