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Order of Operations. BrainPop!  bersandoperations/orderofoperations/ preview.weml bersandoperations/orderofoperations/

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Presentation on theme: "Order of Operations. BrainPop!  bersandoperations/orderofoperations/ preview.weml bersandoperations/orderofoperations/"— Presentation transcript:

1 Order of Operations

2 BrainPop!  bersandoperations/orderofoperations/ preview.weml bersandoperations/orderofoperations/ preview.weml

3 Definition  The order in which mathematicians perform math problems. 1)Parenthesis – working inward outward 2)Exponents 3)Multiply or Divide – Left to Right 4)Add or Subtract – Left to Right

4 Mnemonic P lease Parenthesis ( ) E xcuse Exponents M y D ear Multiply or Divide – Left to Right A unt S ally Add or Subtract – Left to Right

5 PEMDAS Hopscotch Parenthesis ( ) Exponentsx Multiply x Divide / Add + Subtract - Always read from left to right as you complete each step!

6 Example 1: 2 x 3 - (4-2) + 3 2 Multiplication Parenthesis Subtraction Addition Exponents

7 2 x 3 - (4-2) + 3 2 2 x 3 - 2 + 3 2 Parenthesis Exponents 6 - 2 + 9 Multiply 2 x 3 - 2 + 9 Add or Subtract – Left to Right 4 + 9 13

8 Example 2: 4 X 6 – (3 + 4) + 2 2 Multiplication Parenthesis Subtraction Addition Exponents

9 4 X 6 – (3 + 4) + 2 2 4 x 6 - 7 + 2 2 Parenthesis Exponents 24 – 7 + 4 Multiply 4 X 6 – 7 + 4 Add or Subtract – Left to Right 17 + 4 21

10 Practice Problems 1.3 + 5 x 7 2.(1 + 3) x (8 - 4) 3.6 - 6 + (7 - 0) - 7 4.4 - 3 + (5 - 1) - 3 5.3 + 9 x 8 – 6 2 6.24 / 6 x 2 x 2 / 4 7.2+3 x (4+(6 x 3-8)) x2 Answer

11 3 + 5 x 7 3 + 35 38 Back

12 (1 + 3) x (8 - 4) 4 x (8 – 4) 4 x 4 16 Back

13 6 - 6 + (7 - 0) – 7 6 – 6 + 7 - 7 0 + 7 – 7 7 – 7 0 Back

14 4 - 3 + (5 - 1) – 3 4 – 3 + 4 -3 1 + 4 – 3 5 – 3 2 Back

15 3 + 9 x 8 – 6 2 3 + 9 X 8 – 36 3 + 72 – 36 75 – 36 39 Back

16 24 / 6 x 2 x 2 / 4 4 x 2 x 2 / 4 8 x 2 / 4 16 / 4 4 Back

17 2+3 x (4+(6 x 3-8)) x2 2 + 3 x (4 + (18 – 8)) x 2 2 + 3 x (4 + 10) x 2 2 + 3 x 14 x 2 2 + 42 x 2 2 + 84 86 Back

18 Practice  In your textbook, Page: Numbers:

19 Review  evaluate-a-numerical-expression- using-order-of-operations evaluate-a-numerical-expression- using-order-of-operations

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