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Chapters 12- 15 Test Review SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS.  Vocab:  Homogamy  Heterogamy  Nuclear family  Polygyny  Family  Sandwich generation  Polyandry.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapters 12- 15 Test Review SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS.  Vocab:  Homogamy  Heterogamy  Nuclear family  Polygyny  Family  Sandwich generation  Polyandry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapters 12- 15 Test Review SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS

2  Vocab:  Homogamy  Heterogamy  Nuclear family  Polygyny  Family  Sandwich generation  Polyandry  Key concepts:  What functions does the family fulfill?  What factors contribute to the higher divorce rate?  Why are people marrying later/what has led to an increase of women in the workforce? FAMILY- CHAPTER 12

3  Vocab:  Adam Smith  Capitalism  Supply and demand  E-commerce  Power  Legitimate power  Political party  Key Concepts:  Capitalist vs. socialist countries  Three economic sectors– types of industries associated with each  Politics in your daily life– examples  Types of government (two) THE ECONOMY & POLITICS- CHAPTER 13

4  Vocab:  Education  Schooling  Hidden curriculum  Tracking  Religion  Ethicalism  Animism  Monotheism/polytheism  Shamanism  Key Concepts:  Functionalist, conflict and interactionist views on education  Features of religion  Sacred vs. profane EDUCATION AND RELIGION- CHAPTER 14

5  Vocab:  Scientific method  Paradigm  Matthew Effect  Universalism  Mass media  Digital divide  Opinion leader  Spiral of silence  Key Concepts:  Enlightenment period– role it plays in the history of science  Norms/realities of science  Knowledge-gap hypothesis  Examples of mass media SCIENCE AND MASS MEDIA- CHAPTER 15

6  y2.gif y2.gif  _OSAeGBz7M4/TfoyWDeDeKI/AAAAAAAAAEs/YUBI4hjVSAI/s1 600/78159340-economy-and-politics.jpg _OSAeGBz7M4/TfoyWDeDeKI/AAAAAAAAAEs/YUBI4hjVSAI/s1 600/78159340-economy-and-politics.jpg  _Education_Services_Office/files/education.jpg _Education_Services_Office/files/education.jpg  8/World-religions.PNG/350px-World-religions.PNG 8/World-religions.PNG/350px-World-religions.PNG  pg pg  PICTURE LINKS

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