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Public Procurement Reforms

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1 Public Procurement Reforms
By. Naeem Abbas PPRA

2 Definition of Government Procurement
Procurement by government agencies Public Sector Organizations With major Govt. Equity With minor Govt. Equity Under control of Govt. (No Govt. Equity) Orgs with other forms of Govt. funding

3 Objectives of Procurement Reforms
Economy (Value for money) Efficiency Transparency Accountability Competitiveness Fairness

4 Past Regulatory Environment
Procurement under GFR Procurements by Corporate Sector Procurements by Statutory Bodies Classified Procurements

5 Present Regulatory Framework
Enabling Legislation PPRA Ordinance 2002 Subsidiary Legislation Public Procurement Rules, 2004 Public Procurement Regulations

6 Composition of PPRA Board
Secretary, Finance Division: Chairman Secretary, MoI &P: Member Secretary, D P Division: Member Secretary, MoW & P: Member Secretary, Mo H & W: Member Secretary, M o C: Member Syed Nizam Shah: Private Member Mr. Javed Hussain: Private Member Mr. Munawar Hameed: Private Member Managing Director (PPRA): Member

7 Functions of PPRA Monitor application of the procurement laws, rules, regulations, policies and procedures; Monitor the implementation of and evaluate laws, rules, regulations, policies and procedures, inspections and quality of goods, services and works and recommend reformulation thereof; Recommend to the Federal Government revisions in or formulation of new procurement laws, rules and policies;

8 Functions (Contd.) Make regulations and lay down code of ethics and procedures for public procurement; Monitor public procurement practices and make recommendations to improve governance, transparency, accountability and quality of public procurement; Monitor overall performance of procuring agencies and make recommendations for improvements;

9 Functions (Contd.) Provide and coordinate assistance to procuring agencies for developing their institutional framework; Call any functionary of procuring agencies to provide assistance.

10 Steps Involved in Redesigning New Procedures
Study of Existing Procedures Identification of Redundant & Non Transparent Procedures Redesigning New Procedures Emergency Procedures

11 Procurement Cycle Contract Administration
Planning/Designing specifications Payments Pre-qualification Grievance Redressal Solicitation of Bids Contract Award Bids opening and Evaluation

12 Public Procurement Rules, 2004 Main Features
Protection to Intergovernmental commitments & International Agencies Integrity Pacts. Rs 10 million and above Procurement Planning Limitation on Splitting of Tenders Promotion of stipulating generic specifications Bid Evaluation Criteria to be stated in Invitation to Bids Methods of Advertisement

13 Public Procurement Rules, 2004 Main Features
Limitation on Negotiations Date of Exchange Rates to be prescribed in the bidding documents Grounds for rejection of bids to be intimated to unsuccessful Bidders

14 Prequalification/Qualification & Disqualification of Contracts
Relevant Experience Capabilities – Personnel/Equipment Financial Position Managerial capabilities of the contractor Disqualification & Blacklisting of consultants and contractors

15 Solicitation of Proposals
Selection of Appropriate bidding process Wide advertisement for competitive bids Evaluation criteria declared in advance Selection of Appropriate Bidding Documents

16 Procedures of Open Competitive Bidding
Open Competitive Bidding, Principal Method Single Stage. Two Envelope Procedure. Two Stage Bidding Process. Technical proposal without price for uniform specifications. Price proposals on the basis of uniform technical specifications. Two Stage Two Envelope Bidding First stage technical proposal & financial proposal Second Stage – Revised Technical Proposal – Supplementary Financial Proposal.

17 Alternative Methods of Procurement
Petty Purchases Request for Quotations Direct Contracting Negotiated Tendering

18 Implementation Information Dissemination Advisory Services
Complaint Redressal Preliminary Dispute Resolution Mechanism

19 Monitoring Internal Pre/Post Audit Procedures
Audit by the Auditor General Procurement Audits by Private Sector Auditors

20 Grievance Redressal Committees within procuring entity
2nd tier grievance redressal Mohtasib’s office Judicial Remedy

21 Payment Regulations On account payments Closing of Contracts

22 Closing of Contracts Resolution of Contractor’s Claims
Completion of Project Reports Historical Files to Retain: Requirements of Auditor General Post Completion Evaluation

23 Contract Administration
Execution & Management of Contracts Appropriate Funds Availability Payments to Contractors Tracking Supply Schedules Management of changes/variations to Procurements

24 Our Approach Two Step Regulations
General Regulations applicable on all Public Sector Procuring Agencies Advertisement of Requirements, Time for submission of bids, Bid evaluation criteria and its publicity, level of advertisement, etc Organization Specific Regulations Specific circumstances of PSE’s Delegation of Powers, Declaration of Emergency and Emergent Procurement Procedures, Payment Procedures etc.

25 Thank You

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