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Inferring gene regulatory networks from transcriptomic profiles Dirk Husmeier Biomathematics & Statistics Scotland.

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Presentation on theme: "Inferring gene regulatory networks from transcriptomic profiles Dirk Husmeier Biomathematics & Statistics Scotland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inferring gene regulatory networks from transcriptomic profiles Dirk Husmeier Biomathematics & Statistics Scotland

2 Overview Introduction Application to synthetic biology Lessons from DREAM

3 Network reconstruction from postgenomic data

4 Accuracy Computational complexity Methods based on correlation and mutual information Conditional independence graphs Mechanistic models Bayesian networks

5 Accuracy Computational complexity Methods based on correlation and mutual information Conditional independence graphs Mechanistic models Bayesian networks

6 direct interaction common regulator indirect interaction co-regulation Pairwise associations do not take the context of the systeminto consideration Shortcomings

7 Accuracy Computational complexity Methods based on correlation and mutual information Conditional independence graphs Mechanistic models Bayesian networks

8 Conditional Independence Graphs (CIGs) 2 2 1 1 Direct interaction Partial correlation, i.e. correlation conditional on all other domain variables Corr(X 1,X 2 |X 3,…,X n ) Problem: #observations < #variables  Covariance matrix is singular strong partial correlation π 12 Inverse of the covariance matrix

9 Accuracy Computational complexity Methods based on correlation and mutual information Conditional independence graphs Mechanistic models Bayesian networks

10 Model Parameters q Probability theory  Likelihood

11 1) Practical problem: numerical optimization q 2) Conceptual problem: overfitting ML estimate increases on increasing the network complexity

12 Overfitting problem True pathway Poorer fit to the data Equal or better fit to the data

13 Regularization E.g.: Bayesian information criterion Maximum likelihood parameters Number of parameters Number of data points Data misfit term Regularization term

14 Complexity LikelihoodBIC

15 Model selection: find the best pathway Select the model with the highest posterior probability: This requires an integration over the whole parameter space:

16 Problem: huge computational costs q

17 Accuracy Computational complexity Methods based on correlation and mutual information Conditional independence graphs Mechanistic models Bayesian networks

18 Friedman et al. (2000), J. Comp. Biol. 7, 601-620 Marriage between graph theory and probability theory

19 Bayes net ODE model

20 Model Parameters q Bayesian networks: integral analytically tractable!

21 UAI 1994

22 [A]= w1[P1] + w2[P2] + w3[P3] + w4[P4] + noise Linearity assumption A P1 P2 P4 P3 w1 w4 w2 w3

23 t1t1 t2t2 t3t3 t4t4 t5t5 t6t6 t7t7 t8t8 t9t9 t 10 X (1) X 1,1 X 1,2 X 1,3 X 1,4 X 1,5 X 1,6 X 1,7 X 1,8 X 1,9 X 1,10 X (2) X 2,1 X 2,2 X 2,3 X 2,4 X 2,5 X 2,6 X 2,7 X 2,8 X 2,9 X 2,10 X (3) X 3,1 X 3,2 X 3,3 X 3,4 X 3,5 X 3,6 X 3,7 X 3,8 X 3,9 X 3,10 X (4) X 4,1 X 4,2 X 4,3 X 4,4 X 4,5 X 4,6 X 4,7 X 4,8 X 4,9 X 4,10 Homogeneity assumption

24 Accuracy Computational complexity Methods based on correlation and mutual information Conditional independence graphs Mechanistic models Bayesian networks

25 Example: 4 genes, 10 time points t1t1 t2t2 t3t3 t4t4 t5t5 t6t6 t7t7 t8t8 t9t9 t 10 X (1) X 1,1 X 1,2 X 1,3 X 1,4 X 1,5 X 1,6 X 1,7 X 1,8 X 1,9 X 1,10 X (2) X 2,1 X 2,2 X 2,3 X 2,4 X 2,5 X 2,6 X 2,7 X 2,8 X 2,9 X 2,10 X (3) X 3,1 X 3,2 X 3,3 X 3,4 X 3,5 X 3,6 X 3,7 X 3,8 X 3,9 X 3,10 X (4) X 4,1 X 4,2 X 4,3 X 4,4 X 4,5 X 4,6 X 4,7 X 4,8 X 4,9 X 4,10

26 t1t1 t2t2 t3t3 t4t4 t5t5 t6t6 t7t7 t8t8 t9t9 t 10 X (1) X 1,1 X 1,2 X 1,3 X 1,4 X 1,5 X 1,6 X 1,7 X 1,8 X 1,9 X 1,10 X (2) X 2,1 X 2,2 X 2,3 X 2,4 X 2,5 X 2,6 X 2,7 X 2,8 X 2,9 X 2,10 X (3) X 3,1 X 3,2 X 3,3 X 3,4 X 3,5 X 3,6 X 3,7 X 3,8 X 3,9 X 3,10 X (4) X 4,1 X 4,2 X 4,3 X 4,4 X 4,5 X 4,6 X 4,7 X 4,8 X 4,9 X 4,10 Standard dynamic Bayesian network: homogeneous model

27 Limitations of the homogeneity assumption

28 Our new model: heterogeneous dynamic Bayesian network. Here: 2 components t1t1 t2t2 t3t3 t4t4 t5t5 t6t6 t7t7 t8t8 t9t9 t 10 X (1) X 1,1 X 1,2 X 1,3 X 1,4 X 1,5 X 1,6 X 1,7 X 1,8 X 1,9 X 1,10 X (2) X 2,1 X 2,2 X 2,3 X 2,4 X 2,5 X 2,6 X 2,7 X 2,8 X 2,9 X 2,10 X (3) X 3,1 X 3,2 X 3,3 X 3,4 X 3,5 X 3,6 X 3,7 X 3,8 X 3,9 X 3,10 X (4) X 4,1 X 4,2 X 4,3 X 4,4 X 4,5 X 4,6 X 4,7 X 4,8 X 4,9 X 4,10

29 t1t1 t2t2 t3t3 t4t4 t5t5 t6t6 t7t7 t8t8 t9t9 t 10 X (1) X 1,1 X 1,2 X 1,3 X 1,4 X 1,5 X 1,6 X 1,7 X 1,8 X 1,9 X 1,10 X (2) X 2,1 X 2,2 X 2,3 X 2,4 X 2,5 X 2,6 X 2,7 X 2,8 X 2,9 X 2,10 X (3) X 3,1 X 3,2 X 3,3 X 3,4 X 3,5 X 3,6 X 3,7 X 3,8 X 3,9 X 3,10 X (4) X 4,1 X 4,2 X 4,3 X 4,4 X 4,5 X 4,6 X 4,7 X 4,8 X 4,9 X 4,10 Our new model: heterogeneous dynamic Bayesian network. Here: 3 components

30 Learning with MCMC q k h Number of components (here: 3) Allocation vector

31 Learning with MCMC q k h Number of components (here: 3) Allocation vector

32 Non-homogeneous model  Non-linear model

33 [A]= w1[P1] + w2[P2] + w3[P3] + w4[P4] + noise BGe: Linear model A P1 P2 P4 P3 w1 w4 w2 w3

34 Can we get an approximate nonlinear model without data discretization? y x

35 Idea: piecewise linear model y x

36 t1t1 t2t2 t3t3 t4t4 t5t5 t6t6 t7t7 t8t8 t9t9 t 10 X (1) X 1,1 X 1,2 X 1,3 X 1,4 X 1,5 X 1,6 X 1,7 X 1,8 X 1,9 X 1,10 X (2) X 2,1 X 2,2 X 2,3 X 2,4 X 2,5 X 2,6 X 2,7 X 2,8 X 2,9 X 2,10 X (3) X 3,1 X 3,2 X 3,3 X 3,4 X 3,5 X 3,6 X 3,7 X 3,8 X 3,9 X 3,10 X (4) X 4,1 X 4,2 X 4,3 X 4,4 X 4,5 X 4,6 X 4,7 X 4,8 X 4,9 X 4,10 Inhomogeneous dynamic Bayesian network with common changepoints

37 Inhomogenous dynamic Bayesian network with node-specific changepoints t1t1 t2t2 t3t3 t4t4 t5t5 t6t6 t7t7 t8t8 t9t9 t 10 X (1) X 1,1 X 1,2 X 1,3 X 1,4 X 1,5 X 1,6 X 1,7 X 1,8 X 1,9 X 1,10 X (2) X 2,1 X 2,2 X 2,3 X 2,4 X 2,5 X 2,6 X 2,7 X 2,8 X 2,9 X 2,10 X (3) X 3,1 X 3,2 X 3,3 X 3,4 X 3,5 X 3,6 X 3,7 X 3,8 X 3,9 X 3,10 X (4) X 4,1 X 4,2 X 4,3 X 4,4 X 4,5 X 4,6 X 4,7 X 4,8 X 4,9 X 4,10

38 NIPS 2009

39 Non-stationarity in the regulatory process

40 Non-stationarity in the network structure

41 Flexible network structure.

42 Flexible network structure with regularization



45 ICML 2010

46 Morphogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster Gene expression measurements over 66 time steps of 4028 genes (Arbeitman et al., Science, 2002). Selection of 11 genes involved in muscle development. Zhao et al. (2006), Bioinformatics 22

47 Transition probabilities: flexible structure with regularization Morphogenetic transitions: Embryo  larva larva  pupa pupa  adult



50 Overview Introduction Application to synthetic biology Lessons from DREAM




54 Can we learn the switch Galactose  Glucose? Can we learn the network structure?

55 NIPS 2010

56 Node 1 Node i Node p Hierarchical Bayesian model




60 Node 1 Node i Node p Hierarchical Bayesian model

61 Exponential versus binomial prior distribution Exploration of various information sharing options

62 Task 1: Changepoint detection Switch of the carbon source: Galactose  Glucose


64 Task 2: Network reconstruction Precision Proportion of identified interactions that are correct Recall Proportion of true interactions that we successfully recovered

65 BANJO: Conventional homogeneous DBN TSNI: Method based on differential equations Inference: optimization, “best” network


67 Sample of high-scoring networks

68 Feature extraction, e.g. marginal posterior probabilities of the edges

69 Galactose

70 Glucose


72 PriorCouplingAverage AUC None 0.70 ExponentialHard0.77 BinomialHard0.75 BinomialSoft0.75 Average performance over both phases: Galactose and glucose

73 How are we getting from here …

74 … to there ?!

75 Overview Introduction Application to synthetic biology Lessons from DREAM

76 DREAM: Dialogue for Reverse Engineering Assessments and Methods International network reconstruction competition: June-Sept 2010 Network# Transcription Factors # Genes# Chips Network 1 (in silico) 1951643805 Network 2992810160 Network 33344511805 Network 43335950536

77 Marco Grzegorczyk University of Dortmund Germany Frank Dondelinger BioSS / University of Edinburgh United Kingdom Sophie Lèbre Université de Strasbourg France Our team Andrej Aderhold BioSS / University of St Andrews United Kingdom

78 Our model: Developed for time series Data: Different experimental conditions, perturbations (e.g. ligand injection), interventions (e.g. gene knock-out, overexpression), time points How do we get an ordering of the genes?

79 PCA

80 SOM

81 No time series  Use 1-dim SOM to get a chip order

82 Ordering of chips  changepoint model

83 Problems with MCMC convergence Network# Transcription Factors # Genes# Chips Network 1 (in silico) 1951643805 Network 2992810160 Network 33344511805 Network 43335950536

84 Problems with MCMC convergence Network# Transcription Factors # Genes# Chips Network 1 (in silico) 1951643805 Network 2992810160 Network 33344511805 Network 43335950536 PNAS 2009

85 [A]= w1[P1] + w2[P2] + w3[P3] + w4[P4] + noise Linear model A P1 P2 P4 P3 w1 w4 w2 w3

86 L1 regularized linear regression

87 Problems with MCMC convergence Network# Transcription Factors # Genes# Chips Network 1 (in silico) 1951643805 Network 2992810160 Network 33344511805 Network 43335950536

88 Problems with MCMC convergence Network# Transcription Factors # Genes# Chips Network 1 (in silico) 1951643805 Network 2992810160 Network 33344511805 Network 43335950536

89 Assessment Participants Had to submit rankings of all interactions Organisers Computed areas under 1)Precision-recall curves 2)ROC curves (plotting sensitivity=recall against specificity)

90 Uncertainty about the best network structure Limited number of experimental replications, high noise

91 Sample of high-scoring networks

92 Feature extraction, e.g. marginal posterior probabilities of the edges

93 Sample of high-scoring networks Feature extraction, e.g. marginal posterior probabilities of the edges High-confident edge High-confident non-edge Uncertainty about edges

94 ROC curves True positive rate Sensitivity False positive rate Complementary specificity

95 Definition of metrics Total number of true edges Total number of predicted edges Total number of non-edges Total number of true edges

96 The relation between Precision-Recall (PR) and ROC curves

97 Better performance

98 Assessment Participants Had to submit rankings of all interactions Organisers Computed areas under 1)Precision-recall curves 2)ROC curves (plotting sensitivity=recall against specificity)



101 Proportion of recovered true edges Proportion of avoided non-edges AUROC = 0.5


103 Joint work with Wolfgang Lehrach on ab initio prediction of protein interactions AUROC= 0.61,0.67,0.67


105 ICML 2006

106 The relation between Precision-Recall (PR) and ROC curves Better performance

107 Potential advantage of Precision-Recall (PR) over ROC curves Large number of negative examples (TN+FP) Large change in FP may have a small effect on the false positive rate Large change in FP has a strong effect on the precision Small difference Large difference





112 Room for improvement: Higher-dimensional changepoint process Perturbations Experimental conditions

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